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December Mod Squad

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    December Mod Squad


    Where did everybody go????

    Hubby and I have been in Europe so I'm back and ready to post again.

    Not a lot of time at the moment but wanted to let you know I'm still here. Would love to have some new lurkers introduce themselves and join us and would absolutely love some of our old modsters to start posting again.

    It's like building a wall with bricks - each new brick needs the one below to support it and the wall will be built much faster with more bricks being added. We are those bricks peeps. We need each other to hold each other up in our recovery process.

    It's just plain hard to do alone.
    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

    ~Jack Welsh~:h

    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

    December Mod Squad

    Hi Eve,

    I do agree. I don't see too many mods here at all. I try to post every day to help me stay accountable for my plan. It doesn't always work, but I have come far from where I used to be, and don't want to go back. I hope to continue to modify my drinking until it is where I need it to be. Good to hear from someone who is successfully managing their way. Talk to you soon!


      December Mod Squad


      The hard part about an online community is we are putting private information out there to the world unlike a face to face meeting where the confidentiality is between the group.

      Then sometimes someone who mocks people trying to moderate or posts a well intentioned post but is misconstrued because we cannot hear tone or sincereity, will hurt a moderators feelings. So, our mod squad waxes and wanes but we have some older members who I know are making it in the mod world and I would love for them to begin posting again.

      I think we could be stronger as a group if we all posted our weekly goals and discuss what went wrong on Ruby Tuesday thread. Hop on board with me FancyC and we'll recruit new members and wake up our old modders. Let's make 2011 a succcessful year in the moderting world.
      "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

      ~Jack Welsh~:h

      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


        December Mod Squad

        Welcome back Eve!

        This ole modder's been woken up:-)
        I seriously need to get a plan together to get some AF time under my belt again - haven't been sticking to any of the rules that I set for myself and the time has come to be accountable.

        Hi Fancy C, welcome to the Squad!
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          December Mod Squad

          Mod Squad!! I'm so happy to see you Eve and DeeBee, and to meet you FancyC! I was beginning to think that there wasn't anyone modding at MWO anymore.

          As I so often do, I've been going back and forth about modding versus abstaining, and I am grateful for a place where it's okay to discuss modding as an approach. For me, the only problem with Ruby Tuesday (which was a great idea for a thread, Eve) was that once a week didn't feel like enough. I like to check in almost daily.

          I am happy to say that I have not had more than 3 drinks on any single day in over nine months. In fact, I hadn't had more than 2 in a day until just this week, when I had three glasses of wine. That really felt like too much. I have also gotten out of the habit of daily drinking, and after doing nearly six months AF I have so far been able to drink 1-2 drinks on infrequent occasions. I know full well what a slippery slope this can be, and I know I may have to commit to being AF for life at some point. But that doesn't seem anywhere near as scary as it once did.

          I wonder what happened to Roberta Jewel...She certainly had modding as a goal when she wrote "My Way Out", and I'd like to know if it still works for her.

          I want most of my days to be free of alcohol, and all of them to be free of hangovers. That's about the most succinct way I can describe my goals at the moment.

          DeeBee, I'd love to support each other through AF time. Let's share our plans soon.

          I hope we can make this thread stick again!

          "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


            December Mod Squad

            DeeBee and Sara,
            So glad to *see* you both again. Hello Fancy C!
            Went out with BIL last night to meet his new date. We had 2 small glasses of wine (probably under 5 oz.) at elderly Aunt's house and BIL and date had 4. Then we went out to eat and said date went to the bathroom and came back with a glass of wine knowing BIL had ordered her one for the table. She drank those two while we all sipped on one and then she went to the bathroom again and came back with another glass of wine knowing BIL had reordered a drink for her so now she had 2 more. So, now she's up to 8 drinks and who knows how many she drank before they came over to the Aunt's house.
            Trying to get to know her I asked a question that apparently struck a drunken nerve and she got up and went to the bar to order another drink. I apologized to her if I had offended her but liquor does crazy things to people and she had an attitude and her body language showed me that she didn't want to talk to me anymore. He's a bad drinker as well so they are like a hurricaine meeting a tornado.

            I was so glad I woke up today without a hangover, without a blackout, and without remorse.

            I wonder if she did.
            "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

            ~Jack Welsh~:h

            God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


              December Mod Squad

              I doubt it, Eve! She sounds like she's in a very bad place. Must have been kind of intersesting, though depressing, to observe. Good for you for sticking to your limits! Isn't that a good feeling?

              Hubby and I are having friends over for dessert and drinks tonight. One couple and their kids. I am planning on having no more than two glasses of red wine. White wine is too easy for me to drink fast. I will definitely wait until they arrive to pour a glass, and then have a seltzer after one and give it a little time. Sometimes I find if I let the initial "gotta refill this glass now" feeling pass, I lose the desire for more. But I'd like to think I can feel okay about it if I have two.

              I'll report back! Have a good night all!
              "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                December Mod Squad

                Good Morning!

                I'm up bright and early and unhung. I had two small glasses of red wine last night, with seltzer in between. Then I kept drinking seltzer as the evening went on. I had taken Kudzu Rescue through out the day, and I think maybe that helped...I really did not feel any compulsion or hurry to drink. I also think mindfulness plays a huge role. I don't want to get drunk anymore. Ever. I am very aware of my thoughts and feelings as I sip, and know that I truly want to stop before I am drunk. I think this is one of the things that has changed in the last few years of confronting this problem.

                Even so, I am fully aware that I may look back on this some day and think I was kidding myself. If I feel the slippery slope beginning, I will have to go AF again. That's one of the reasons I want to post regularly; for additional accountability

                Hope to hear from others soon. Have a great day!

                "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                  December Mod Squad

                  good morning ladies,i guess all hav to come here a bit more often,or daily, seeing i try to stick to all threads,specially people that just start,they deserve ,tender loving care,change is good,modding and total abstinance,,i look at ,both, as, i woke up to reality,and from drinking the way i was,it wasnt sane,or on the other hand,total sobriety was also a lot of work as is MODDING,,life is what you make of it,is it so hard to say NO,ive had enuff,i was at a christmas party last nt, i had a ceasar, 1,i came home and a had a beer,1,then i went to sleep,i beleive its like teaching a child how to ride a bike,they will fall down,its inevitable,but they never stop trying,no matter the scenarioooooo ? hava wonderful weekend and im looking forward to contributing to this thread lets keep it going gyco


                    December Mod Squad

                    This looks like an interesting thread - when I first came to MWO, is was with the idea of modding, then decided I couldn't so stopped. Went AF for 8 months with the help of Topa, stopped Topa, started again - back to 5 or 6 Guinness a night (the most I drank), back on Topa - am down to one or two a night - feel good on it and sometimes, tip the second one out. Am not sure I want to go Af again - might stay where I am. If I go up with the Topa, I get SE's - I don't where I am and it keeps me to the limits I am at with the Guinness. So, if you don't mind, I might come here and join in. watch my amounts and see how I go.....

                    Love, Sunshinedaisies x
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      December Mod Squad

                      Glad to see you Gyco and Sunshinedaises!
                      "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                        December Mod Squad

                        Thanks Sara - is it usually the same folk here? I did most a while ago on monthly moderation looking for a modding thread trying to find something!! I wasn't quite sure what is considered modding - Gyco said that it was having AF days and just drinking now and then - but I do drink daily - even if it is just one or two - so..... I am not sure if that is good or bad! Part of me thinks it is still too much - more than the 'normal' drinker drinks!! So I suppose I am still in a quandary! What is all of the folks here opinion please??

                        Hugs, Sun xx
                        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                          December Mod Squad

                          Good morning.

                          Didn't stay on track as I planned on Saturday, but here I am still working on it. Feeling good for the week, hope to stay busy, and on track. This time of year there is much to do! I too like to check in daily, at least through the week. I am ready to feel like I did last week after a number of af days, definitely a good feeling! Hope everyone has a great day today!


                            December Mod Squad

                            Hi Modders,

                            Sunshinedaises, I think most people would say one to two drinks a day is moderate, but as I've heard from others and told myself again and again, it isn't just how much you drink that's an issue, it's also how you feel about it. What tells you that your drinking is a problem? Is it because you look forward to it all day, or feel very deprived without it, or need it to relax? Or is the moderate amount you drink having a negative impact on your mood or your sleep or your behavior? I'm going to post some thoughts about moderation on a new thread, because I've written it out and think it provides a really clear idea of why drinking can be a problem, even in moderate amounts. I'll call it "Just Two Glasses", if you're interested.

                            FancyC, I think we're both in need of some AF days. Can you commit to Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, or do you want to take it one day at a time? Either way, I'll be here to support you and could use some support myself!

                            Be well!
                            "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                              December Mod Squad

                              Hi Mods

                              It has been a long time since I visited and posted on MWO. If you remember me I was pretty regular on long term mods. I decided to go AF which I did for six months. In October I decided to start drinking moderately. I enjoyed my life AF but keep coming back to moderating as best life style for me. I still have goal of ten or less drinks a week never exceeding three in one night. Overall I am doing this with the exception of an occasional four drink night. I can tell the difference in how I feel having just one more than I should. I have decided to join long term mods again and check site frequently.

                              It is good to see that some long termers are still here with a couple of new ones. I look forward to rejoining the group. Just a reminder that I am one of few men on this site.

