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Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

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    Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

    It's Sunday night, so I thought I'd report on my weekend now.
    This week was great. I didn't drink for 6 days straight (because there was not reason to and because I think that AF time is important!). Last Sat. my husband went to play his 3 card poker and I watch a movie by myself (no, I don't mind that at all!). There was no reason to drink that night, even though it was Sat. night.

    This Friday was the first time I went to the bar with coworkers after work. I had three lite beers over the span of about 3 hours. I also at and drank water. Sat. evening, I went with hubby to the casino, and had two glasses of wine. Like Rebirth, I have learned to sip slowly. This is so important to modding, which the more I do it, the more I realize the importance of it.

    Today, I was shopping with my sister, and we stopped to a nice lunch. I had one glass of wine with lunch. Later, I had a starbucks gift card, so we each got one, along with a little chocolate treat. Yum!

    That was my week. Pretty darn happy with that. That is what modding means to me. I want to wake up feeling great. I want to enjoy the few that I have when the opportunity is there. I will not make the opportunities happen, just to have drinks.
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

      Hi J-vo

      These are the triggers I had to deal with during the past week:

      Break up with my BF ( we are working it out)
      Rushing my son to hospital for stitches
      My computer had a virus
      Usual stress at work

      I have accepted that life is difficult and I refused to sit on my pity pot. I still moderated my drinking and enjoyed it. I loved being able to deal with my problems without needing to drink on it.I only drank because the socail occassion was there and it was enjoyable.
      No hangovers this year so far and intend to keep it that way. I also need to get back into my exercise this week.

      Hope everyone else had a good weekend. x
      Be strong-
      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


        Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

        My goals this week and forever is to NEVER have a hangover again.

        Totally agree with you Eve
        Be strong-
        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


          Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

          This weekend was a good one again. The only annoying thing was that I clearly break my diet when I have a glass of wine. I suddenly crave crisps and cakes even more.So I am thinking of limiting my intake to just to two days or maybe just saturday night...
          Be strong-
          We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
          Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


            Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

            Since last week was a holiday week and I was off work for six incredible days my goals this week are to be abstain and get back to regular exercise. I met both of these goals Monday and Tuesday and plan to meet this goal for upcoming week.o
            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


              Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

              My mod goals for this week are:

              1. AF through Thursday.

              2. I have an industry event on Friday night that is always a big drinking scene. I will have two glasses of wine with dinner and will drink something soft at the cocktail hour. No post-dinner drinks.

              3. Exercise at least three times.

              4. Help my fiancee achieve her moderation goals.

              5. Tell my mom my moderation goals, as she will keep me accountable and support my efforts.


                Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                Another good weekend; Met up with ex AA members on friday so it was diet coke. Saturday I cruised the pubs with my BF but watched my wine intake. We had a really lovely evening.Woke up on sunday feeling slightly tired but happy. I did not break my diet and binge eat this weekend so I feel fab!!

                This week I intend to stick to my healthy diet and exercise again. I really want to drop one pound in weight.. Fingers crossed. Off to the gym.
                Be strong-
                We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                  Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                  rebirth;1108449 wrote: Another good weekend; Met up with ex AA members on friday so it was diet coke. Saturday I cruised the pubs with my BF but watched my wine intake. We had a really lovely evening.Woke up on sunday feeling slightly tired but happy. I did not break my diet and binge eat this weekend so I feel fab!!

                  This week I intend to stick to my healthy diet and exercise again. I really want to drop one pound in weight.. Fingers crossed. Off to the gym.
                  Hi rebirth delighted everything is going so good for you :goodjob:

                  :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                  Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                  I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                  This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                    Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                    Mario is so lovely!
                    Be strong-
                    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                      Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                      Just read the last few posts. rebirth you are doing awesome and are an inspiration to modders everywhere. I've been super busy with studies so haven't been here due to that but things are going well for me. Went out Sat. night with friends who drink more than two each so I popped an L Glut and ordered an Arnold Palmer (ice tea and lemondade blend) at the restaurant. Actually enjoyed it and didn't crave a drink at all. Liked how I felt in control. Found a quote by someone that goes:
                      Alcohol gives you power and robs you of it in equal measure.
                      How true is that? I love being in control and not looking tipsy and stupid and NOT losing my power. No problem watching most have two to my none. Then on to the comedy club (2 hour event) where I had 2 over 2 hours. Woke up the next day feeling great.
                      My goals: No more than 2 per night - no more than 6 drinks for the week.
                      "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                      ~Jack Welsh~:h

                      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                        Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                        Well I didnt lose that pound because I went beserk and ate the whole fridge on the weekend. sigh. I have zero willpower as soon as there is AL in my body. So, This week my goal is to have an alcohol free weekend. Just for a change. Then see what my weight says.
                        Be strong-
                        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                          Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                          This weekend was better. I only had three glassses of wine saturday night and I exercised all weekend.
                          I would like to continue this pattern.
                          Be strong-
                          We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                          Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                            Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                            Hi All,

                            I started the Dukan Diet last Monday and am absolutely amazed and happy about my weight loss. Plus, no AL allowed until I get to my goal wait but at the rate I am going, should be at goal in a month or less!

                            Interesting when one doesn't drink to evaluate how drinking fits into our lives. For example, we were invited to a boring function that would have enticed me in going as it was free drinks and appetizers. But dull people and not fun...but the drinking would have gotten me there. Of course, no AL on my diet plan so what was the motivation to go? Absolutely none. And to think when I take some of those AL tests, I believe my life doesn't involved planning activities around AL. It's been a rather eye opening experience.

                            Crocus, I did something I wasn't happy about either. The night before I was going on the diet, I kept thinking "This is my last time in a while to have a drink!" and so rather than stay at my limit of 2, I drank 5 throughout the night and felt HORRIBLE the next day. Anyway, I've been AF for 9 days now and I feel GREAT! Well, have to run to the gym (family waiting in the car) so gotta run. Will post soon.

                            "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                            ~Jack Welsh~:h

                            God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                              Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                              Hi all you moderators. I am choosing to be where you are. Been an almost daily drinker for too many years. Been wrestling with issue a long time; Mother's Day is day decided to take action. Been successful with a few AF days and many nights having just 1 or 2 gl of wine instead of too much. Ordered Kadzu and My Way Out, finished book today and have been hopping around this site. Discussed with hubby; he is on board to not drink some nights and cut way back when we do but does not want to go AF either.

                              Having finished most of this thread, I realize I have to be more specific. So far this week I was AF on Mon, drank too much wine on Tue nite, AF tonite. Goal for rest of week is AF Thur nite also, Fri, Sat, Sun, no more than 2-3 gl of wine. Goal for next week is AF Mon-Wed-Thur, no more than 2-3 drinks other nights with ceiliing being 8 drinks for week. Eventually, I want to get to AF Mon-Thur but decided to start out with 3 AF days/week.

                              You are all so motivating! Thanks for this section especially. With your help, I know I can do this too.

                              The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                                Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                                :welcome: ToMyHealth,

                                It is all about making a plan and learning to change bad habits. When you have the motivation to change from within, we believe you can do it. There will be slips and falls (more than likely), but in the end, you will notice a lot of harm reduction as you learn to drink less and less and get out of the bad habit of losing judgment and having "another one" when it is your fourth, or fifth, or...

                                We moderators always give advice to newbies here to try to abstain for 30 days (as long as they are not severe and chronic drinkers who could possibly go into D.T.'s with stopping cold turkey) to clear their heads. Here are the reasons I posted in an earlier post one time:
                                Why to go AF for 21-30 days before moderating.
                                1. It lowers any increased physical tolerance to alcohol. So, for someone used to drinking 4-5 drinks a night or more - they've probably built up a tolerance where 1 or 2 just wouldn't cut it. Get rid of the AL for 30 days and you probably will feel a nice buzz on one drink which may make 1-2 drinks workable.
                                2. It takes the focus off of alcohol.
                                It gives one the chance to think about what's important in their lives, what passions or interests do they like to do when the focus is off of drinking. Example: Rather than sit and have a glass of wine and veg out at 8 pm maybe one would scrapbook, journal, read posts here to educate themselves, etc.
                                3. It strengthens your commitment to change. You may find you like your life a lot better without alcohol. You'll probably sleep better, anxiety will be decreased, you'll be more motivated, etc. If you decide to try to moderate after 30 days you'll have that experience of how great it feels to not have AL in your system and that may make it easier to obtain AF days for yourself!
                                Now, for me, this was easier to say than do. I didn't even want to THINK about not having my beloved glass of wine on a Friday or a Saturday night. However after 2 years of battling to get rid of that last 10 pounds, I heard about the infamous Dukan Diet which is the rage in Europe. So, I started last Monday and AL is not allowed at the phase I am in. So, I have been AF all this time and had my first AF week-end in 20 years. It has been a fabulous experience. It has helped me to focus on what is important. I have to say I have more time as I am hopping out of bed super early and getting a ton of things done when there is no sluggishness or Heaven forbid...hangover! As I refrain from many of the foods I was eating while I am in the diet phase I am in, it strengthens me to believe that if I can learn to moderate food in this way, not eat fattening unhealthy stuff, eat good things in moderation, etc., then I can certainly learn and be capable to moderate my drinking as well. Yes, I do look forward to 1 or 2 glasses of wine when I get to phase 3 of the plan, and I believe everything I am learning will help me in that area too. Also, for those of you trying to lose weight (as some of my mod buddies have posted lately) remember that alcohol is empty calories, and your metabolism slows way down and almost stops burning the food you have eaten because it is focusing on getting rid of the toxins from AL. Plus, judgment goes and a lot of silly munchies start looking REAL good.

                                Anyway, that is my deal. After that long story, just want to express that going AF for a period would be VERY helpful, even if you could do it for 21 days (they say it takes that long to break a habit). You may find moderating a lot easier then. But, believe me, no judgment here if you choose not to. After all, I couldn't and didn't either, until this diet thing came up.

                                For me this week - No AL, lots of exercise and getting a lot of things accomplished.
                                "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                                ~Jack Welsh~:h

                                God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

