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August Mod Squad

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    August Mod Squad

    Cross post D!! Just wanted to say that the description of the presents you got for your wife sound absolutely lovely. She is so blessed to have such a thoughtful attentive husband like you. I agree that waiting until Saturday when you are alone together sounds like a much better idea.

    Hope you have a great day!

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath


      August Mod Squad

      Props to you D on the wifey's B-day - My husband and son usually wait till the last minute on my b-day or mothers day but still manage to come thru, us ladies really appreciate the attention and thoughtfulness..... I do not eat any form of fish so you managed to loose me in some of the food talk on your post. CONGRATS ON DAY 40 - Really glad to hear how well the twins are doing.... sounds like things are really falling into place for you and your family - I'm sure you are well aware but just a friendly reminder that sometimes when things are going so well, old AL habits can sneak back in real easily.

      LG how you holding up? I think the anxiety I would feel every morning after drinking liquor was worse than any other hangover symptom, I would rather have a migraine and vomiting then that feeling of anxiety/pending doom. I think that is honestly what keeps me form going back to the liquor.

      I can not believe I have not gone to that liquor store for about 25 days now!!!!!!!!!!!! I some times think about it when I am approaching that intersection but not all the time and I just think about how I use to go there not that I want to go there....

      Hope everyone is having a fabulous day!
      And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


        August Mod Squad

        Congrats on 40 days D!!!! You have done an awesome job of abstaining.

        Congrats to you V on not going to the liquor store. I made it six months nearly before I bought any. I did throw it all away though, so thank god for that. I started to put the full bottle in the trash, but was afraid I'd fish it out later, lol, so I emptied it. Definitely an AF day for me today.

        Home and boiling some chicken for chicken and rice. Very tired, and I know it's because I drank last night. Probably will be an early night.

        "I like people too much or not at all."
        Sylvia Plath


          August Mod Squad

          i agree, Dave, great present! i have to admit i enjoy those books too. now i am going to look it up on amazon. and thanks for your encouragement! this morning, i was just feeling so down. (now i am feeling great, actually)
          LG, take care of yourself! so, no apologies? i really just can't believe it. did you make it to work?
          V - good for you! great to hear!


            August Mod Squad

            Greetings, All!

            News on my home front - our son has welcomed his second son into our family, (our sixth grandbaby!), born Sunday night, 6lbs, 12 oz, so this has been a busy, happy week for us. The other grandma is there doing "helper duty" now, we will go to help out in two weeks, when she returns to work. Over the phone sometimes I can hear the baby in the background, and it made me think of you, Dave!

            Contratulations, btw, on the HUGE weight gain for your boys - glad they are doing so well, as are you with your AF goals during this exciting/stressful time.

            LG, I am so sad to hear of all the unkindness/downright cruelty from your is such a shame when families are a negative aspect of our lives rather than the supportive people we hope to have in our lives.

            V, glad things are working better for you & yours today.

            Lila, hope your kudzu/items from capalo come soon. Another part of the My Way Out program that Roberta Jewell mentioned was light exercise, and I do think that trying to walk or swim a little every day DID help my own endorphins kick in, when I quit the booze. TMH used to post about her workouts and I felt virtuous simply reading her posts!

            As several of you have mentioned, I also felt that hard liquor "hit" me harder than wine, but I was not cheered to learn that apparently to my liver, ethanol was ethanol, period. Oh well.

            Good luck to all of us for a happy, moderate weekend! FF
            . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


              August Mod Squad

              LG I'm so sorry you are going through this. I've dealt with something similar but in my case it went on for years. I only put up with it to keep the peace and turn up for family get togethers for my parent's sake but it made me miserable. I honestly think in some families there is a scapegoat, and that's the person that gets dumped on so that your siblings can puff themselves up and feel like they are better than someone else.

              In my case I cut my brothers out of my life, there was no love between us and I was tired of feeling hurt and angry and being the appointed scapegoat and I don't miss them one bit, but getting those toxic relationships out of my life was a huge positive. I know what you mean about you never thought you would have to do this because it seems so drastic, but if anyone outside your family had such a low opinion of you, talked badly about you and said those things, you would drop them in an instant, but being related to someone doesn't give them a free pass to treat you this way, and this type of person is toxic to you and how you see yourself.


                August Mod Squad

                Hey all glad to see some of our crew checking in.... Having a nice evening just not in the mood to post much.... I'll chat it up more later or tomorrow morning....

                Hope everyone is having a nice evening
                And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                  August Mod Squad

                  Happy Friday Squad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  DG - I agree with you on the scapegoat good point!

                  FF- Congrats on Grandchild #6

                  LG- How was your AF evening, I trust you are feeling MUCH better this morning, unless u dipped into that little bit of Rum you decided to leave in the bottle Hope your first Friday at work treats you well.

                  Anyone have big plans for the weekend? I got nothing but I am sure we will do something, just hope I do not let it involve any liquor - May go downtown and hit up that Thai place we found again, I really loved it!
                  And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                    August Mod Squad

                    drinkingal;1365334 wrote: LG I'm so sorry you are going through this. I've dealt with something similar but in my case it went on for years. I only put up with it to keep the peace and turn up for family get togethers for my parent's sake but it made me miserable. I honestly think in some families there is a scapegoat, and that's the person that gets dumped on so that your siblings can puff themselves up and feel like they are better than someone else.

                    In my case I cut my brothers out of my life, there was no love between us and I was tired of feeling hurt and angry and being the appointed scapegoat and I don't miss them one bit, but getting those toxic relationships out of my life was a huge positive. I know what you mean about you never thought you would have to do this because it seems so drastic, but if anyone outside your family had such a low opinion of you, talked badly about you and said those things, you would drop them in an instant, but being related to someone doesn't give them a free pass to treat you this way, and this type of person is toxic to you and how you see yourself.
                    Thank you, dg. It has gone on for years with me too. My family has always commented on the fact that I don't come around that often, and why... well duh. My sister, the one who said all the terrible things, has always had hatred and jealousy in her heart toward me. I have spent nearly my entire life trying to win her approval and love, only to get tiny scraps of affection once in a blue moon. I have thought about it a lot these past few days, and in a lot of ways I'm grateful that she finally showed what I have known all along. No more will I grovel to her, and that is a very freeing feeling.

                    Good morning Mod Squad!! I can't express how much it's meant to me this week to have your support and "shoulders" to lean on.:l I am feeling much better this morning. I got a decent night's sleep last night (not enough, but hey, lol), and things seem much more positive. I regret being so emotional earlier in the week, and I regret calling my other siblings and crying hysterically...I am ashamed now, but I can't undo it. I have to move on.

                    Well, first Friday working in a long time. Woohoo!:H Now I'm no longer special. Hope today passes quickly and without any more nasty surprises, lol. Hope everyone is having a good day so far.


                    "I like people too much or not at all."
                    Sylvia Plath


                      August Mod Squad

                      Hi, All. TGIFF!

                      Glad to hear your moving past all that nastiness, LG, and that you seem to have a much better perspecitve.

                      FF congrats on the grandson. Our boys had a little rough night last night, battling a day full of gasiness and no poops! One ended his constipation (in a big way as you can imagine!) earlier this morning, the other is still fussing. They're eating, though, so all isn't that dire...

                      V my only plans are to have a going away dinner for MIL tonight, and wifey and I are celebrating her birthday privately tomorrow night. I need to make her a special meal (and will give her the book and picture presents) trying to create the partnership and connection we enjoyed at the time the twins were born and before they came home from the hospital and all hell broke loose!

                      DG, I also had an issue in my family where my mom wasn't saying bad things about me, but had and voiced her feelings that wifey and I should have given up our quest to have kids, and that it was our "fault" that we ended up with twins. Our efforts, according to her, were also at the expense of my 17 y.o. daughter. It was very hurtful and her negativity resulted in her alienating herself from us during the pregnancy. I basically kept her out of my life, especially after a nasty incident at my wife's shower. As recently as last weekend she was still says things like "David used to complain about having old parents (not that I ever remember) and we were in our late 30's when we had him." I let her have it, telling her when I walked her to the car (she's 86 mind you) that it was a very passive aggressive comment and wasn't appreciated. I think she felt bad, as it was at the beginning of her visit. She's come around, and the boys have stolen her heart, she even volunteered to come help during the day.

                      I had another AF night playing poker with my buddies last night. FINALLY had a winning night, taking a cool $30 (which is a lot in our low stakes game!) from my buddies. We also had some fun launching golf balls in my buddy's nursery (long time family business, approx 25 acres, playing closest to various targets (rake, patch of grass, etc!) at dusk. Good night that, once again, I enjoyed as much sober as I ever did drinking.

                      Thanks for everyone checking in and posting, lets keep it going! My boring conf call is about to end, and I have to review a quote with my boss in a few....gotta run, I'll check back later. TGIFF once again!

                      Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
                      When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


                        August Mod Squad

                        FF sending my congrats too on the grandbaby. That must be a delight!

                        D, glad your boys are doing well and gaining weight. Also glad your mom has fallen in love with them. No grandmother can resist. What she said was very hurtful, but maybe now that she's taking time to get to know them she will change her mind.

                        I'm having another AF night. Just getting settled in good for the evening...No plans, but to rest and relax. When I took my afternoon break today, a man that works at the Univ propositioned me, lol. He's married and told me he was unhappy in his marriage and wanted someone he could "spend time with", and wanted to tell me he had always thought I was sexy. I went back to work and told everybody, haha! We all know him and it was funny as hell, because I never saw it coming.

                        "I like people too much or not at all."
                        Sylvia Plath


                          August Mod Squad

                          vlivengood;1365552 wrote: Happy Friday Squad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          DG - I agree with you on the scapegoat good point!

                          FF- Congrats on Grandchild #6

                          LG- How was your AF evening, I trust you are feeling MUCH better this morning, unless u dipped into that little bit of Rum you decided to leave in the bottle Hope your first Friday at work treats you well.

                          Anyone have big plans for the weekend? I got nothing but I am sure we will do something, just hope I do not let it involve any liquor - May go downtown and hit up that Thai place we found again, I really loved it!
                          Hey V, sounds like you are very chipper today too. Hope you had a great day at work. If those two things are possible together.:H My day was pretty good, and I got in a proposal for funds to go to my conference in October.

                          By the way, I didn't leave any liquor in the bottle. I emptied it all. "Wasted" almost a whole bottle, but I rather it be wasted down the drain than in my body. It was definitely a mistake to buy it in the first place. But, lesson learned.

                          "I like people too much or not at all."
                          Sylvia Plath


                            August Mod Squad

                            Sorry LG when u said almost all of the bottle I assumed u meant u left some not that it was almost all because u had drank some..... Hope u enjoy your AF night!
                            And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                              August Mod Squad

                              No, the rest of the bottle after what I had drank.

                              "I like people too much or not at all."
                              Sylvia Plath


                                August Mod Squad

                                Hi, All,

                                I'm on baby duty solo thtis afternoon, and they're sleeping, but this will be short. Wifey took MIL home, and hopefully we can settle in to a sense of normalcy. The night nurse makes a huge difference, even more noticeable when she's not here! The firstborn went 48 hours without a poop, which made for a cranky baby! Even after he broke the streak, I sense that his tummys bothering him, his eating is off and he's a bit fussy. His brother seems to be gassy as well, but passing it ok. Hope this is a stage and not signs of a problem. !

                                Everyone have a great afternoon and weekend. Gonna try to get some things done before the twin terrors awaken! :upset::upset: :H

                                I apologize for cutting and pasting this from another thread, but the boys woke as I started to post! Hope y'all are havin a great weekend. I'll post and catch up later.
                                Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
                                When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.

