Wahoo!!!!! D! Sorry about the 53...... I me enjoying watching tv in bed I never did because by the time I made it to bed I was passed out!!!! Good night everyone
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July Mod Squad
July Mod Squad
Hey all another great morning.. Nice to get up and shower cause you want to and not just because you think it will help with hang over! Hope everyone has a great Friday and gathers strength and support here for the upcoming weekend!And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine
July Mod Squad
Hi all. Felt and feel like crap today. Drank too much wine last night, and now I remember why I quit. I didn't do anything stupid (other than drink), didn't pass out, and actually watched a few shows on tv before going to sleep. This morning though I have the first hangover I've had in 5 months, and it ain't pretty. Reconsidering my decision to moderate now. Clearly was not moderate last night.
Good job D! Hi vliven, glad you had a good night.
OMG, bf just came in the room and he has shaved his beard and his head. No warning. Always surprises me when he does that, lol.
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
July Mod Squad
Im sorry LG - That Sux - do you have to work today? If you reconsider MOD, make sure you check in or let me know where to find you since I am a tard and still cant figure chat, also cant upload profile image, seriously pretty computer savy usually but........... Well you know the drill, a crap load of water, couple of asprin, maybe a gatorade.
How did BF handle you and the wine last night?And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine
July Mod Squad
Good morning, all. I'm at work, and need to be short. My big revelation from last night was that I had JUST AS MUCH FUN playing golf and cards with my buddies as I did when I was drinking. Maybe more since I didn't have to worry about a sobriety test if I was pulled over driving home!
LG, you know this won't be easy, so hang in there. Curious, like vliven, what setting you were in drinking all that wine? Did you think about stopping sooner than you did? It seems like you did stop, rather than keep drinking until you passed out, so maybe that's a silver lining.
Did you drink those nasty wine coolers?? If so the sugar in the drink may have made the hangover worse!
We're here for you regardless....get back on that pony, Girl!
DaveWell the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.
July Mod Squad
Hey v,
At least the thing with nasty hangovers is you eventually fee better:teeter:
I will have a challenge as we are getting together with a friend who used to come here to the mod board. Her divorce has spiraled her down into a life of nightly drinking. She knows she has a problem but doesn't want to stop. I fear for her life with driving drunk, losing her job, etc. because she drinks TOO much. I have guilt feelings of drinking with her but I enjoy a fine glass of wine or 2 over the course of dinner. I also struggle with my limits when I am with someone who goes over what I want to do as I tend to want to follow along. I am posting this to help me be accountable and drink no more than 3 drinks over the course of the evening.
I turned her down for a get together last night as she wanted me to join her for happy hour. She has been a dear friend for years and this is a hard situation as she is one of my closest friends but her alcoholism is driving a wedge between us as she is dangerous for me in my moderation goals to associate with too much. Wish me well! And good luck to you today Dave with keeping your goals.
Eve11"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:
July Mod Squad
Yes Eve and that was always my problem there was 1-2 hours where i was over the hangover and the pains for another drink had yet to set in, but I am really liking the feeling of feeling good from the start and just looking forward to a cold beer and not aching for the drink! Still not in top shape by any means, seriously think i have remnants of last weekends binge in me... A little back ache, morning sweats, got nauseous brushing teeth this morning, but the fog, shakes and anxiety seem to be subsiding. Hope I don't blow it this weekend, really do not think I can handle another Monday morning like last week!!!!!!!And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine
July Mod Squad
Eve, you have a tough battle there...... what about letting her know your struggles and letting her know you are up for hour long phone calls or chatting online but that getting together for drinks is to dangerous for what you are trying to obtain and maintain? I know easier said then doneAnd it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine
July Mod Squad
vlivengood;1352539 wrote: what about letting her know you are up for hour long phone calls or chatting online but that getting together for drinks is to dangerous for what you are trying to obtain and maintain? I know easier said then done
The problem with alcoholics is they don't want to chat online or on the phone when they could be face to face with a drinking buddy. Sadly, the relationship is deteriorating in many ways because alcohol is her priority.
Replying to what you posted earlier, I have felt the anxiety the next day from drinking too much and I absolutely hate that feeling. I haven't had a drink since our vacation ended last
Saturday. I do love how I sleep better, wake up refreshed, etc. from being AF. When I mod well, 1, no more than 2, I never have a big problem but still don't feel quite as peppy or motivated. 3 is real touch or go depending on the tannins in the wine I guess. Sometimes I have felt miserable with 3, other times not so bad but definitely more affected. My limit really should be 2 and then I don't seem to have problems. It can be weird for me because sometimes I have intense cravings for more (when I have 3 or God forbid more) and other times I am satisfied like a normal drinker with 1 or 2. I have found that taking L-glut before drinking helps decrease the cravings. Some folks here have said the powder form on the tongue works incredibly well. Think I will remember my L-Glut tonight.
Eve11"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:
July Mod Squad
Feeling some better. Thanks for the kind words.I started cleaning my house--washing sheets, dusted, clean bathrooms, vacuumed...Felt better. Now, I'm starting to feel a bit poorly again, but I know it's temporary.
Bf was ok last night. We were arguing somewhat, and he wanted me to play a game with him on PS3, lol, and I was determined not to do that, because he had to pay, you know.So, I kept drinking. Obviously, it was me who paid. Dearly. How childish was I?
Eve it does sound like a conundrum. I know I used to drink much more when I was with my drinking buddies. Ironically, most of my friends drank less than I did. I hope you do as you plan and drink within your limits. It will be tough. Or it would be for me. L-Glut doesn't seem to help me all that much...I've started using the powder every day, mostly to help with weight, but I've never craved sweets more. So weird.
Anyway, just checking in to let you all know that I'm still kicking.
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
July Mod Squad
Eve, I understand - Buy some REALLY crappy wine that you just cant bring yourself to have another glass of......
I can not imagine trying to limit my intake of liquor......... one sip and Im off and running, beer for me is really not a problem, plus I have been buying the bud select 55 which has nearly half the alcohol content of a bud light, so even if I finish off a 6 pack (which I have yet to do this week but Friday night might be a different story) it's really only 3 beers.......
Guess we all got our struggles, my hubby and i are meeting friends at a bar tonight who we typically do a few shots with, I plan to refrain and just let them know I really want to make sure I get up early enough for a bike ride before the heat sets in and that I have a lot to get done tomorrow and just cant......
LG- Jealous of the chores you are getting accomplished, I have sooo much to catch up on it is a little overwhelming - mostly laundry i HATE LAUNDRYAnd it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine
July Mod Squad
Last night went off as planned, no wine was bought nor consumed!
LG, I hope you are not considering not modding anymore after all we just went through! It was just one night, and one hangover... Keep trying. This may be selfish of me, but I want others to be successfully modding so I know I can too. But mostly, don't get down on yourself for yor own sake, you've done so well modding.
July Mod Squad
Well, they say if you want to make God laugh, make a plan!
I'm at the hospital, my wife will have a C Section in less than 45 minutes! We were told by her OB at 5 tonight that her protien levels skyrocketed in the last two days, and platelet count dropped dangerously low, so, at 35.2 weeks here come the babies!!
I am SOOOO glad Im 13 days sober, would prefer to be over 30 days, but at least I'm not drunk!! And I will not drink tonight, or anytime soon!,
:welcome: to my boys!!Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.
July Mod Squad
Omg omg omg D I could not be more excited or more proud of someone I barely know children are such a blessing and can offer soooo much strength! Congratulations I hope all goes well my thoughts and prayers are with u! Don't forget how good it is to FEEL this moment and not just survive it!!!! Please keep me posted my email is public and I expect pictures!!!!And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine
July Mod Squad
Wowwww!!!! Congratulations D!!! What a wonderful surprise!!! I hope all goes well.Let us know.
Nuttmeg, were you involved in the debacle the other day too? LOL, you said "after all we just went through". I must have missed your posts. I haven't given up on modding, but I might reconsider my choice of AL. Sweet red wine is not doing me right.I have no desire to drink tonight either, and have not. Got beaten terribly at PS3 golf by my bf and he accused me of not trying, lol. I *was* trying, but seems I'm crap at it.
Vliven, I hope you had a good day. And no, I didn't have to work today, thank god. I just realized I never answered your question. One of my modding goals is to not drink on work nights.
Hope everyone is having a great night/day.
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath