What I have done is owned up to drinking problem, I have told my adult children that I want to change my drinking habits. I have been accountable to myself(pride), changed my evening routines, and drank plenty of water during the day and walked the tread mill a little more. I have spent the vast part of my evening reading the threads and post on MWO; absorbing the wisdom of senior member and the frustration-saddness of the just starting out.
I am feeling very strong in my resolve to be AF for the majoity of my days .I have been modding and I have 20 AF days so far. I think however I would like to be able to have a social drink on occasion. This I believe, Roberta Jewel and Dr Garcia say some of us are able to do.
I haven't had that feeling that I want to have a drink for over two weeks.
I have not been in a circumstance where I might choose to have one then one drink.
I must admitt though that I am a little nervous about the weakness showing up again.
I have read that the L Glutumine works almost instantly to curb the craving for alcohol. What does instantly mean exactly.
Is it plausable that L Glutimine would be effective if you only took it before a social drinking occasion such as when you are having guests for dinner.
If I take L Glutimine can I look forward to not having the craving for a second ,third, or forth beer after I have started with one.
Have to admitt I haven't read the book.