Hi Guys! TMH, you're correct, I've been lurking...busy busy family time here. We had our annual July 4th family BBQ, lots of fun but also lots of work...I DID permit myself to drink wine, as usual, but it did not taste as good as I expected it too. NOT finishing up the wine the next day was a bit hard, but I hid the leftovers in the back fridge and, together with my husband, we have concentrated on polishing off all the leftover desserts...only a few brownies left, and we will be back on the low=cal straight & narrow!
No announcement yet.
July Mod Squad
July Mod Squad
Hi Guys! TMH, you're correct, I've been lurking...busy busy family time here. We had our annual July 4th family BBQ, lots of fun but also lots of work...I DID permit myself to drink wine, as usual, but it did not taste as good as I expected it too. NOT finishing up the wine the next day was a bit hard, but I hid the leftovers in the back fridge and, together with my husband, we have concentrated on polishing off all the leftover desserts...only a few brownies left, and we will be back on the low=cal straight & narrow!. "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery
July Mod Squad
And, btw, TMH, the irony of discovering our new current favorite "lo-cal" AL-free drink in the New Age section is not lost on us...our many grandchildren notwithstanding! Congrats to all of us for persevering in our attempts at "harm reduction" for July. Every little AF bit is good. FF. "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery
July Mod Squad
Kradle123;1347672 wrote:
SO well done choosing a good man who looked out for his beloved!
And on some level u gotta feel pity for someone who gets so enraged over stuff like that...
Lonely life I guess,
good point trix, maybe the guy needs to have a few drinks and settle down a bit :H
July Mod Squad
Hey Guys! I don't know why I have such a hard time finding an active thread in the Mod section. Never seems to show up in "new posts". I want to start posting here daily and getting to know you guys, because I've been kicked out of the nest.
My moderation this month is as follows: 6 beers on July 1 (a little more than i had intended), and 2 on July 8. I had 39 days AF on my first quit, and 47 days on my second quit. I don't really want to label them as "first" or "second" quits, because in my mind my drinking wasn't out of control. I have not gotten drunk since February, or since I joined here.
Anyway, no one wants to talk about moderation on this board. I have gone from being the golden girl to the pariah of MWO (or at least it feels that way sometimes). I am sick of having it drilled into me that moderation doesn't work. I will find out and get back to you, thanks!
Hope all are well on this Monday, funday. Sorry for the rant.
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
July Mod Squad
Hey LB you are so welcome here! :welcome: In fact, I wondered why you didn't come back. You remind me of ______ (shoot, the pretty young Brit) can't think of her name offhand as she hasn't visited for a couple weeks. But she quit for 5 months, then resumed drinking on weekends only & holding herself to 1 drink/hour and never getting drunk. I know who you are talking to when you say you will find out and get back to you, thanks. That's not us. :dunno: Love your tagline, going to send to my vegetarian sd.or maybe her dh, he would get more of a kick out of it.
FF - agree. Very much like term "harm reduction".
Kradle - surprised to see you on this thread but you are also very welcome here as is anyone! Although I read The Nest almost daily so..........You have it hard living with a drinker. When I decided to take a break from al and dh decided to join me, well, it has been a huge help. Wish you had that too but we all need to decide for ourselves.
Speaking of dh, mentioned yesterday it already being a week, hubby's response was 8 days, it's been 8 days!! :H Ok, off to call my Canadian dd who just spent a week in MN celebrating her b.d. and the 4th of July. Anxious to hear about her vaca.
Tomorrow's Day 10, 1/3 done, but ...... ODAATThe pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.
July Mod Squad
Thanks for the warm welcome TMH.:l I want to clarify that I did drink heavily prior to my first quit in February. Else, I probably wouldn't have come here, lol. What I meant was since then, even though I have drank on a few occasions, I have not drank to excess. My goal is to never get back to that low point where I was, drinking every night until drunk (most nights).
I don't know Brit, but she sounds like a nice girl.Kradle's dh doesn't drink, but he is not supportive anyway. Forgive me for speaking for you, Kradle.
I've heard others say that it sounds like a lot of hard work over here (for mods). I want to be mindful of what I drink and how often, but I don't want to split hairs and make it into something obsessive, if possible. I think that it's definitely possible! I've also heard that others shouldn't believe that moderators (on here) are successful and that they (we) are a miserable bunch, lol. Any thoughts on that, anyone?
Breezing through a Monday afternoon, as much as is possible at work.Roll on 5 O'clock!!
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
July Mod Squad
Welcome, Library Girl! I, too, searched for support on MWO for moderating visitors, as that was one aspect of the whole program which appealed to me when I first came accross the website, and then, of course, Roberta Jewel's book. And, I am so very grateful for TMH, and Eve11, and some of the others...yes, Mighty Mite!...who got this thread going!
I suspect that the negativity which is directed towards the idea of "moderate drinking" by some people is a result of fear, as for some folks, even one drink of liquor can lead to a very dark place...even death, in some cases. So, rather than accidentally tempting someone, it's probably prudent of us to stick to this side of the Boards, and continue to support each other in our journeys. Just my 2cents worth...FF. "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery
July Mod Squad
Hi ~ well, overdid it exercise wise on weekend. Could not believe how fatigued I was yesterday. Went out for run, and legs said I don't think so - walked 2 miles and pretty much rested most of day, slept well last night & feel great this a.m. Too much exercise? Part of detoxing? :huh:
You know prior to this month I think I was scared of how I would feel not drinking, mostly the anxiety. In truth that has gone away. And it's so nice not to hear the morning chatter in head upon awakening. And thoroughly enjoy coffee! Another insight I have had regards headaches. I have always blamed alcohol. In the 9 days of no drinking I have had 3 days of low grade headaches. No biggie, just find that interesting. Also, in review I think with the amount of time I spend outdoors I don't think I am drinking enough just plain water.
It's another beautiful day in Paradise.alm: Off to play golf, stop at Fitness Center to hop on Elliptical Trainer, hit the library as "Breaking Addiction" is being held for me. Have a terrific Tuesday!
Day 9 Done, Day 10 Marks 1/3 of AF JourneyThe pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.
July Mod Squad
Hi modders, and welcome LG. I think you'll find the modders to be the least miserable people around, and maybe that's because we don't see things in black and white?
so I did sunday and monday af so far this week. I'd like to keep on with my af thursdays as well because that will be some further progress for me if I can get up to 3 af days/week. we'll see how it goes
well done FF on not finishing off that bottle the next day :goodjob:, and trix for cutting back. TMH you are going great guns, from your sig you're almost a third of the way there, spectacular! you know the other week when I did 4 af days, I felt soooo tired! I don't know if it was from the lack of sugar or because I was just doing a lot more but the tiredness was incredible. you think when you don't drink you would feel good but it's so weird how it works.
July Mod Squad
Good morning! Hi dg, tmh, and ff.I am on day 3 AF. I had one AL day last week, Sat.
DG, it's true about being AF--you would think that you would feel so good, lol. Truth is, I'm sooo tired this morning. I have not gotten into a good habit of going to bed at a decent time in the entire time I've been (mostly) AF (since February). I still don't feel rested most days, unless it's a weekend day. Same as when I was drinking. I would rather be tired with no hangover though, lol.
Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday. I found out yesterday that my first book review for Library Journal magazine will be published in the August issue. Not a big deal, but kinda cool (to me).
My bf has a new hobby: metal detecting. Of course, like most of his hobbies, he wants me to be included, lol. So, even though I am not a big exerciser, I am getting out and walking and spending a good bit of time on my feet doing this with him (like 3 hours + at a time). My body ached each evening this weekend after a long day out. Can really tell I'm no longer a grasshopper. Hee hee!
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
July Mod Squad
Good morning everyone and welcome Library Girl, so kicked out the nest, ha, I know that feeling. I actually left, I was sick of everyone's preaching and found not all, but many to be so non supportive. As dg pointed out they see things as black and white and nothing in between.
Everyone on this thread is very supportive and positive. Every now and then some negative person will post something, but they don't stay long.
Congrats on the review.
July Mod Squad
Happy Tuesday, Everyone! DG, thanks for your kind words re my not finishing the bottle...yes, it was hard, and I'm glad I didn't cave. I agree with you, every AF day is a victory! LG, CONGRATS on the publication of the book review...to feel successful in one's career, even if only fleetingly, is a truly wonderful feeling, and one to be treasured. TMH, so glad you are continuuing with your program...you are an inspiration to us all, I think! For me, too, it is wonderful when dh joins me in AF-ness...even tho' I know we are different (that half-full bottle of wine NEVER calls to him), when he pops open a beer, I feel I, too, "deserve" an alcoholic beverage. And, for me it is frequently an allergy/sinus headache in the am, and I agree, it is disheartening to not feel 100 percent vigorous on the day after an AF day! But, it is still a better morning than many when I was having my daily doubles...good for us, as we keep on with our quest! FF. "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery
July Mod Squad
Hi guys. Not sure what's happening today but feel this daily AF stuff is getting old. Played golf and did fairly well, had a good time. Maybe it's cuz I just decluttered and cleaned out a closet in the Master Bath. Chores like that always seemed easier nursing a glass of wine. Have dinner planned, do not feel out of sorts by any means. Just kind of miss it I guess.
Off to drink some water & do a segment of a workout tape for the lower body.
TMHThe pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.
July Mod Squad
TMH, what goal are you working on right now? I missed your initial plan. How many AF days are you trying to achieve? Just curious.
Well, I'm home and now drinking a cup of coffee. I'm going to make a spinach sauce with diced ham to serve over angel hair pasta later. Just needed some time to unwind first.
I recently have begun thinking about wine. Yesterday I could "smell" and "taste" some kind of merlot, lol. I am thinking it might not be a good idea to buy any, because I could easily drink a whole bottle. thoughts?
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath