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Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

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    Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

    Morning everyone. I did not meet my target last night, but as I have said in my progress thread I have to calm down and just let my Balcofen plan work.

    I'm so new at all this even though I've been trying to quit drinking for years - and have been able to be AF for years at a time. That white-knuckling model just left me with alcoholism, but not drinking.

    I simply must get to the root of this darned thing. Patience is so hard!!

    I'm so happy to see the goals others set here - it's affirming that we meet them sometimes, sometimes we don't. But our end (whatever each one's end is) will come if we are just patient and don't beat ourselves up.

    I'm a bit confused today after being so up yesterday - however I have to be gentle with myself. I've got to think about how I would treat someone else who was in my position. I'd be gentle, understanding, and supportive, and I'd come up with lots of little ideas for that person. Well, I'll do that for myself.
    My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


      Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting


      AF Mon tues Wed Fri sun
      Moderate drinks Thursday ( kid free night )
      Saturday with friends ( kid free night )
      No drinking Around 3 kids long term goal


        Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

        These Tuesdays come along so quickly!!

        I'm starting to be able to have AF days, FINALLY! This just creeps up when you use baclofen but it's wonderful.

        My goal this week: continue with AF days as they 'happen' because of indifference. Think about having one or two next weekend - my FEAR is gone about that.
        My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


          Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

          May I join you? I want to be a long-term moderator!! I'll post my intro on the monthly thread.

          My plan for the next 7 days is to be totally AF. I am on day 13 of my *30*.. Then, the hard part will start!

          "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
          ~John Lennon

          Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

          ~Author Unknown


            Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

            Hi DipGal - good to "see" you again, Tuesday greetings to Jazi's Mum too,

            I am now getting my act together and posting here on Tuesday as I ought.

            Keep actively monitoring my drinking in the DrinkAware drink-tracker, which counts calories and units, and keeps a running total showing my how I'm doing. It also slaps me with a big RED thing when I've not done so well.

            At least two AF days a week, reminding myself that the calories and total units will go down if I do more.

            No more than 6 units when I do choose to drink (haven't done all that well on that one).

            I've lowered my average units when I do drink from 14.5 (egad!) to 6.9. I want the average to be lower than 6.

            I've lowered my total units per week from 92.8 (double egad!!) to 34.6 in four weeks. Next goal is under 30.

            I like this thread!!


              Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

              Hi DG! I'll be using the drinkaware site too in a few weeks. I hope to not see all that red again! :H Compared to what I drank before my *30*, you are like a tee-totaller!!
              "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
              ~John Lennon

              Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

              ~Author Unknown


                Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                Happy Tuesday to all. Sounding like everyone has their plan in place. I did not make my goal of 4 af days last week, only 3. So am still working on that one. I have made some big changes for the better in the last month or so. I am pleased with my progress. Coming here each week has helped me to keep this goal more clearly in sight. Don't want to let my progress fade or to regress. Good luck to all with your weekly goals!


                  Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                  This is a good place to be on Tuesdays! Lots of happy faces, enthusiastic voices...
                  My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


                    Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                    I got invited to this thread by DipGal and was hoping that I could join in on the fun. I decided that I would moderate my drinking instead of going full on abstinent due to my social situations and being the stand in patriarch for the family of my wife after her fathers passing away...they are south east Asian and drinking is a part of the family ritual, they are not alcoholics but enjoy it on the weekends which I will participate in, no more drinking during the weekdays. I haven't had a drink since Monday.

                    Abstinence would mean I would have to ostracize myself from all of those triggers, family members and the fun that I do have with it just has to be controlled and I am more than confident I can do so.

                    P.S. Does anyone know why my avatar picture doesnt show? Am I not tenured enough?
                    Whoever I had become, the alcoholic, had to die.


                      Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                      Hi TrueGrit and :welcome:

                      I hope this thread continues to garner new faces. I know I need lots of interaction here to keep me going forward - it's so good to share.

                      So :welcome:
                      My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


                        Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                        Hey, TrueGrit. Come on over to the January Mod Squad for some more chat. This particular thread is usually just for goals, etc. But we have lots of fun in the Mod Squad, and you are most welcome> Wish I knew why your avatar doesn't show up... but I can't help there.


                          Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                          Happy Tuesday, everyone.

                          My plans and these threads are working well for me, although it's funny - I have little motivation to join the "moderation" debates going on right now. I keep count on the DrinkAware tracker; I do a total every Monday (because I back-tracked Tuesday 17 December, and because Monday's are AF so I know the count is zero on Monday); and then I plan for the week coming on Ruby Tuesday.

                          SO - plan is going excellently. From 92.8 total units/ average consumption 13.3 / no AF days in week one to 26 total units / average 5.2 / two Af days in week five.

                          Continuing goals:
                          At least two AF days a week (trying for three)
                          Average when drinking 6 units (got that one this week!!)
                          Total units a week under 30 (got that one too).

                          I'm keeping the same goals but now want to make sure that none of my drinking days is over 6 units. Even three glasses of wine is 6.6 (and I get a RED bar on the chart) so small goal is to avoid that this week.

                          (Sorry for all the details - it's for me really)

                          Keep warm everyone!


                            Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                            Happy Tuesday from me too. I'm a bit late this week because I FORGOT!!

                            My continuing plan is to moderate but to be AF whenever I can until baclofen weaves its magic completely. I was AF last night, and again tonight. For the rest of the week I'm going to wing it but I'd like to continue to work on all the junk in my it would be good not to have any alcohol in my poor old bod.

                            I sure hope all is well with the usual suspects here? Very quiet!!
                            My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


                              Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                              A day late, but here! I totally blew my AF plan last week after 14 days. Too much stress, and do not yet have the tools to cope. Here's what I did:

                              Tuesday and Wedns - AF
                              Thursday - 1.5 units (wine)
                              Friday - 4 units (1 large glass wine and a mixed drink with 2 shots)
                              Saturday - 4 units (2 "double" mixed drinks)
                              Sunday - 7 units (at casino)

                              For the coming week - my plan is:
                              Tuesday through Friday - AF
                              Sat/Sun - 4 units each day
                              Monday - AF
                              "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                              ~John Lennon

                              Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

                              ~Author Unknown


                                Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                                Hi everyone! Late again, but was down ill, and it never even crossed my mind. Anyhow, I made my goal of 4 days af last week! Whoo Hoo!! Was a day not so long ago that I thought that would never be me. Planning to turn this into a normal routine for me. On another note, I drastically reduced the time I spent drinking alone. Working towards my next week now. Good luck to you all on your goals!!! And of course, thanks for listening!!

