I'm on day 27 but my total will be 47 before I go to mod - I decided to give alcohol up for lent so it's longer than the 30 days AF that I tried the last time I tried modding. It started out great but this last week has been rough. Not sure why but I keep thinking about how much I'd really love some wine. It's been after a long, tough day (there have been several of those this past week) and I just think about how great it would be. It's been tough. I pour myself a glass of seltzer and that seems to help. I'm hoping this is a hump that I'll get over and things will get easier between now and Easter.
My plan after easter is to only drink for special occasions - not just the glass or two of wine at home on any particular day - that's what I tried last time and I wound up back where I started with daily drinking and frequent over-drinking.
Anyway - anyone else in the same phase? How's it going for you? Also - has anyone else tried AF, then modding, then failed and decided to do the AF period again to help get back on track. How has it worked for you the second time around?