I think mods is attainable. But it is a constant process, of determination & vigilance. Which I'll admit.. sometimes it can de downright frustrating! But I believe anything in life that is worth your time & energy, that takes a lot of work is always going to be just that. Hard work & a lot of determination. Maybe even some trials & errors. But the light bulb wasn't invented on the first try either. For that matter... light bulbs need replacing, they burn out. As do we if,we allow ourselves to get too stressed, or overworked.
I know for me, being totally abs a much harder struggle, than allow myself to drink some.
I've done re-hab 2x, been in & out of AA for years. And I always end up meeting great people. But for me to sit and talk about my old patters, or admit that I'm afflicted with a non-curable disease, and constantly admit to myself that I'm powerless... Makes me feel like a THIRSTY LOSER...

So, for now... I'll keep moderating. Praying, exercising, and trying to stay as healthy as I can. Thanks to this program, I've been able to do that for a year and 2 months now! Only a couple of bad slips. But hey, when I was learning to ski, it took a few spills before I started "rippin".:H Same with kayaking, I've done my share of swimming before I got a good roll down... Somethings just take more work than others. Sure I'll swim again, but that's not gonna stop me from getting back in my boat!
:l Judie