Hi Ladies,
The last few days have been somewhat hellish. I was out last night at our board meeting until almost 10:00. They've cut officially, now, 49 teachers, 2 administrators, all security, secretaries, lunch ladies, and aides. The rest will supposedly be learned tomorrow; that is, what positions they will move us into, what schools.... It's quite unsettling, and everyone is on edge.
I blew it this weekend as well. After all the cuts on Friday, I came home and lay on the couch and didn't move until Sat. Sat., we went to dinner and I had wine, three glasses. But next week is another weekend. I'd like to try again.
Congrats on your weight loss Rebirth! Keep up the good work.
Cher, I'd love also to have a few glasses a day, but for me, that would lead to failure! I know some people can do that, no problem. But that's good you can stop at one!
I bought L-glut to help my sugar cravings. Sat. night after dinner, I had a nice big oreo ice-cream treat. And I've been having treats, lots of them. I think some of it's this stressful time with school, and not knowing where I'll be teaching next year.
Take care all.