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May Day Modders

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    May Day Modders

    Hey mods,

    I haven't checked in in a while because things have been going well mostly. Been keeping it AF most days (and moderated on some other days) and just had a bit of a slip up on thursday but so far May is looking even better than April, which was my best month. This weekend is going to be a challenge being May Two-Four and all (big Canadian drinking holiday) but I'll be mostly abstaining. The sun is shining and I'm definitely going to go on a nice hard bike ride today, work up a bit of a sweat.



      May Day Modders

      Well done Renton, very inspiring. I am hoping I can say the same very soon. You've done very well, you should be proud of yourself - I bet you are, cause this is no easy demon to defeat :goodjob:

      I have started on the Kudzu and yesterday afternoon, it took me about an hour to drink my first cider, normally I would have downed at least two in the first hour and started on my third.

      However, we ended up at the beach party and it went downhill from there. Though I am happy to report that I didn't write myself off and I have total memory recall of the evening.

      Normally I would be sitting here regretting what I did - so not a bad outcome. Nice to know I didn't make a complete dick of myself.

      My L-Glut arrives soon, so I'm eager to see how it all goes.
      Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
      :h ya


        May Day Modders

        Let us know! I am going to start using Kudzu again. And I never really tried L glut.


          May Day Modders

          Could have easily had a drink tonight, but I didn't. The craving wasn't as strong, but still there.

          Hopefully the combination of Kudzu & L-glut will do the trick.
          Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
          :h ya


            May Day Modders

            Hi modders, just checking in. good luck with the holiday renton. Good job trixie, I love having recall after nights out like that, it's so much better than getting too drunk and the next day wondering if you made an ass out of yourself :thumbs:


              May Day Modders

              Thanks DG,

              I have been pretty good, haven't got the L-Glut yet, so just riding on the Kudzu, its not cutting the mustard though.

              Even though I haven't had much to drink doesn't mean I don't want one still.:upset:
              Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
              :h ya


                May Day Modders

                Drank on the weekend, pretty moderate, 2 would have been better than 3. AF last night.

                Last Thurs played bad golf, Sunday shot a 96. That's great for me - present goal is to shoot low 100's to get my handicap down. Another 96 today so moving in the right direction. Dh has only 3 hrs left in his 2 week trip, called to request drinks tonite on the lanai. Going to try have no more than 2.

                Renton - dd lives in Canada, haven't heard of May Two-Four. Will have to ask her. Kids are off school a lot and she says ah, the Queen had another b.d. You're doing so well, and I'm so glad you check back in with us.

                DG & Trix - same for you guys, hope the L-Glut helps, Trix.

                The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                  May Day Modders

                  I don't know much about golf TMH, but sounds like its something you love to do, and congrats on doing well.

                  Hopefully the L-Glut arrives today - I had 3 ciders last night and 2 would have been better. I was interested to see if the Kudzu did anything to curb my drinking........basically NO.

                  Anyway today is another day, will try again.

                  Have a good day all.
                  Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                  :h ya


                    May Day Modders

                    Quick c/i before weekend. Wrenched my back, well got quite a sore knot. That happened prior to dh getting home and chiro joked about my going bar hopping to p/u someone - to press between my shoulder blades. Somehow dh didn't think that was funny.

                    Anyway, curbed exercise this week, every other day played golf, every other day walked/ran 4 miles. Got my 4 miler in this am b4 8:00a and felt great. Maybe because my drinking last night stopped after 1.5 ?

                    Here's to a safe, mod weekend!!

                    The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                      May Day Modders

                      hi all
                      i am having more than i should lately...
                      i have some things with my school and my incomplete grades that I need to face but do not want to.
                      I stopped exercising, and I am really just about ready to start again. Life just seems to be about falling, getting back up, success, falling, etc etc.
                      And right now I am falling.
                      TMH, is your husband a little touchy, or was it an inappropriate thing to say?


                        May Day Modders

                        Sorry to hear about your injury TMH, not what you need right now.

                        Lila, that's what we're all here for, and I agree with the roller coaster, wouldn't it be nice to have a nice steady life??? Fortunately when we have a bad day, we can come here and get some support and feel better about ourselves. Such an awesome place. I hope you are feeling better today.

                        Started my L-Glut today, I'm looking forward to seeing some results. I have also put in my first order of Topamax - I did it yesterday after a hugh night on Friday night. Might have been the springboard I needed, so I'm looking at it positively today - not so positive yesterday.

                        Hope you all have a wonderful day.
                        Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                        :h ya


                          May Day Modders

                          Hey, Trix, anxious to hear if the L-Glut makes any difference for you. I keep saying I'm going to start taking it but rarely do. Don't know anything about Topamax. Does it work like baclofen where you get deathly ill if you drink? By huge night, you mean drank too much?

                          Lila - No, dh really isn't touchy. Maybe he thought it inappropriate for her to say; I just thought it was funny. Sorry to hear you're feeling down lately. Yes, exercise does help, even just going for a walk. Doing anything for Memorial Day?

                          Yest we played golf, then had a couple beers. Didn't end there, came home to throw a pizza in the oven and had 2 more drinks. Don't feel too badly today; they were spaced out which is a good thing. Was thinking this am about why I don't look at it as more poison being poured down my throat and affecting my health. Hhhmmm.

                          Will do better today! Hope everyone has a good one and for those in U.S. enjoy (but not too much) the holiday weekend!

                          The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                            May Day Modders

                            It really would be nice to be on a more even keel! Do tell us about L-Glut, if it helps.
                            TMH, maybe it just triggered him - I am glad he is not touchy, that would be hard to deal with. And, no, not doing anything for memorial day. My mom was going to visit, but I told her it is not a good time. I felt guilty! but I will invite her again soon.
                            well, today is a brand new day. I started deep cleaning the house. I think I will just deal with all my worries little by little.


                              May Day Modders

                              Lila that sounds like a good plan. These days I've started to see my af days as a bit of a blessing because it gives me a chance to catch up on a few things. Just tell yourself you can do so much today if you don't drink, and if the urge comes ride it out, you can do this!

                              af sunday for me today, I plan to do a few things at home, maybe have a nap (sundays seem like such a good day for an afternoon nap for some reason). I hope everyone has a nice relaxing and rejuvenating Sunday.


                                May Day Modders

                                ToMyHealth;1323798 wrote: Hey, Trix, anxious to hear if the L-Glut makes any difference for you. I keep saying I'm going to start taking it but rarely do. Don't know anything about Topamax. Does it work like baclofen where you get deathly ill if you drink? By huge night, you mean drank too much?

                                Topa works by taking away the cravings. As far as I know Antabuse makes you really sick if you keep drinking.

                                I'm going to see how I go on the L-Glut before I plunge into Topa, cause I'm not seeing a Dr yet. In Aus I don't think they approve of Topa for alcohol abuse.

                                I'm pretty confident to do it alone. Not as if I am paving the way.

                                And yeah....I overdid it big time :upset: But I reckon it was what I needed to give me a good shove.
                                Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                                :h ya

