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Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

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    Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

    Day for of no AL


      Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

      Hi all. Think this may be a good plan to check in each Tues. This week I plan to get me some af days. This will be part of a harm reduction plan for me. Good luck to everyone whatever your goals may be.


        Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

        Well back again and managed to get more af days than I thought I would. Feels good. Plan to keep on getting these each week. That's my goal. Good luck to you all!


          Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

          I am new to all of this and would LOVE to be a part of a weekly check in! I just started Topamax so I am planning on trying to not drink at all for at least 30 days. But I really want to be able moderate, so I would love and welcome the support!


            Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

            Hi, Fancy and Free! Welcome! Come on up to the November Mod Squad group. We are really a great bunch of folks. (Well, everyone else is. Won't speak for yours' truly.)
            I am a day late in posting my Tuesday goal. I am sticking to only drinking on Fridays, and then only two glasses of wine. This is my first week of this, last drink was last Friday. So far, so good!


              Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

              Okay... so my new goal is to have five AF days each week. This seems to be a doable goal for me. That gives me Friday Date night, and one other day to choose from. We'll take it from there!


                Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                Oops, missed it by a day! Did okay last week with 3 days af Need to buckle down and move on. Have a great week!


                  Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                  nonamegirl;1565863 wrote: Hi, Everyone.
                  Anyone else interested in getting this started again? Let's do a roll call to see if anyone wants to throw out a goal for the week.

                  Ruby Tuesday goals for the week for this girl:
                  1.Take every other day off. That means today is a AF day for me.
                  2. Limit myself to two drinks on the days I do choose to imbibe.
                  3. Re-evaluate each Tuesday to keep myself honest.
                  4. Find the joy in each day!

                  :alf: :alf: :alf: :alf: :alf:
                  Thanks for starting the roll call. I am going to participate the day I get back and settled into my routine. I also like the Tuesday report to see how I did and keep myself honest for the week. Will start next Tuesday with my goals and plans!

                  "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                  ~Jack Welsh~:h

                  God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                    Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                    NNG, Eve, Fancy - i'm in. Let's get this going. Looking forward to it.

                    The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                      Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                      Well... I didn't do well on my goal this week. Last night I thought about having that cup of tea before a glass of wine.... thought hard about it. Then chose the wine instead. Damn. Three drinks last night. I guess goals are to be worked towards. Better this week, I promise.


                        Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                        First goal:
                        At least 3 AF days for the week.
                        2 drinks max

                        The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                          Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                          Only made 2 days af this week. Need to increase that number. I did manage to keep it to 2 or less drinks on 2 days that I did drink. Improvement!!! I'll take it. Happy Thanksgiving!


                            Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                            Well here it is Tuesday again! Did about the same as last week, no improvement. Although not too bad since it was a holiday week. It was definitely well enjoyed mini vacation. Looking to do better this week. Hubby is out of town so no influence there. Hope everyone has a great week.


                              Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                              I also had just 2 days AF. However, one of the days that I drank I just had 1, not the 2 I allow. Does this make me 2.5 compliant? No, just kidding.

                              This week I am going for 3 days AF. Originally, I said 4 but then out on awalk I realized I was counting last night as in M-Th. week starts today

                              The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                                Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                                Good work, everyone. I do believe that step by step we are getting there. I also am continuing working on my goal... I am feeling just a tad bit more confident that I don't have to turn moderating into a full-time job. Seems to be easier this week.

