Ive been lurking as you call it for 9 days now...found this website when I was searching for ideas to help me control my drinking a bit.
I think it is amazing! - you guys are all so supportive and posivite, you have inspired me so much!!
I went 4 days A/F then had two small wines with dinner fri and sat and then there was some left over so had 2 small wines sunday too.
My goal is to leave drinking till the weekend (unless there is a special occasion during the week - at which i will try to have no more than 2 drinks max)
Then depending on what I have planned for the weekend - go from there.(Although I really want to stay at 3 drinks max - as its SO great not feeling hungover!)

I am like a few of you here....I cannot seem to stop at 1 or 2 drinks so I would just rather not start during the week at all. I usually drink up to a bottle of wine a night during the week and that plus more on the weekends......So going 4 days A/F then sipping away at two small glasses was a big accomplishment for me and I am proud .

All youre posts and advise have really helped me and inspired me!!...I ordered the L-Glut and that arrived today so im excited to see how that works!!
Thanks so much for listening - am looking foward to getting to know you all