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Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

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    Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

    Hey, DancingGirl,
    As I have said before, the Lurking Bullies offend us all. Don't know why they even come to the Moderators' Board, but they do. I do think, though, after reading some very snarky comments by some of them, that they don't understand what a unit is. They are thinking drinks, or glasses of wine, not units. Silly them.


      Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

      I decided that I would moderate my drinking instead of going full on abstinent due to my social situations and being the stand in patriarch for the family of my wife after her fathers passing away...they are south east Asian and drinking is a part of the family ritual, they are not alcoholics but enjoy it on the weekends which I will participate in, no more drinking during the weekdays. I haven't had a drink since Monday.

      Abstinence would mean I would have to ostracize myself from all of those triggers, family members and the fun that I do have with it just has to be controlled and I am more than confident I can do so.

      True Grit

      Hi True Grit,
      Your post reminds me of why some folks choose moderation. I don't know your whole history but it sounds like drinking got to be a little too much for you so now it's time to be aware, cut down, and try to be in control. I was abstinent for 7 years many years ago and it was a social stigma then. People would call me on why I didn't drink or talk behind my back that I was an alcoholic because I would share with some that I was in recovery. My story was more about being co-dependent than alcoholic but a counselor decided I was alcoholic too (like my dad) because I didn't pass her C.A.G.E. questionnaire. Google that one and you'll find that almost any college student would be considered alcoholic. Anyway, time passed and I started to see that other people were far worse than I had ever been, drank so much more than I had ever drank, etc. So, I did start drinking again. The hard part for me since I have restarted drinking is not that I have a problem that I will have health complications from it. I just don't like the fact that I get intense cravings (only sometimes) to have more once I have started. I usually drink no more than 5-7 drinks in a week but don't like the struggle to have "just one more" once I have had my 2 on a Friday or Saturday night.

      Good luck in your journey and keep posting. Have more stories to share as I get to know you.

      "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

      ~Jack Welsh~:h

      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


        Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

        WELL, a good Ruby Tuesday to us all!

        In my coming week, I plan to continue on my cleansing diet. So far, I have not gone off the food diet one little time since starting it on Feb. 1. That much is good. I didn't quite stay completely AF, though, so I know I lost some ground that way with weight loss. But I am happy with my progress, and hope to continue it.


          Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

          My weekly goal is to concentrate on my health versus drinking. So, my plan is for water with lemon or cucumber for my nightly drink during this week. Will drink on Sunday (which is rare for me) but it is Oscar night and I sit in my movie theatre room every year and totally root for my favorites. I have preplanned my 2 little bottles of champagne (which equal 2 drinks). Know myself enough to know that opening a whole bottle is not a good idea. My drinking goal is no more than 7 drinks for the week.

          "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

          ~Jack Welsh~:h

          God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


            Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

            Hello All.

            I know I owe several responses, but can only say right now that my job is hell and I'm really strung out.:yuk:

            But - as I usually like drinking to celebrate, I probably will do well. Being stressed out disrupts my sleep and drinking disrupts my sleep, so I don't want to have both. I was AF Sunday and yesterday and may well be again today. If I drink, I'll have just one with dinner.



              Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

              I was grocery shopping today and saw something that could be a good thing or a bad thing. Sprouts (a natural food store) was selling wine by the glass! I thought, man, that is tempting to make me want to buy one and have only one with dinner, so bad for me because I don't want to drink on a week night. But not a bad idea for a Friday night at home and then I am not tempted by a whole bottle.

              Cucumber in water for me tonight.

              "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

              ~Jack Welsh~:h

              God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                Happy Tuesday to all..

                Have done okay with my drinking goals this week. Must admit I am spending more time on weight loss goals though. This works out pretty well as the two definitely go hand in hand! Have been feeling better and even managed a couple of exercise sessions. Bring on spring!!!



                  Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                  Happy Tuesday to all..

                  Have done okay with my drinking goals this week. Must admit I am spending more time on weight loss goals though. This works out pretty well as the two definitely go hand in hand! Have been feeling better and even managed a couple of exercise sessions. Bring on spring!!!


                    Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                    When we eat and drink our bodies burn off the alcohol rather than the food so many people report weight loss with less drinking. I am trying to lose about 7 pounds so have the same mindset.

                    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                    ~Jack Welsh~:h

                    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                      Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                      Eve11;1631572 wrote: FancyC,
                      When we eat and drink our bodies burn off the alcohol rather than the food so many people report weight loss with less drinking. I am trying to lose about 7 pounds so have the same mindset.

                      That's really interesting! Not that one needs a good argument for AF days in a moderation plan, but that is nonetheless a really good argument. I've lost about 3-4 pounds (not sure as my scale has small markings and I'm getting blind as I lurch towards fifty , but I credit this absolutely to my quite successful moderation since just after Christmas.

                      Love to all. Job is feeling a little bit more in control today and also today is an AF day.


                        Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                        Good morning to all. A day late once again! I am off to the doctor for my annual physical this am. Nothing but black coffee until the deed is completed, yuck! Usually like to fix my coffee up, but I guess this will mean less calories for my morning. Still having to work for af days during the week. I find many more mod days though. Saturday night was a major bust and I am not happy about this. Need to find more ways to avoid over indulging, especially when out. Home is much easier to manage. Well off for now. Hoping this week sees us all reaching our goals.


                          Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                          Not an amazing start, three and a half pints last night and feel rough today for skating, I'm defo going though.I'm designated driver tonight,which is a relief to be honest.I also smoked two cigarettes,drinking water,coffee and eating eggs,bananas and carbs to recover.
                          Not a total disaster but seven units at least in three and a half pints which is too much,aim to have no more than three on any drinking night.
                          one day at a time


                            Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                            I just realised that it is Tuesday and since I'm working on being back on track, I'll risk posting my successes, slips, and goals here again.

                            Success (let's start with the positive): I've used the drink tracker again for two weeks and have already benefited from its reinforcement. This thing really works for me!

                            Slips: The last two months or so have been a slip. I also had more on Sunday that I had planned. It wasn't a disaster, but sticking to the plan is pretty important.

                            Goals: I'm going on a business trip to a conference where I don't know a lot of people. I'm having dinner on the train today (just have to say no once when the food cart comes by), dinner at a meeting tomorrow (will have just one), by myself on Thursday (will have two), and then on the train again on Friday (see above). So this is going to be a very moderate week.

                            How's everyone else doing?


                              Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                              New month and would really like it to be successful where I don't go over my "no more than 3 in a day goals". Have lots of bdays to celebrate (including mine) so it may be tough but with the help of the board (and drinktracker), I am shooting for success.

                              No drinks first night of June and even though it is VERY hot, home from a hard day's work and a cold beer sounds good (usually prefer wine but am tempted with cold beers on HOT days), I will refrain as I really want to post 0 on the drinktracker tonight, and don't want to drink on a week-night. Share your goals all, especially our new members!

                              "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                              ~Jack Welsh~:h

                              God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                                Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                                Hi, I'm new here.

                                Did 3 to 4 alcohol three days a week for the last few weeks, and for the month had 18 units overall.

                                I'm pretty okay with that.

