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FebRUary Thread

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    FebRUary Thread

    Hi RC - I agree that it's really nice when modders post and that it helps us all. So, I'll be here unless I'm out of town.

    Sounds like you're doing well - I'm so proud of you for trying to use sustainable materials -- crazy isn't it that anything that's good for the environment costs so much more -- food, clothing, building, you name it. This country is so on the wrong track about chemicals and what we're willing to do to the earth. Really pisses me off. Can only hope it turns around before we look like the face of the moon and poison our bodies to the point where we all get cancer. Sorry, this is my soapbox.........Well, anyway, good luck with what you're doing. Look forward to hearing more .....



      FebRUary Thread

      Hey KG~we can take turns on that particular soap box! I was looking at bamboo flooring but it's not very durable under domestic wear let alone commercial-and there's there's the miles vrs local issue. And cost! I do understand economies of scale and have tried to educate about that aspect in regards to organic food for years. Haha see? We could have a 24/7 podium for some time, I think......
      Had an early night, watched a bit of Titanic and crashed. Energy great and loving looking at myself in the mirror these days.
      How about you?

      Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

      St. Francis of Assisi


        FebRUary Thread

        Hey RC, so glad to find a kindred spirit. It's amazing how many people are clueless about what they put in their body. They look at the dollar amount only. We live in the only country in the world where people have to be convinced NOT to put man-made chemicals in their food. F*#%ing amazing!! Do you think it's just simple brainwashing? Even intelligent people I know don't understand this. Very frustrating to me.

        We had a low-key night - just watched Grey's Anatomy and turned in early. Funny, I had 2beers and just a really small amount of wine but feel really tired today. Guess AL is affecting me differently in my "old" age.

        You know, regarding your flooring I understand -- it's really hard to know what to buy sometimes because of the "carbon footprint" involved, i.e. if it's shipped from far away, etc. So, are you building a health food store? That's exciting!! To have your own business, and then on top of that for it to be something worthwhile. Good for you!



          FebRUary Thread

          Love kindred spirits! Often family and friends just look at me like I've got a third head! They've been dumbing us down with chemicals, food devoid of real nutrition and lowering expectations in the school system for years! And then there's head in the sand syndrome. It's no surprise really. Lost sheep is all most of us are. That's sounds so pessimistic--sorry. I see myself as a realist and work at doing my part as a good steward of this wonderful planet we've been put on for a brief time.

          I've had this store since 1995 KG and it is my passion. I'm finding competition in some areas too much to manage though as mass market cherry picks them. Going to put more focus on natural healing products--keeping myself current and spending time educating. I'm hoping to put an infrared sauna in for customer use as well. Need a serious cash injection though. Hence the business plan project.

          Yeah, I can't push myself like I used at 51. It's great realizing I don't want or need to now. It's a whole new world of opportunities opening up from the dark hole I'd sunk into.


          Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

          St. Francis of Assisi


            FebRUary Thread

            OK, RC, we'll make a pact to commiserate on the state of the world. Always feels better to vent.

            I wish you the best of luck with your business. I can see how it would be hard to keep your prices down if you're competing with big entities. Best of luck with that.



              FebRUary Thread

              Deal darlin! Mr Walmart and his model of doing business seduces the masses into self destruction. The lure of cheap everything comes with a global price that we are experiencing these days. I'm trying to align myself more with entities that realize this. Thanks for the best wishes. I take it you're retired. What was your line of business/career, if you don't mind sharing? xo

              Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

              St. Francis of Assisi


                FebRUary Thread

                RC - people don't seem to understand the short-sightedness of wanting everything cheap. When we complete annihilate the environment, maybe then we'll get it. The problem now is that even when you want to do your part, it feels like it's ineffectual because we're owned by big business and things have gotten so out of hand. I can only hope that there is some karma for those who rape, pillaged and plundered on the worst levels. I think the media has been extremely lax in bringing things to the forefront. Every day I'm e-mailing either my congressman or senator about food or environment or animal cruelty issues.

                I'm not retired but do some work from home. It's a "little" job for the HR Department of a small firm. In my former lives I was a teacher and sold real estate -- have also done administrative jobs.



                  FebRUary Thread

                  Happy Sunday my mod friends :l

                  I feel awesome, and as my name change indicates full of peace again. Had a wonderful weekend so far and we still have today. Friday no AL, last night we went to friends and for the first time ever, I think, we were the last to arrive and first to leave. Both hubby and I are on a no more hangovers frame of mind and are both enjoying being able to enjoy every day without a hangover.

                  I had sooo much fun and to have real belly laughs with friends and remember them is wonderful, I will never let go of this feeling and sabotage myself again.

                  Have a wonderful day my friends and will check in later.....anyone watching the oscars tonight? I will a bit but they go too late, wish it started earlier...



                    FebRUary Thread

                    Good Morning Everyone,

                    Peace, you sound really good - like you're going to stick with it this time. I too woke up feeling great without a hangover. Nothing better and definitely worth hanging on to. Doesn't it help when your hubs is on board? Much harder when those around you are getting smashed. That's something I'll have to watch if my husband ever decides to drink a lot when I'm trying not to.

                    Haven't decided on the Oscars..............

                    Have a lovely Sunday,


                      FebRUary Thread

                      Hi Peace and KG. No hangover here. I do wish they would make my wine in a 600ml though. There never seems much point in leaving that few ounces in the bottle. Had a nice two hour phone conversation with an MWO friend last night. Silliness and laughter til my cheeks hurt. That's been a long time.
                      Have a great day!

                      Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                      St. Francis of Assisi


                        FebRUary Thread

                        Oh, that's great that you have an MWO phone buddy. Wonderful!! I love this website - so amazing that you made a friend via MWO. Glad you felt good today, RC. I'm planning on another great day tomorrow.



                          FebRUary Thread

                          Good morning,

                          Isn't is wonderful to wake up on Monday and not dread the day or week ahead. Had a wonderful weekend only had some beer on Saturday and feel great for it. I even planned on having a couple yesterday but chose my book over AL, now that's a nice change for me.

                          RC - isn't it grand to have those times of laughter...I had one with my friend on Saturday and to remember why we were laughing was awesome, it was an authentic fit of laughter - good for the soul.

                          Didn't end up watching the oscars, got absorbed in my book and couldn't put it down.

                          Well, last day of Feb and I drank 7 days out of 28 , not bad. I have holidays in March so that will be a bit of a challenge, but I am not going over my limit ever again and it's great hubby is on the same mindset that I am.

                          Have a wonderful day my friends :l


                            FebRUary Thread

                            Good Morning Everyone,

                            Peace, so glad to hear that you're doing well. I'm finding that choosing not to drink when I can to be a very powerful thing! We watched the Oscars last night. Hubs had one beer - I had nothing. Please tell us what book you're reading -- I love to read and always have a book or two going.

                            Good luck in March - let us know how it goes with the social functions.

                            Stay strong everyone. Definitely worth it not to get back in the alcohol rut again. RC - hope to hear from you too today.



                              FebRUary Thread

                              I am here too! Have a snow day and staying home. Plenty of snow falling and then freezing rain predicted later.
                              Was trying to think of the number of days this month and believe it's about 7 for me too Peace. Even more important I did not overindulge and feel complete crap at all. Yay for us!
                              KG, I am loving the empowerment of choice--not just in drinking but in how I am moving forward no matter what happens!
                              Of course, life will bring more challenges and I will have to be ever vigilant with my coping choices.
                              Best to you all today. xo

                              Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                              St. Francis of Assisi


                                FebRUary Thread

                                Well put, RC. Happy to be on this journey with you and Peace and others (who post occasionally).


