After 4 days AF, you say you are feeling much better - doesn't take long hey. The book I was reading said it takes between 7 - 10 days to get AL totally out of your body - seems a long time doesn't it. I guess thats why it takes 2 - 3 days just to get over a big night these days.
I had a good night last night, not AF, but only about 2.5 standard drinks, so I'm pretty pleased with that, no anxiety today. As you say TMH it is the pits and I am sick of it too.
I live in the Top End of Australia and its not unlike your weather in Florida I think. This morning I got up to 12 degrees (sorry we do Celsius) btw that's bloody cold for here. Just converted it - around 53 degrees F. It's kind of nice, but I can't wait for the nice warm weather again - can't believe I'm saying that. I guess you are in your wet season now.
DG, Stewarts and FarfallaP - how are you all doing???