I know what you mean, how posting can be so time consuming and life DOES happen. Sometimes I get so busy with my part time job, school, two teens, and a very busy husband who thinks I am his personal secretary at times, that it is a luxury to come here. The sad part that I notice however, is modders never form the bonds that abstainsers do. Maybe it is because those going AF need more support and do post often to support each other. It is interesting to look at some of their threads where one can see they are truly friends. Sometimes the postings aren't even related to discussing abstaining but more personal with what is going on in their lives. It is nice for them to have that support and on-line friendship and I miss that when the mod site has sparse postings. The site here waxes and wanes. There have been times where there is a lot of activity and we have a close knit group but then most disappear and eventually we have a different group posting often...and then they disappear...and it goes on and on.
I truly believe I am stronger in my ability to moderate my drinking when there are others here actively working their mod program and sharing how they are doing. To say no to that third drink because Rebirth hopes I can, or you hope I can, or KC is rooting me on or Guitarista, or Gyco...etc. It helps. And when people kind of fade away and don't post often, it makes it hard for me to find the time to come here too. Gosh, as I read this, I hope it doesn't sound like I am chastising you for not posting often because that is not my intent. It only makes me a little sad we don't have as strong and a supportive group as the Afer's do because I do believe we need on-going support too.