Not the best week by any stretch of the imagination. Just purchased Alan Carr's book and have it half completed. Hoping to use some of the ideas to help my own plan. Good luck to us all in obtaining our goals.
No announcement yet.
Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting
Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting
Still working on getting at days for my week. Haven't done the best, but I am definitely doing better. Have looked back on previous month and like finding that I am getting some af days and also some moderate ones as well!! Also trying to not do too much damage in the healthy eating this season. That gives me something else to concentrate on. Good luck with reaching your goals....
Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting
Checking in early this week as I am sure the holidays will keep me away. I am on vacation for two weeks during the holidays and having a wonderful time. Just got done exercising, something I haven't done in months. Feels good. Hoping to keep making choices that will benefit myself. Happy Holidays to everyone, May you all have a wonderful week.
Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting
Good morning! Another week done. The last one of 2013 even. Did not make my goals for the week, but managed a better one than previously. Headed out for family party tonight and drinking will be a part. Hoping you all have a Happy and Safe New Year!!! Good luck obtaining our goals in 2014!!!!
Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting
Hi FancyC,
I am here again and hoping to report weekly to keep myself strong and others as well. The more I have experienced AL in my life, the less I like it. Bought a bottle of champagne for tonight and am thinking I will just pick up a serving for 1 as hubby probably won't want any and then I'll be stuck with a full bottle that I will feel bad to waste. So, for me, just can't go there. Or, I may choose not to have any at all tonight. My goal is no more than 2 drinks in a night and no more than 3 nights in a week. We live in a state that has NO tolerance for drinking and driving so technically if you had 1 drink and got a traffic ticket, you could be fined for DUI as well. If you blew under the limit, you would probably beat the charge but would need an expensive attorney to do so, so it just becomes more and more not worth it! Take care and *see* you and hopefully others next week.
Eve11"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:
Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting
I will be joining your Tuesday group starting next week. I'll be going AF for awhile (starting this Thursday) as suggested in a few books before attempting to moderate. However I'd like to be a part of an accountability thread and get to know you.
Here's to a great 2014!"We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
~John Lennon
Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.
~Author Unknown
Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting
Am on my 3rd AF day & my goal is to remain AF this week including tonight. I will be DD, have to drive approx 30 min. Each way Friends will have their boat docked in the marina so we will have a place to roost so to speak b4 taking in downtown festivities. We are all to bring an appetizer & BYOB. I plan to bring O'Douls. (NA beer).
Have a safe & Happy New Year Modders!The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.
Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting
Welcome DipGal! TMH-DD? Proud of you. I have had a lot of success with O'Douls. Can still feel a part of the drinking group. Good for you!
Be safe tonight everyone - be mindful.
Eve11"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:
Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting
Thanks, Eve. I'm pinching myself, cannot remember the last sober NYE. Been awake for awhile, marveling at how good I feel & yet just now I feel teary eyed. So different than the Oh no, I did it again feeling.
Looking forward to your being back with us, Eve, missed you.
TMHThe pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.
Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting
TMH,Yes, nothing worse than the "I can't believe I did this again" feeling. We did end up going out and I had my 2 glasses of wine with dinner. We decided to share a dessert (usually never have dessert) and the waiter brought a small glass of complimentary champagne for the New Year. So, went a bit over my goal of 2. What I am most proud of though, is the fact that I had a full bottle of champagne at home and did not allow myself to open it later (as we went out early so as not to be on the roads late) because I came back to MWO and felt more accountable than to just myself. So, thanks for being here everyone. You do keep me strong and help me stay pretty true to my goals and not go off the deep end as I did years ago. Let's make it a great year!
Eve11"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:
Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting
Good Tuesday morning. Had a pretty descent week even with the holiday. We are in th midst of the deep freeze, so am just snuggled down and laying low. Hoping to get four af days this week and make that normal for me. Hope you are all doing well and staying warm!
Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting
Hi everyone. I just discovered this thread and have read most of the pages - so interesting! It never occurred to me to actually set goals (targets?) for my drinking. (yeah, I know, dummy to the max!) I guess it would be doable for me.
It's Tuesday!! I am presently drinking two glasses of red wine nightly, and am taking baclofen with the target of no cravings at my 'switch.'
What would it feel like if I only had ONE glass nightly instead of the two? Mostly I get no buzz from the alcohol because of the baclofen. I'm just reaching out for the second glass from habit, and lessening of resolve after the first one.
So today's experiment will be ONE glass at 5pm as usual, but no more.
I'll be checking in often to reinforce my target.
JMumMy first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!
Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting
I have had a pretty subdued week with very little drinking. Had 1 glass of wine with a potluck dinner with a group of friends. Brought a flavored seltzer before and after and had the one glass with the meal. Really enjoy having just one and don't like the added calories with the 2nd. I would really like to cut back to 1 night only and no more than 2. Currently have been drinking 2 (occasionally 3 nights) with 2 usually, sometimes 3 drinks. I don't like role modeling nightly drinking to my teen sons so have never gotten into that. Actually feel guilty if I have craved a glass of wine and had one at home while relaxing. Kind of hide the glass from them if possible. Also, have not gotten into the "habit" of needing a drink to relax after work, etc. although sometimes it does sound like a good idea. The important thing is to evaluate what makes us want to drink. I find that if I feel angry at someone I tend to want to drink with full knowledge that in the end it will only make me feel worse! I think figuring out what triggers us to want to drink, helps us to moderate better.
Do have events this week-end where drinks will happen for sure, so want to focus on no more than 2 drinks. Will work hard to attain that goal this week.
Eve11"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:
Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting
I've never posted on here before, but like Jazi's Mum, just went back to the first post and realized what the thread is!
I'm setting goals by the DrinkAware tracker - My official goal is when I do drink: no more than 6 units (the program gives me a thumbs up or thumbs down for each day!). My unofficial goals are to get my average units down to 6 (which is still double the recommended for women, but a HUGE improvement for me), and to make sure I have at least two No Drink days a week.
So I started moderating (again) on 28 December but back-tracked my intake to 17 December to hit myself on the head about how much I've been drinking recently. Since then I've managed to get my average units from 15.2 (YIKES!) down to 7.4, to have three days under 6 units, and to have five AF days.