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August Mod Squad

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    August Mod Squad

    Jennie, good job on 6 days AF. Also, good job on stopping after 3 glasses. Hopefully, you won't have any major reprecussions from it. I believe you about not opening the bottle of wine. Hope you get some good rest. I'm not long before bed myself. Looking forward to it.

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath


      August Mod Squad

      Hey, Jenniech, you made your decision, and I have to give you a pat on the back to stop and not open the bottle you brought into the house. :goodjob: One of my issues with AA is that they'd say your back to day one, and not recognize what you did right. It's only my opinion, but I feel that they set up folks to fail in a big way, always believing that they couldn't possibly moderate, so the longer they go, the more likely that the first "slip" will be a big one! Anyway, AA does do a lot of good for a lot of people, I'm just resistant to going myself.

      I'm on baby duty after playing 14 holes of golf. I was paired with 3 people I don't know, and played the first 12 holes in record time for late on a Saturday afternoon. Then by the time we got to the 14th tee, it was so backed up I cut to 18, and didnt worry about those other 4 holes! It was great to be out and I didn't even think about drinking (though I did ask the beer cart girl if she had an O'Douls Amber, and had one after the round). Two of those 24 oz Arnold Palmer iced teas and 3 bottles of water.... not bad! Babies are waking, will finish later

      OK got through one of two feedings, read Goodnight Moon (my favorite) and got them both changed and (knock on wood) sleeping. Next feeding starts at the time I finish that I get to wake wifey and hit the hay myself, probably about 2:30.

      Lila, let me know how the hypnotherapy cd's are working for you! Hope you enjoy.

      Vliv, hope you're having a great time and your sis can keep those groceries from her roomies.

      LG, your dinner sounds good, I treated mysel Strip steak with melted gorgonzola and long hot peppers, and a nice big salad. Some grilled thin sliced beets to compliment....all that was missing was a glass of Cabernet.

      Someone told me recently that Ariel vineyards makes a decent AF cabernet. Anyone ever try it? :fingers:
      Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
      When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


        August Mod Squad

        Crap..... First time I have ever posted without reading everyone else's posts first.... So please forgive me if I am blasting over anyone's way more serious problems....

        Sis n I at a standstill.... She admits to problem but has 1,000 reasons why she can't sober up..... Every avenue I try is shot down by her evil alcoholic brain!!!

        I have all my shit packed up and ready to go..... Feel sober and really wanna leave but know I have had a few beers and a 3.5 hour road trip is not smart now......

        Going to get a few hours sleep and then hit the road.... I feel so defeated and feel like this weekend was such a waste..... The only good thing to come of it is my hubby can't stop texting me how much he loves and misses me and I feel the same.....

        Headed to bed,,,,,, hope to be up and out by six..... Gunna tell sis to call me me when she is ready for help.....

        Thanks for listening.......
        And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


          August Mod Squad

          Sis woke up and appologized..... Said she would work on the plan we laid out.... All I can hope for.... Headed back to Vegas.... 4 hour drive....

          Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday!!
          And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


            August Mod Squad

            My (BAD) Advantage

            Hi All!

            Lila, you asked how we came to be modders. Here is MY tale of woe...actually, of Freedom At Last from the compulsion to drink Alcohol every day, for which I am very, very grateful.

            I had known for many years that I drank compulsively, and more than most, but I also drank quietly, at home, & generally not "to excess."

            Then in Oct. 2012 a CT scan for an unrelated issue showed "overall hepatic steatosis with focal fatty infiltration in upper left lobe" = fatty liver, suggested MRI to rule out "suspicious lesion" = possible liver cancer.

            WELL, what had been "Gee, I should cut down on my booze" turned into "I MUST cut down/out my booze." My GP and my tummy dr. said No AL at all; one Physician Asst. actually looked at my records and said that I as my liver enzymes showed no actual liver damage, I COULD continue to drink if I strictly followed the moderation guidelines put out by the National Inst. of Health (the ones Eve has posted here)...

            Which define "moderation" as one drink per day for women, (two for men,) no more than 7 per week, I think. (Needless to say, this was FAR less than I was used to! BUT, easier than none at all, or so it seemed to me.)

            I used every tool from MWO except the meds, as I was afraid of hurting my liver with THEM, plus had tried Topamax in 2008 and had not liked it. It was really hard, but gradually I eliminated daily drinking at home, and an Ultrasound in July 2011 showed a Normal Liver, as did another one in May 2012.

            And that is how I came to be a modder! Nothing like FEAR to motivate a pride, as I do not wish to expose my self-indulgence by acquiring liver cancer.

            Further motivation is provided by the fact that I think I will be given an US every year, probably, since fatty liver is becoming much more prevalent in the general population, unrelated to AL, and the drs. do not understand quite why. Also, my rosacea has REALLY improved, which adds vanity to my motivation as well. Milk thistle showed dramatic changes in the rosacea right away, btw.

            I think I had to put almost as much effort into reaching this point as I would have had to get to be totally AF. And, as I have posted elsewhere, sometimes I can feel the compulsive part kick in, which keeps me from being complacent.

            Good luck on your journey! Let us know how the cds work out! FF
            . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


              August Mod Squad

              And, V, how wonderful that you have given your sister some hope.
              Dave, congrats on the golf, and it's nice to be reminded of "the great green room" - that is one of my favorites, too.
              LG, I agree, dinner sounded good...
              Happy Sunday evening, everyone! FF
              . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                August Mod Squad

                My (BAD) Advantage

                Hi All!

                Lila, you asked how we came to be modders. Here is MY tale of woe...actually, of Freedom At Last from the compulsion to drink Alcohol every day, for which I am very, very grateful.

                I had known for many years that I drank compulsively, and more than most, but I also drank quietly, at home, & generally not "to excess."

                Then in Oct. 2012 a CT scan for an unrelated issue showed "overall hepatic steatosis with focal fatty infiltration in upper left lobe" = fatty liver, suggested MRI to rule out "suspicious lesion" = possible liver cancer.

                WELL, what had been "Gee, I should cut down on my booze" turned into "I MUST cut down/out my booze." My GP and my tummy dr. said No AL at all; one Physician Asst. actually looked at my records and said that I as my liver enzymes showed no actual liver damage, I COULD continue to drink if I strictly followed the moderation guidelines put out by the National Inst. of Health (the ones Eve has posted here)...

                Which define "moderation" as one drink per day for women, (two for men,) no more than 7 per week, I think. (Needless to say, this was FAR less than I was used to! BUT, easier than none at all, or so it seemed to me.)

                I used every tool from MWO except the meds, as I was afraid of hurting my liver with THEM, plus had tried Topamax in 2008 and had not liked it. It was really hard, but gradually I eliminated daily drinking at home, and an Ultrasound in July 2011 showed a Normal Liver, as did another one in May 2012.

                And that is how I came to be a modder! Nothing like FEAR to motivate a pride, as I do not wish to expose my self-indulgence by acquiring liver cancer.

                Further motivation is provided by the fact that I think I will be given an US every year, probably, since fatty liver is becoming much more prevalent in the general population, unrelated to AL, and the drs. do not understand quite why. Also, my rosacea has REALLY improved, which adds vanity to my motivation as well. Milk thistle showed dramatic changes in the rosacea right away, btw.

                I think I had to put almost as much effort into reaching this point as I would have had to get to be totally AF. And, as I have posted elsewhere, sometimes I can feel the compulsive part kick in, which keeps me from being complacent.

                Good luck on your journey! Let us know how the cds work out! FF
                . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                  August Mod Squad

                  I just wanted to drop by and say hi, and was catching up on everyones' posts. I have been incognito lately because, well, work has been real busy which is odd this time of year in my business, but I will not complain, and nothing "bad" or, perhaps, disappointment in myself, is a better phrase, has happened. Modding has been going fine. We had a bbq at my marina last night, and probably went one or two over my four limit, but it was over a long period and I went to bed early to rise and shine early to, do some work, unfortunately, but get to the beach as well.

                  I am sitting outside of my place in New England right now, feeling pretty good and thinking about leaving soon, it be nice to get back work stuff I'd like to get ready for tomorrow and it be nice to see my girl...

                  Anyway, everyone have a great week....seeing a lot of good stuff from you all and remember, we are only human....Oh, there is something interesting I can share with all which I think will be useful. . .

                  I was watching Sunday Morning and they were doing a profile on Louis Zamparini he is a very impressive man, that has done a lot, not sure how to give a background, with justice, so google him. :-) Anyway, one of his trials of life was being a captive in WWII on the infamous "Executition Island". He was tortured, sadistically, by a prison guard nicknamed "The Bird", because of his fame as an Olympic athlete; publicily tortured, to break the hearts and moral of the prisoners, perhaps even more so than Zamparini.

                  He said he nightmares about this for decades, until one day, in the 70s, he decided to forgive his captors. He went to Japan to forgive the prison guards for all these attrocities and he never had a nightmare again....long drawn ourt story of the power of forgiveness, which he said is what helped him finally get over this awful part of his life.

                  This is something we should always remember, not only in dealing with other people, but also ourselves....have a great week everyone...



                    August Mod Squad

                    Hey all...... I made it home safe..... Lotsa lil stories to tell will share in the AM when I am at PC not iPhone..... Hotter than hell back here in Vegas though.... Watching some TV after a big rush surface cleaning

                    Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday.....
                    And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                      August Mod Squad

                      Hi Stewarts. Good to see you here again...Don't let it be so long next time. I agree with what you said about forgiveness, and I will google that man. I am trying, wait, no I'm not trying but maybe I should, to forgive my bf for not contributing and helping around here. I am now grilling steaks for the first time in my life because he can't be bothered to get up from playing his game, which he has been doing since he got up this morning. Which is a plus, because he usually stays up all night playing.

                      I cleaned and cleaned yesterday while he sat here on that game too. I have almost flipped.:upset:

                      Anyway, it's not the end of the world. So what, I'm learning to grill. That's a good thing, right? V, good to hear that your sister is open to getting some help. I know that is a relief for you, and I truly hope she can stick with it.

                      FF, have been reading your posts and enjoy your thoughts on everything. I am agitated right now and cannot respond properly to everyone, but know that I keep up with each and every one of you and think of you all fondly.:l


                      "I like people too much or not at all."
                      Sylvia Plath


                        August Mod Squad

                        FUCKING FLY'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                          August Mod Squad

                          FF,Dave - i will let you know - just got earbuds today!
                          Stewarts, amazing story, i am going to google it.
                          V? flies are bothering you? cleaning will get rid of them!
                          Still waiting for my sups. Tomorrow I have a job interview, so wish me luck.


                            August Mod Squad

                            Dave, forgot if i mentioned - read your blog, thanks for sharing your experiences. Great writing, too!


                              August Mod Squad

                              Btw, hypnosis fans - do you just use the hypnosis? Does anyone bother with the clearing, etc?


                                August Mod Squad

                                Morning. Along with working on Friday's now, I also get to go to work a half hour later. There's a good side to it.

                                The flies are terrible here too V! Every time you open the door, 4 fly in. Ugh~

                                Hope everyone is doing well...I'll check back later.

                                "I like people too much or not at all."
                                Sylvia Plath

