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Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

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    Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

    :lThe important thing I HAVE to share is that this accountability keeps me strong. Had 2 drinks tonight which is unusual for a Sunday but it was goodbye dinner with MIL who is leaving for home soon (another state) and we had drinks with dinner. Did the vampire effect take over? Yes. Had the two and came home and it sure would have been easy to have opened a bottle for that last glass (haha) but the accountability here kept me from doing it. No way did I want to post 3, no way did I want to go over my limit and post 4, no way did I want the vampire effect to take over and I would have to post 5, 6, or 7. So, I thought about what I would be posting on the DT, what I would be posting on the Ruby Tuesday thread and I just said no.

    Had 1 drink on Monday (weeknights are unusual but an event enticed me) Had 3 on Sat. as had an early happy hour with relatives with one drink early evening and 2 with dinner. Then the Sunday thing where I usually never drink on Sundays came up. Yet, I stayed under M.M.'s limits of 9 and am happy to post that for the week I only had 8 drinks.

    How did your week go? If not what you wanted, anything to share of what you'll do differently next week?
    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

    ~Jack Welsh~:h

    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


      Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

      Eve, my week went exactly as planned. I had no drinks aside from my date night dinner with hubs. We shared a bottle of wine, and that was it. Slept well, no hangover, no drinks last night (Sunday), and this week will be zero alcohol.

      Good for you staying on target with your goals!! There is something about the accountability that helps, isn't there!! I've started using the drink tracker too.

      One observation I want to make about my experience is this. Now that I'm only drinking once a week (or on social occasions), when I do drink, the 2 glasses of wine seems like plenty. Before when I was drinking daily, I was needing more than that. So, another plus to abstention!!

      Have a great week Eve - and to anyone else who comes along........



        Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

        My plan:
        I am going to try and mod after 6 months sobriety,
        I am going to Asia for a holiday for a month in a week.
        A friend of mine will be joining me for the most part.
        She is a moderate drinker.
        I am not going to drink for the first 2 days of the trip.
        I will take my NLP recording with me and listen daily.
        I will then limit myself to one drink in a sitting for the first half of the holiday.
        Only every second day.
        Then If this actually goes to plan I will re work a new plan, considering a 2nd drink.
        No more than 2!
        Happy Modding everyone!
        Oh yes, and vital, I will check in on MWO and use the drink tracker : )
        I am Perfectly Imperfect!


          Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

          Sounds like a good plan, Gidget. Will look forward to hearing about your trip and if you were able to drink like you've outlined. I too am new to modding and am tracking my drinks, etc.

          Will report in to this thread early next week to discuss past week's goals.



            Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

            :lHi Gang,
            Reporting my weekly goals. I was on my higher side as there was a birthday dinner one night and good-bye dinner another night for a relative so I drank on week-nights when I usually don't. Glad I kept to not going over my max goal for the week and the one night I had 3 the drinks, they were spaced far and between.

            Gidget, I do have to say that I fought the urge to not have more on one of the nights and the drinks just tasted so good and I knew there was an unopened bottle of my favorite wine at home. Would have been so EASY to have opened that but the accountability of posting here prevented me from doing that so I am so grateful to those of you who are here right now helping me to stay strong and in return I hope I can help you as well.

            Gidget, you go girl! Vacations are always hard for me to not go over my goals but with a concrete plan in place, I think you will double think when you are tested as we're building you up on this end.

            Have a good week! Lurkers or oldies, come post with us!!!
            "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

            ~Jack Welsh~:h

            God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


              Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

              Hi Everyone - we have company this week, so my goals will be stretched. However, I have absolutely no doubt that I will be back to weekly abstinence after he leaves (my BIL from Alaska whom we haven't seen in 5 years). So, we'll party a bit -- nothing crazy, but will have drinks during the week which is not my norm.


                Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                Hi everyone,

                I'm new here. I have to get a handle on my alcohol consumption. I'm self-destructing. I'd like to think I can moderate but it hasn't been working lately. I got six AF days under my belt this month then started drinking daily again - and too much. I read MWO several years ago and MM's Responsible Drinking is on it's way. I'd like to set a goal of being AF during the week and drinking moderately on the weekends. It feels that if I make a long-term commitment - like doing a 30 - and fail it makes things worse for me.



                  Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                  BJ, sorry no one has responded to you before now. I'm usually online daily but have company from out of town, so haven't been here much.

                  Anyway, we are all here to support you in any way we can. I personally had to go 2.5 mos AF before I could mod. Everyone is different, though, so maybe you can do it the way you are thinking of trying. We are the same on how we want to mod. I too want to be AF during the week and then drink sanely 1-2 nights on the weekend.

                  Be sure to post. I'll try to check in more for support!!

                  Best of luck



                    Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                    Hi BJ,


                    To orient you to our long term mod board we post our weekly goals here on the Ruby Tuesday thread (what we hope to do for the week and how we did the week before) and we tend to post daily stuff on our long term mod thread which is usually entitled what month it is. So, it's the January thread for daily posting.

                    Don't worry that you're not a long term moderator yet, there just has always been more activity on this thread (long term), so keep posting over here.

                    We'd love to help you so welcome!! Read old posts if able and you'll get a lot of good info to help you. Some folks hang on the AF board as well when they're trying to abstain for days at a time and then jump over here when they're attempting healthy moderation.

                    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                    ~Jack Welsh~:h

                    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                      Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                      Hello Again : )
                      I am wondering if my current chocolate addiction will subside/become more moderate when I start to moderate my drinking! I did not lose weight during abstinence I darn well put it on!
                      I have a similar relationship with my beloved Cadbury's as with drink...Once I start.......

                      So, Where am I at ?
                      This week, the week leading up my nlp and hypnotherapy session, my plan is to keep up my daily nlp practise and evening hypnotherapy.

                      My head space does feel different, small changes, but not insignificant.
                      One thing I have noticed is my honest desire not to want to get drunk. I really feel that I have no desire to feel that lack of control anymore. I am not sure if this is a false sense but I have never really felt this during previous periods of sobriety...where I would usually romanticise alcohol and the 'fun' I had.

                      Ah well, here's hoping!

                      Hope your all well
                      SJ xx
                      I am Perfectly Imperfect!


                        Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                        Gidget, I think the cravings subside - at least they did for me.


                          Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                          Thanks KG, I was just joking but your response made me see that maybe it is actually related! Crazy that, I thought i was exempt from the stop drinking, crave sugar thing, ha ha how naive of me!
                          I am Perfectly Imperfect!


                            Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                            hi gang,interesting thread,i had the oppurtunity, to read or should i say,glance thro most of the comments,eve said it, but she also started this thread, accoutability, not something we really thot of b4, hahahah,you as i, look at were doing,rather then drownding ourselves,in our sorrows hahaha,lets face it there is a way to do everything,ya just have to be tot,or teach yourself have a nice evening gyco


                              Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                              Hey Gang,
                              Happy Februrary!
                              I was pretty successful in January but then went over my limit the last night of the month! It was one of those wine and food events and it may have to get to a point where things that tempting need to be put on my forbidden plate. I mean, I purposely don't go out with girlfriends for "girl's night out" as the temptation would make me want to drink too much and the drinking/driving laws scare me to death! So, maybe these wine tasting/ food and wine events, etc. just have to go too.

                              So much of this is just a matter of trial and error, discovering our weak spots or times where we would be tempted too much. Perhaps we can live our lives without abstaining completely, yet it's important for our health and safety to stick to our moderation goals - so just like a person choosing to abstain completely and making different choices, we need to do the same.

                              How was your month and what changes might you make in your life to make February as successful as you want?
                              "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                              ~Jack Welsh~:h

                              God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                                Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                                Hi All, I posted on the Monthly thread -- hope all is well. Have been away for a while, but am doing great with my modding. Will go back and read and catch up.

                                Take care,

