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Focus on Fitness for March/AF Days

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    Focus on Fitness for March/AF Days

    This is to Aison who felt he/she was posting incorrectly as they were getting a poor response from the board. I will pm Aison too so I am sure he/she gets this. Anyway, to all lurkers, the moderators want to support you but generally do not need the daily help like those who have decided to go AF and so they usually don't read the boards as often. Please don't take a poor or slow response personally. We are here for you and each other and everyone who comes here.

    Aison, I too abstained for 7 years one time. I went to a therapist for co-dependency issues and she asked me the typical C.A.G.E. questions and ofcourse I failed. I almost think anyone who has had teenage drinking years would fail that screening test. So, she said before she worked with me I would have to work on my own drinking issues and she said I had to go to AA or she wouldn't work with me. So, I quit drinking that day, went to AA for 7 years and not drinking wasn't that difficult for me at all. What happened was I quit the support of AA and then started to believe I could drink again. Since that time I have struggled with keeping the moderating under complete control and have definitely had some binges here and there. My binges however are 5 drinks and maybe one time I had an long day episode of 7. So, not a chronic drinking problem where I am ruining my health binge drinking daily or anything like that. However, the reality is, my shut off valve is faulty. Works sometimes, and not others. Usually I can just have two and I am fine. Sometimes however, it's like the vampire has tasted blood. I have my 2 and crave and desire, mull and plot and plod how to have more. That is the part about modding that is hard for me. I would be interested to hear about your 7 year abstinence and how it went for you when you started drinking again.
    Welcome from all of us and welcome to anyone new that has posted in March. Didn't read previous posts today. Just saw Aison's post in Feb. and wanted to respond.

    Oh, and another tip to new modders. We tend to post and read from month to month so once it was March, a lot of modders probably never saw Aison's post which was posted on one of the last days in Feb. Thanks to MM or TMH (can't remember who it was) who directed Aison to the March board.

    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

    ~Jack Welsh~:h

    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


      Focus on Fitness for March/AF Days

      Hey all - I'm still here - I managed to mod successfully last week - 2 glasses of wine on Friday and that was it. No alcohol at all on Saturday, I have had the odd craving but that's more me rebelling against myself rather than a real craving.

      I weighed myself last week and had put on 2.5lbs - I think that I need to weigh myself monthly and monitor my exercise/calories more closely and maybe start measuring my waist. I feel I have so much to lose (4 stone approximately) that I either get complacent if I lose a few pounds - or give up if I put on. The scales just hold a strange power over me!

      Anyway - work has picked up - had chat with line manager about our relationship and things are much better, for now.
      one day at a time


        Focus on Fitness for March/AF Days

        Hi all,
        Hi LGL, good to see you. I love tennis too. I haven't been able to play though in ages do to tendinitis in my elbow. It's getting better so I hope to play this summer. It's a great workout.
        Hi Bear, I'm so happy to hear it's better at your workplace. That must be such a relief. I log my calories, weight and activities daily online. It really helps me stay with the program. It's amazing how many calories you can consume and not even think it's much but it all adds up. I have lost 5.8 lbs and only 1.2 to go. But it's taking some time to get that last bit off. Weekends kill me. Well I am off to a zumba class tonight with a girlfriend. I have never done it before so it should be interesting and I think pretty hillarious. I'll let ya know how it went if I don't kill myself tripping over someone.:H
        "What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding." Elvis Costello


          Focus on Fitness for March/AF Days

          Are you following a diet plan like Weight Watchers or just doing your own thing just watching what you eat and exercising. I really believe in the logging aspect. Makes one more thoughtful about what they're doing and helps them be more accountable too.
          "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

          ~Jack Welsh~:h

          God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


            Focus on Fitness for March/AF Days

            Hi modders. Had a relaxing day, well except for contact lens insertion attempts. Still not successful. Got them out Monday night after trying maybe 25X/eye. Tried to insert the next a.m., could not, had to go meet new set of company and gave up for 2 days they were here. Also, company had a service dog and I ended up with sore, itchy eyes big time (allergic). Got that settled down a bit today so tried again.

            Went out for a walk, got caught in a little shower so scrapped that. Went for a bike ride but my heart just wasn't in it so pretty much was a slug today. No company, no alcohol. Think I'm just tired.

            So nice to see so many of you back. Off to get a good night's sleep.

            The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


              Focus on Fitness for March/AF Days

              Mornin' everyone,
              Eve, I'm not on a diet I just keep my calories around 1500. I use It's awesome. Free and so easy to use. I log my weight, everything I eat and my activities daily. It computes everything for you and really keeps you on track. I love it and it is the only way for me to lose weight. Check it out. Plus I am exercising 2xday M-F and 1x on Sat and Sun. I am very much a visual person so it works for me to see it all written down.

              Oh TMH, I hope you have better luck with those contacts. I feel your pain. I have a really hard time putting anything close to my eye. You need to take some time to relax. You have had so much company and that's exhausting. You'll feel better after a bit of down time.

              So I went to the Zumba class last night. :H It would take me 7 days a week for a year to learn those moves. I thought we would get instruction but she just started dancing and we were to follow. Yea, right. All I did was move my feet real fast and shake my hips and wave my arms in the air. It was hilarious. We left early. I worked up a sweat but was not winded at all. I get a better workout on the elliptical. So, needless to say, I won't be doing that anymore. We're going to take a spin class next week. At least I know how to ride a bike.
              Have a great weekend everyone.
              "What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding." Elvis Costello


                Focus on Fitness for March/AF Days

                TMH & MM,
                You both had me laughing:H!

                I can totally relate TMH to the contact situation. I almost got an anxiety attack trying to put one in one time. I can't stand things close to my eyes. Could never have someone else put eyeliner on me. Shudder to think of it. So, needless to say, I don't wear them yet kind of need to. I have monovision due to Lasik in one eye years ago. Needed distance but didn't want to lose the vision and have to put on glasses to look at things that are close (for work). Now however with this fun aging process I am losing the close vision so could really use a contact in that eye! May have to bite the bullet and face the fear!

                MM, Yes, some of those classes can get wild! Have been in one or two myself. Thank you SO much for the amazing tip! When I got to my heaviest weight in my life it totally freaked me out and I joined WW. Really wasn't a heavy weight to most standards but it was heavy for me. Enjoyed tracking the food but hated figuring out the points. Then they changed the point system when I had everything memorized! So, didn't want to start anew with that one. Had good success with Dukan diet but it's one of those Atkin's types (healthier though) but not safe enough for lifetime IMO. So, I totally like the site you referred. How simple is that right? We all know the whole concept is burn off what you take in and you won't gain. And if you burn off more you'll lose. One tip I wanted to share though which I have shared before here. The body burns AL first so that AL can be a nasty little bugger with keeping the weight down. Think it also lowers the metabolism to burn calories and I find I want to eat when drinking so...all the more reason to mod carefully with AL to keep the weight down.

                Have a good day all!
                "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                ~Jack Welsh~:h

                God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                  Focus on Fitness for March/AF Days

                  Hi guys. Good weekend, everybody? Fri we played golf with friends, lost the putting game so had to buy the drinks. We all had 2. I started off with Virgin Bloody Mary, then a gl of red wine (not my fav). They invited us over for a fish dinner, had some more wine, maybe 1.5 glasses. Today we played golf again, had 1 beer and then 1 drink tonite. Feels kind of good to say today is Sunday and even though we're playing in a friendly tournament with drinks & dinner after, my plan is to stay AF. Even thinking about trying to sit with neighbor who quit drinking when he was in his 20's - good influence.

                  No sleep tonite, having some tea. Cinnamon Apple, discovered Sleepy Time tea must be at our other place. Hope this works.

                  MM - You are funny! I'm sure I'd be the same way with Zumba. Think you need to know how to dance. :banana: Hey, no sooner had this set of company left when email came through with someone else visiting this week, not to stay with us but want to see us. Also, kids from Canada may be down, this is their spring break & they haven't decided between Mexico or here. I know - huh??? What the heck would airline tickets cost at last minute!! That's called life that revolves around hockey.

                  Eve - used that term "bite the bullet" for myself. Well, guess what. Felt so proud on Fri when I got both contacts in. Played golf, blurry golf I might add. But they warned me that this would be the case initially. However, before going to dinner at friends I went to take them out, could only find 1. :upset: Both dh & friend checked out eye, not to be found. So think I never got it in my eye and that is why everything looked so distorted. Of course, eye dr not in today, other dr couldn't be bothered to look at my chart to see if they had another sample for me to come in and p/u. Have to wait til Monday.

                  Off to finish tea and read a bit. Kind of tough not sleeping on night we lose hour for DST. :sigh:
                  The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                    Focus on Fitness for March/AF Days

                    Hi all,
                    I DON'T like losing an hour of sleep.

                    Oh, TMH, I'm sorry you lost your contact but that is funny that you were only seeing out of one eye. Sounds like something that would happen to me. I am in awe that you still want to give it a go. Wow, more company. That must be exhausting but good on you going af tonight.

                    Eve, I can't agree more with what you said about being careful about the weight creeping in with al. I have not had a good weekend AGAIN! Friday I had 3 glasses of wine. One at home then 2 at a restaurant. I did not like the feeling. Last night I had 2 1/2. Not sticking to my 2 on Sat and Sun. On top of that, yes, I know, I ate the refrigerator. I don't even want to get on the scale. Why do I keep sabotaging myself like this. I have got to get a grip. I was doing so well with only a little more than a pound to lose. It all revolves around the wine. Do I need to go af to lose that last little bit. Probably. Do I want to. NO.

                    Ok, off to the gym to try and lose a door. Have a good day all.
                    "What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding." Elvis Costello


                      Focus on Fitness for March/AF Days

                      Hi everyone. Been busy with the usual. Am finding it very tough to moderate as well as I would like. Need to remember my tagline which I had somebody quote back to me last night as she had rec'd an email from me. She said she printed it out and posted it as she just got done with 2 weeks of company who liked deep fried food and her dh mentioned the 5 cases of beer they went through. One of our guests recently said "oh, you have a vacation home but you get to live here". That about sums it up. I have to remember they are on vacation, I'm not.

                      Contact status on hold. They ordered a new one, it came in but they won't let me pick it up as dr. has to make sure it fits on my eye. Hello....isn't this the same one you originally gave me? Do they come in different sizes? I have been practicing and yesterday it only took me 3 tries to insert the 1 contact. Not able to get that sucker out on my own though. Dh has to help.

                      Going to go for a run/walk and do some lower body exercises. Then more than likely 9 holes of golf later.

                      Please check in, tell us how things are going. I fessed up ~ think it helps.

                      The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                        Focus on Fitness for March/AF Days

                        hi modders, I'm also fessing up, have been having some probs with my new goals this week but I'm now regrouping and coming up with a new strategy . I did have lunch with some family on Tuesday and normally we would all drink, and I would drink too much once I got started but this time I actually felt like I wanted to pull back on the AL and I did. It felt good to not go over the top, and I enjoyed myself much more than if I got drunk so it was good.


                          Focus on Fitness for March/AF Days

                          Ok, guess I have to fess up too. Had 2 glasses of wine on Tuesday. It was so beautiful I just wanted to be outside with a couple of glasses. So rule #1 was broken of not drinking during the week. Then had about 3 on Thursday. None on Friday and now we are going to a St. Patties day party at friends. Getting ready to leave. I will buy my own Chardonnay. Funny but most people don't carry Chardonnay in their homes and I hate red and don't drink any other white. I am worried about the party. I am breaking rule #2. Don't drink at parties. But I want to see how I do. With hubby there oh so carefully watching everything I do, I don't think I will over imbibe. We'll see. I'll let you all know. I have been very busy with various house projects. Spent the day gluing bricks onto our closed up fireplace. It is beautiful and we will do the same thing on the family room fireplace and an accent wall in the kitchen. It's such a beautiful look. We will lay the mortar tomorrow and then the bedroom one will be done. Then have to spend all week painting some of the kitchen doors that we got back from the carpenters. They still have the upper ones. Ok, hubby's ready and we need to leave. Have a great weekend all.
                          "What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding." Elvis Costello


                            Focus on Fitness for March/AF Days

                            Hello All

                            Quick Hello to say I will be hanging around a bit for the next month as planning to be AF for that time just because its good to do it sometimes when modding, I think at least. It is good just to give the body a more significant break and while at it just re establish all the good habits gained during previous AF time. I think it will be really useful to re focus my thinking again too and just re visit my old stuff and old friends. By way of update for those who know me, generally things are going good with modding. I dont have to think too hard about it most of the time. Generally dont drink more than twice a week. I cant say I never go over my goals, but its reasonably rare and I am largely happy with myself. That said I know I may need some additional assistance to go AF for 4 weeks, which is exactly why I know I should do it!
                            Love to all...MOO x
                            "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                            but in what direction we are moving."


                              Focus on Fitness for March/AF Days

                              Funny how we're all so different. My hard part is drinking at home. Can't open a bottle of wine here because I tend to have "just one more" and then the bottle is gone. So, I generally don't drink at home, only if hubby shares a bottle and then it's only 2 or 2.5 glasses.

                              Glad to *see* you!! Our visit to London was absolutely fantastic. So much to do that we plan on going back to see more. We had the best time. They have a Moderation Management group in the UK-google it and you'll see what city. I would love to go to an MM group and meet real people that I could mod with. Keep thinking about starting one here where I live. Just may do it one day.

                              Everyone else, hello! I am doing relatively well. Wrote the little blurb about the Groundhog day movie and how one just wants to "get it" and not keep repeating the day over and over (with the same mistakes). I have been mulling trying to drink less as I have given myself permission for 3-4x week and am thinking I am going to just shoot for Saturday night and only on Friday if going out to dinner or a party but if home with family, then no. Also, this drinking stuff can just be a habit and a bad one at that. So, I am going to say no to week night excuses for having one. Always seems there's some girl party or week-day dinner out where I drink and I want to limit that as well. Hubby and I went to dinner last Thursday and the perrier and lime tasted just fine!

                              Have to check in more often. Haven't read previous posts tonight so please forgive me if I am not making personal comments. Only saw the most recents posts from MM and Mood. Have a good week everyone and let's keep each other strong!!
                              "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                              ~Jack Welsh~:h

                              God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                                Focus on Fitness for March/AF Days

                                Ah, so good to hear from all of you. Yes, we are all different. Good to recognize though, something I haven't given a lot of thought to and should.

                                The Saturday exercise goal was exceeded. 5 miles, LB work, then 18 holes of golf = 21,800K steps. Felt tired yest, had a golf outing followed by potluck. Knowing hosts we brought a large bottle of wine to share; we had 2 glasses each and bottle was gone quickly and proud to say we weren't even remotely interested in having more when we got home. Just wanted to go to bed! Alas, was awakened not once but twice with severe charleyhorses. I'm sure I got dehydrated with the increased exercise and lots of sun.

                                Today's drink: tonic water (quinine for cramps). Here's to a good week!

                                The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.

