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FebRUary Thread

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    FebRUary Thread

    Hey gang,

    Capitalized RU to help us focus on that word...rue:

    One of Webster's definitions of the word is :to wish that (something) had never been done, taken place.As Moderators who are trying be successful at moderating, let's support each other, post on the drinktracker, remember Ruby Tuesday's thread to post goals and accomplishments or failures so we can pat our backs when we're successful and support each other and look at how we can make changes if we fail.

    Here's to a successful February!
    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

    ~Jack Welsh~:h

    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

    FebRUary Thread

    Happy Feb Modders!
    You just reminded me that I promised myself to use the DT this month -- off to do just that before I forget:-)
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      FebRUary Thread

      Hiya Dee Bee and Eve,

      Well, I am half way through my Vietnam adventure and boy is it challenging! Not what I would call a holiday, a challenge perhaps...

      I have filled in my drink tracker with great diligence and it has helped me to put a beer down and say' You know what? Yeah I ordered this drink and Yeah I paid for it but I actually don't feel like finishing it. So I won't!'
      Then I can put .5 on my drink tracker! Yay.
      There have been a few days where I have exceeded my plan of no more than 2 in a sitting and my count is quite high for that day( for the new me ) as I drank a beer at lunch and then a few at dinner aswell. I certainly do not like drinking much during the day now as it wrecks me for the rest of it.
      I am feeling more in control then ever before when trying to mod, yet, cautious winds still blow as I all too aware that I have been in quite cushioned environments so far. Eg: With my mother, as I am holidaying with her. I am most fearful of being in situations with others of a similar age group, in a different environment.
      BUT, I am going to give credit where credit is due, pat on the back for me, looking to the future!
      I have noticed that I don't constantly check how much I or others have left in their glass, and I do not fear the drink I'm having will be my last. It has small, yet highly significant ways!
      I hope everyone is doing ok, it's nice to check out others drink tracker entries too.
      Keep up the good work and fingers crossed I do to......SJ xxxx
      I am Perfectly Imperfect!


        FebRUary Thread

        Hi Eve, Gidget and DeeBee,

        Eve - thanks for starting this thread. I'll be checking in more regularly now - had company for 2 weeks - whew! Glad to have my sedate, little normal life back although I enjoyed the diversion.

        I'm doing really well overall and feel so happy with being able to moderate. I feel like I've overcome a huge hurdle. And, that is, being able to not drink on nights I choose to. And, this is not a struggle. I've definitely made a healthy switch and alcohol no longer has a grip on me. Now, as all of us know, modding isn't something to take for granted. But, for now, I'm in a good place.

        As Gidget says, it's a lot easier when you're in a safe place and a lot more challenging if you're with certain people, and in certain situations!

        BTW, Gidget, would love to hear about your travels when you have time.

        Look forward to hearing from everyone as the month progresses.



          FebRUary Thread

          Hello All. I'm new here in the group.

          Is there a drink tracker on the MWO site or is it a drink tracker that's online with Moderation Management?

          Thanks for any tips or advice. Have a great day. I'm AF until this weekend and then I may or may not drink, but never more than 2.


            FebRUary Thread

            Hey ML go to the main community page and go to the bottom and there is the drink tracker
            You always succeed if you never stop trying.
            Everyday we choose the direction of change.


              FebRUary Thread

              Hello Guys!

              Thanks Jenny. I never even realized that was on this site.

              I'm AF again today (since Sunday night) and I am feeling great. I don't have any desire or craving for a drink. I've been feeling kind of a sense of "relief" that I can have a drink or two if I want occasionally (weekends or social occasions) and it seems to have made my cravings just vanish.

              I hope it stays this way! No plans to drink tonight or the rest of this week for that matter!

              Have a great day all.


                FebRUary Thread

                Things are quiet here - Jen and ML are back on the AF threads - wishing you luck guys. Af is really wonderful, so don't lose what you had if modding isn't going to work for you.

                Hi to anyone else who happens along.



                  FebRUary Thread

                  Hi All!
                  KG- Travels have been hectic! Vietnam is not the most relaxing of holiday destinations. I kind of forgot that SE Asia tends to be more wearing than reviving! Dropped by the Sofitel today and spent $5 on a coffee! Was checking out the accomodation I could stay in if I wasn't on minimum wage! Something to aim for.... Am returning to OZ in a year to finally go to university so I can get paid what I am worth!

                  Hi to ML and Jen. I said no to a drink tonight because I wanted a better looking drink tracker run : ) So it does help me out a bit.

                  Having been AF for such a long time I have realised that alcohol really is not the ' be all and end all of fun' and I have removed it from its pedastal! Still early days of modding, I can't rule out AF yet but I know I have it in me to Mod now. It does take hard work. For me, NLP has been my saviour. I never had any progress whatsoever for the 15 years that I struggled ( struggle ) with it. NLP has been the first thing to ' scratch that record', the old way of thinking and re direct my subconscious!

                  SJ xx
                  I am Perfectly Imperfect!


                    FebRUary Thread

                    Gidget - must say I don't envy your travels - sounds like a lot of work. I used to travel a lot so I guess I got it out of my system. I like short trips, but long ones make me really homesick and in need of my routine! BTW, can't remember what NLP is? Is it medication? Anyway, I agree that drinking is something that isn't nearly all it's cracked up to be. Not sure why it takes us so long to figure that out!! So good to know we can mod. You know, I could see just voluntarily not drinking because I like it better (without the self-imposed pressure of mandating it in my brain). It's a good place to be, isn't it!!


                      FebRUary Thread

                      Hi fellow modders,

                      I am still hanging in there with the moderation.

                      Had a couple of challenging situations last week. Thursday went to a Rugby game. Had a few cold tins of lager (low alcohol 2.6%). Slipped up and had a few full strengh beers back at home. Ended up having a late night surfing the net and a bit tired at work the next day. But no real probs with the alchol itself, more my nocturnal tendencies. I will probably give sporting events like that a miss from now on. They are traditional drinking situations for me from when I was a teenager. A lot of time is spent standing around in all sorts of weather waiting for something to happen. Time to move on.

                      On Friday we went to see Oklahoma at Queanbeyan Theatre. What a great show that is. I had a few drinks before and at intermission. Got a bit carried away and had a few too many due to feeling elation from the show and the taste from the full strength drinks at the theatre. Had a total of 6 drinks and really felt it. Must watch that.

                      But the saving grace is the AF days. I just keep hammering away at those AF days. With zero alcohol in the blood stream most of the time, it is very hard for the booze beast to rear his ugly head. I am still 99% in control.

                      Moderating since 1st December 2010

                      "There is no such thing as failure, only feedback"


                        FebRUary Thread

                        Kev, this is my experience too. I feel that having the AF days is my saving grace. I really am enjoying drinking when I do it, but am keeping it at a minimum because I feel incredibly better the next day when I haven't had alcohol the night before. That is real incentive for me. But, the pleasure of drinking is worth one day of not feeling 100% as long as I feel pretty good if you know what I mean. I don't want to binge on those drinking evenings because I don't want to ruin the next day.

                        Sending you strength and peace,



                          FebRUary Thread

                          Hi everyone,

                          I have gotten serious about modding and am joining in on the moderation boards. I went almost 4 months AF then started drinking again, but not seriously moderating. Had my aha moment on the 6th when I drank too much and at first decided to go AF again but I know I can be successful moderating when I really commit 100%. So here I am, I haven't had a drink since Feb 6 and not sure when I will, but I agree that it is a load off to know that I can when I do want a couple. I have set my guidelines and if I can't follow them, then I will abstain forever.

                          Glad to be part of this community...I have started with the drink tracker and will be on this site as vigilant as I was when I was AF.


                            FebRUary Thread

                            Hi Peace. Will look forward to reading about your experience modding!



                              FebRUary Thread

                              Hi everyone,
                              I think modding is definitely for me. Just the thought of never drinking again put too much pressure on me personally. I went out after work with work friends and I didn't even want a drink so I had soda water. In the past if I was abstaining I would feel like I was missing or having to make an excuse why I wasn't drinking. I didn't feel like one and that was it.

                              I feel like a load has been lifted and I have found the journey I should be on. AF is wonderful don't get me wrong, I want to have way more AF days, but I don't think about AL anymore knowing that it is not the forbidden fruit. I am learning to not be all or nothing, I have struggled with that all my life.

                              Moderation in everything is my ultimate goal.:h

