Hey gang,
Came across a site for alcoholism with the question "Can alcoholics ever really moderate?" Wanted to share what one respondent stated. Because I couldn't ask him for permission to share his thoughts I'm not going to use his pseudonym. It's a public site so don't feel it's wrong to share this with you all as it's some good food for thought and it probably hits close to home for us with Sarasmiles and mg72 going the AF route. Here goes:
You see, my memory is selective. I tend to forget how sick I felt each day, the hangovers, the blackouts, the puking, the worrying about how I appeared to other people, the remorse I felt every single morning when I woke up. I was beating myself up and yet I continued. Who does that? Social drinkers don't do that. But alcoholics do.
Not An Alcoholic?
It could be that you're not an alcoholic, but remember that more than one drink per day for a woman is risking health problems. Can you moderate to one drink per day and perhaps a couple occasionally? Or will there be times when you can't control it and binge?
Usually, when we have to assert so much control over our drinking, it's because it's taken control of us. Otherwise, why would we need to wrestle control back?
-- Author's name protected