Hiya CherBear, J-Vo and Rebirth ( and KG and Eve if about ),
I have really enjoyed reading through this thread. Lots of Honesty and Helpful tips.
I have been drinking more than I would have liked recently - Including one rather big night that led to that 'Oh god , what did I do that for ' kind of morning to follow.
Having read through this thread it has become apparent that the reason that this has happened is because I had forgotten that I am not a 'normal' drinker and that I need to continue to work on my association/relationship with alcohol. If am wanting to have a life of moderation I have a responsibility to myself to remember this. For me NLP ( Neuro Linguistic Training ) is what I need to stick with, at least 3 times a week. In Audio form.
I love a clear head in the morning and feeling motivated is something I have struggled to maintain over my life- Which I do attribute mostly to alcohol, due to either hangovers or immense feelings of inadequacy which feeds the ' Why bother' attitude. I have so much potential to create, be, love and give to the world. This has been hampered by booze. It has been such an incredible dark cloud that has had such a negative impact on my life- Even though I have always been highly functioning eg Turned up to work each day, never drank during the day. I have though been very confused about what I want from my life and I whole heartedly know that Alcohol has played a huge part in this. I never had a chance to get to know myself or who perhaps I wanted to become. My formative years where literally pissed against the wall. Those ever important years when your opinions are forming about things, people and yourself. During my periods of sobriety this cloud has lifted and I see the world much more clearly and with much more hope and optimism. Without Hope , really what do we have?? I will not quash my Hope for the sake of a few drinks!! I want my life back, like someone said in this thread ( sorry not sure whom) , When I was a child I was so happy, out in the mud, making patty cakes and eating ice cream....Where did simple joy go? It's still there! With regular exercise, creative pursuits, good positive friendships and good healthy food, it can surely be re ignited.
Am going to stop there ha ha am totally rambling, just getting thoughts out, randomly.
I am going to give myself the attention that I deserve, I am going to be good to me.
Am off to write a plan.
I hope you are well today.
Sj xx