Some of you may know me already but those that don't I finished an AF time of almost 4 months which ended in December. At that time I started to have the odd drink, but didn't give moderation the respect and effort it deserves. I had a couple of binges that left me thinking I needed to quit for good.
However after much thought and consideration, I know I have a bingeing problem that is what I need to work on. Has anyone out there gone from the odd binge to modding? I don't drink everyday or weekly for that matter, it's once I do I get all woohoo let's party...I need to control that part.
So, here I am on my modding journey - I had a successful mod period for over a year before and then I was thrown some curve balls in life that made me spiral a bit.
My plan is first get the drinktracker, second not drink wine - the only time I will allow that is when we visit Paris which we plan to in 3 years. I am only going to drink light beer, no hard liquor, no shots.
My goal is to never have a hangover again and to never black out, be ashamed and regret my choice to try and mod.
Well, here I am I could use some advice especially from anyone who binged in the past and has conquered that.