TMH and others,
TMH, I have had two other friends lose brothers this last week so it's been a reflective week for me as I have two brothers that are very dear for me. Once again, sorry for your loss.
I haven't researched Moder8. I wonder if it is an ammino acid? Everyone should go to our research site where members blog -look at top of screen and it is to the right of health store. A new member posted some very good info about ammino acids that help with cravings. Of course it all confirms what the founder wrote about with L-glut and kudzu. Interesting stuff and wonder where Moder8 fits into that.
I have been doing great with no more than 1 or 2 but have to admit I really struggled with cravings most nights I drank and really wanted a 2nd or 3rd but kept focused on the honesty with reporting here and on drinktracker and it kept me strong. The cravings do pass if one just procrastinates. TMH, seltzer with a shot of grenadine and a lime is a fun non-al drink that looks like AL as one could think it's a vodka or gin/tonic drink if you wanted to be discreet about an NA drink. My son turned me on to 3/4 cranberry juice and 1/4 o.j. which is actually very tasty. Sounds like an odd combo but works for me.
I feel so blessed to start off the new year with 1 week into it with no hangover history this past week because no more than 2 works for me without feeling affected the next day. Off to post on drinktracker now which also helps me maintain my accountability.