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January Mod Squad

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    January Mod Squad

    Ok, I was really holding off to see if someone else might start us off for the New Year but I couldn't wait any longer.

    What are your goals for January, Modders? Have you set them in place and what do you wish to accomplish. Do you have a new hobby you would like to try, maybe start a new job, volunteer, begin an exercise plan? Let us know what your goals are for 2012. If a year is too far in advance, then what do you plan for the next week, day, hour?

    Here is wishing you a year filled with peace, happiness and laughter and where your dreams and goals come to fruition. :l
    "What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding." Elvis Costello

    January Mod Squad

    Got up on New Year's Day feeling good even after attending a big party night before. Dh made breakfast, we sat out on lanai marveling at our good fortune and discussed new year goals. I am a daily exerciser already but have decided to take normal Happy Hour time and replace with add'l exercise, more than likely biking. We had a 1:00p tee time, enjoyed a great afternoon of golf. Then New Year's Day got forever changed. Rec'd a call from my niece that my brother passed away yesterday. So I need to pack, travel back to MN and put goals on hold for a bit.

    Wish all of you a happy and wonderful 2012!

    The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


      January Mod Squad

      I am SO sorry to hear of the passing of your brother. We are all here for you in our thoughts and prayers.
      "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

      ~Jack Welsh~:h

      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


        January Mod Squad

        TMH, so sorry! that is so sad. how are you doing?


          January Mod Squad

          My goals are to have courage, calmness and hope this year. I don't like specific goals, since they can set me up for disappointment, but I am working out, feeling better about myself, and modding very nicely. And this is the worst time of year, too! (being winter and all)


            January Mod Squad

            Dear TMH,
            I am so sorry to hear about your brother. I wish you strength in this very difficult time. Travel safe and my thoughts are with you.
            MM :soothe:
            "What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding." Elvis Costello


              January Mod Squad

              Thanks everybody for your kindness and sympathy. It is much appreciated. We are flying out tomorrow nite already even tho funeral isn't until Friday. We can arrive tomorrow about 8:30p whereas on Wed nite it would be 11:30p and dh will be having some work meetings on Thur. so that seemed awfully late. May get together with group of friends on Sat. nite; obviously our focus is on family first. Didn't think we would drink today but we were snapping a bit and decided to take the edge off, one drink b4 dinner, one gl of wine with dinner. I know alcohol doesn't solve anything or make things better it's just where I'm at right now. No guilt.

              The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                January Mod Squad

                TMH - i'm so sorry to hear about your loss. sending loving thoughts your way.


                  January Mod Squad

                  ugh. i did my 7 days in a row AF when i was sick. Then, i was being so good. drinking minimally. started slowly with only 1.5 half drinks a few nights. then 2, then before I knew it, I was having 3 drinks every night. So for the past 15 days I have had a drink every night. I had 3 drinks like 4-5 nights in a ROW, until this Monday, I had 2, and yesterday I had 2.

                  So, my old fear is creeping up on me. starting to sabotage me again. so i need some reassurance. I want to have an AF day(or 2) this week but I'm scared of withdrawals. Please tell me that even drinking that much 15 days in a row is not enough to cause any withdrawals. RIGHT?
                  i do NOT know why my anxiety latches on to this fear.

                  thanks for your support


                    January Mod Squad

                    Thanks LGL. Appreciate your thoughts.

                    LGL - Sorry you're experiencing anxiety. No fun. But if you did not have withdrawal when you were sick and 7 days AF why would you now? Wouldn't that make sense? As you know I live in retirement community and am very aware of couples who every night have 2 hard liquor drinks, then switch to wine, and have at least 2 and sometimes a lot more. Do I want to emulate? No! Have I? Yes, well I don't drink much hard liquor but have more since moving to FL. Would they suffer withdrawal? I have no idea; they sure seem to function a lot better than I would on that amt. Not that we should compare ourselves to others, just trying to put things into perspective.

                    On another note I have picked today to start taking Moder8. For some reason I haven't told dh. Product arrived yest and I packed it and am up in MN now. I also purchased L-Glut but don't plan on taking that until after I've been on Moder8 for 1 week. I want the L-Glut for both the alcohol, sugar craving benefit and the exercise building muscle benefit. Initially, I tried the Kadzu from MWO but it made me extremely dizzy. Because of slight concern of side effects, I will tell dh when he returns with car & I take him to work. Product does have warning about driving but only says don't take and drink & drive.

                    The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                      January Mod Squad

                      I will have to google that - let us know how it works.


                        January Mod Squad

                        Lila - look under Monthly Mod thread. Zimmerman has a fairly recent recount of his experience with Moder8. That peaked my interest.

                        This is where I'll post progress. Just go ahead and skip over if not interested.

                        Day 1
                        Took 2 Moder8 in a.m. on empty stomach. Felt fine or no different anyway, have some eye twitching going on but that started earlier in week. Mid afternoon took another. After long afternoon babysitting 10 mon old gd & waiting on dh to get off work, on way to apt dh said "it's early enough to stop & get a bottle of wine". In FL you can do that anytime; here shops close at 8p. That is when I told him I'm not drinking. He bought a large bottle, we got a pizza. Honestly, I can say I had no qualms, longing, white knuckling, nada. But like Z. account, is that because I had just made up my mind this is the way it is or is it the product? I drank Diet Tonic water; he had 2 gl of wine. Took a trazadone b4 bed, woke up couple times during nite but all in all had a good night's sleep.
                        Took dh to work again today & finally shared about Moder8. The remainder of this week will be 2 tablets/day. They recommend you be AF for 1 week, then just take 1 tablet/day except on days you plan to drink you take another 30-60 min b4 drinking and it should curb how much you want. He joked about having a designated driver, but I can tell he's intrigued.

                        The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                          January Mod Squad

                          Day 2
                          Busy day ending with dinner at my son's. He brought out my favorite chardonnay and you should have seen the look on his face when I said no, thanks. He asked "you sure"? Yes, taking a break. He had a beer, his gf the chardonnay. Chaotic to say the least. 1.5 hr whirlwind. Drove home & with construction missed my turn, driving this big honker Escalade (beggers can't be choosers). DH came in from work, poured himself a gl of wine, what can I say, even with the tension - no issue.

                          Tomorrow won't be a problem; Sat nite might be. Meeting old running friends, friends that used to kid we are drinkers with a running problem. We'll see what happens. Plan is NA beer.
                          Hope everyone is having a good 1st week of January!

                          The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                            January Mod Squad

                            TMH you are doing great! I'm not sure if it's your determination or the moder8, but whatever works, right?


                              January Mod Squad

                              Thanks, LGL. Exactly!

                              Day 3
                              Attended brother's funeral. 7 hr RT car trip. On weekend visits, we would take over KFC and 12 pack of his fav beer. Stopped for dinner when almost home at Chinese restaurant. In honor of bro asked for NA beer. They didn't have any. So...ordered a glass of chardonnay. We toasted my bro. Now I had taken Moder8 about 4p, hadn't planned to drink. Diff is next week, I will not be taking afternoon dose unless I plan on drinking. Got home & in p.j.'s we had another glass. Well, for me, 2-3 sips, absolutely did not want anymore. Truly.
                              I am going to discontinue my Complex B vitamins for a few days as that is what Moder8 contains. I take it for Restless Leg Syndrome, and if that returns will go back to it, of course.

                              Lesson: Need to have couple choices in mind before going out if run into same issue of no NA beer. I'm sure most of you think what's the big deal, there is always water, soda, but I'm usually drinking water all day so not appealing, Diet Coke would be soda of choice but don't want caffeine later than noon, have rarely been a hot tea drinker in evening but.....and like tonite, when out with friends, I don't want to stick out like a sore thumb. I'm my own person and don't care what they think in some sense but I'm hoping I can just order NA beer, no one or few are the wiser, and have fun.

                              The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.

