D Are the babies getting breast milk or formula.... ? My son had formula and was always constipated so we switched him to a low iron formula and it helped alot....
No announcement yet.
August Mod Squad
August Mod Squad
D, I hope your son gets some relief soon. Maybe V's suggestion could help.
I'm just having a lazy Saturday...Took a long nap, and I needed it! I haven't drank since Wed. and may not this weekend either. Right now there is nothing to drink in the house, and I doubt I'll be getting anything. No selling of AL on Sunday, so that will seal the deal.
Hope you all are having a great day!
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
August Mod Squad
Hey LG had the same issues with husbands family. I dealt with it by reminding myself over and over what small, petty, pathetic lives they must lead to be able to put so much energy into hating others. As my mum always says, hate is an emotion that takes up far too much time and energy, indifference on the other hand is easy.
Be the bigger person, even though it hurts like crazy, ignore them. They want a drama don't give it to them. Let them sweat.
Lotsa love
Cashy xxx"Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon
August Mod Squad
Hi Modders
I read everyone,s posts, can't respond to all cuz I am on my iPad, and it's hard to type. But I am glad everyone seems to be doing well.
My kudzu finally got here. Today I am going to use kudzu and l glut. And exercise? Probably I will do some yard work at least.
I have a house full of teenagers, so I am hiding in my bedroom with my coffee.
August Mod Squad
Good morning. Good luck on hiding, Lila, lol. Sounds like you are working your "plan" for sobriety, and that is fantastic.
I am up and started a roast in the crock pot with veggies. Having some delicious coffee now...Had to go to the store for staples last night after all, and ended up buying wine. Had more than a few glasses, but not the whole bottle, lol. Feel ok today too.
How's everyone? Must be a busy weekend, because I see that this thread has been very slow. Hope you are all enjoying yourselves.
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
August Mod Squad
Lila;1366320 wrote: ...I can't respond to all cuz I am on my iPad, and it's hard to type.
Check out Groupon today. They have a keyboard for the IPad that I am going to purchase. I am like you, growning up on typewriters, I cannot type superfast with the flat screen keyboard. This may be the answer to your difficulties and it's a great price. Groupon is very reputable so no worries ordering from them. BTW old friend, good to *see* you back here.
Hi to all. I have been super busy so haven't had time to check on everyone's posts here. Did complete my Masters degree so I will not be so busy with schoolwork and will have more time to check in. I'll keep starting a new thread here and there to keep us focused on our recovery as it's easy (but important) to share more about our personal lives on this thread.
Words of wisdom for those with relationship troubles, family issues, etc.
To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you. ~Lewis B. Smedes
Eve11"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:
August Mod Squad
Hi Eve. Nice to see you check in. I like the quote that you posted above. I agree that forgiveness is the first step. Sometimes, even with that, it's best to move on without some people in your life, even if they are family, however.
Hope everyone is enjoying their day.
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
August Mod Squad
Hey all..... Sorry been busy..... Getting ready to take son off to college this Wednesday..... Getting really sad about it.... Been drinking beer all weekend, not in excess and went out both Friday and Saturday and had two shots with hubby both nights..... Ugh can not resist it.... Still it did not ruin me and spent my days taking care of things that needed to be done and honestly just sooooo happy that I am not drinking liquor all weekend anymore....... Not sneaking the bottle at 6am and going all day..... I still need to work on health, diet, exercise and know that a good period of AF would probably help that but I'll get there......
Hope everyone is well.... I will write more tomorrow when I'm at a PC....And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine
August Mod Squad
I feel for you! Our oldest is a junior this year so we'll be in your shoes very soon. A very bittersweet thought. We give them the wings to fly, then just want them to fly home as soon and often as possible I think. Remember the sad feelings may be a trigger for you to overdo the drinking so just be aware of that.
In response to Library Girl, I do agree that sometimes it is better to avoid certain people, even if they are family. Forgiving is the gift we give ourselves, but there also is the importance of maintaining psychologically safe boundaries for ourselves and sometimes some people just have to be excluded.
Eve11"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:
August Mod Squad
Happy Monday Modders - Hope everyone had a nice weekend, I definitely drank more than I wanted to over the entire weekend, never got wasted or anything but I am kinda dragging today and have a headache I cant shake - not hung over but really starting to realize that any amount of alcohol even a few beers leaves me feeling less than 100%
Plan on being AF today as usual nowActually going to try and be AF until we get to Hotel in Reno Wednesday night where I know my hubby will want to go to the bar and have a drink. I need to be on top of my game these next few days as we get our son off to college.
Pretty stressed about getting it all taken care of, the logistics of the trip and the tuition fees that are due!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder my parents did not encourage us to go off to college.............
Hope everyone eases into their week ok...... Ill check in laterAnd it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine
August Mod Squad
Hi, All. Wrote a long post this morning when I was working from home, and don't see it! Now I'm in the office, trying to be productive on a Monday afternoon, so I'll try to remember the highlinghts...
We got through the weekend without help pretty well. Pretty tired today, and took advantage of working from home this morning waiting for the washing machine repair guy (GE, lol, not Maytag!)to show. He showed at 12:15 on a 8 to noon window! Wifey and I both handled the feedings (together, each taking one baby) overnight Sat night, and it was exhausting! I'm just not good at waking every two hours...boy was it good to see the night nurse at 8 last night!
V, thanks for the advise about low iron formula. Yes, they are strictly formula, have been since they were about 15-20 days old. Just too much for wifey to try to feed and pump (the third child, they call it), giving her not enough time btw feedings for things like sleep!
Good to hear from Eve and Lila. Eve can you post a link to the Groupon (or send me one!) I need a keyboard for my iPad!
Hope everyone is doing well. I'll try to check in before I go home tonight, or after dinner. Have a great afternoon.
DaveWell the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.
August Mod Squad
Hi Everyone.V, are you taking vacation in order to take your son off to school? I can imagine the bittersweetness of it. I hope everything goes well.:l
D, you didn't mention your romantic nite with wifey? How did it go? Or do you need to wait until the night nurse comes back, lol. Sounds like you and your wife are kind of getting into the routine though.
I had a pretty good day. I was actually ready to go back to work. Had a boring, depressing day yesterday for a lot of reasons, and none. Anyway, I am progressing on my project and hoping to hear that I got the funds I need for the trip. Went to the faculty breakfast this morning to welcome everyone back to campus...Unfortunately for the library faculty, we don't get a summer break, lol.
Settling in and enjoying my evening. Good to hear from all of you!
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
August Mod Squad
If you have a comfort level send me your email and anyone else who would like groupon info. You just enter your city for specialized groupons for your area, hopefully the Ipad is offered in your city.
There are two days left to purchase it.
Eve11"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:
August Mod Squad
hi Modders
It is nice to see you too, Eve! We go way back, wish people from long ago would check back in. I think of them...VeraB, J-vo, DeeBee, Zed...
LG, yum, I have a crock pot, too. I have an eighth of a cow to pick up tomorrow, so I will have to take out my crock pot, need some new recipes, my kids are sick of pot roast. Are you feeling better? I agree with Eve, I loved her quote on forgiveness, but also the fact that we have to keep ourselves safe. I have a family member who is a drug addict and hates me, just hates me. Maybe because I confronted her about her wild behavior. And her verbal attacks hurt. And I have to take care of myself. So I keep my distance.
V - oh, sounds rough. What is worse, him not going to college? :-) But, I know, I so dread that in my future.
Dave, you need a working washer with little ones!!! (and older ones, too!) Front loader or top?
TMH, are you still around? Miss you! Stop by, if you can!
Well, I guess I need to grow up a little, set boundaries. I am babysitting older kids (teens), and it is evening, and i have had a few drinks (two). Now, I could have said, no, I can't take your kids for 3 overnights. I could have. But it is not easy. And drinking is like a cheap vacation.
Tomorrow, I am going to - with your encouragement, not drink at all. I have my supps, and the extra kids will be gone.
August Mod Squad
Lila;1366912 wrote:
Dave, you need a working washer with little ones!!! (and older ones, too!) Front loader or top?
Hope everyone else is doing well.
Eve, sent PM with email addy and location for groupon
LG the "romantic" night was not too romantic. We were on baby duty w/o help, but we did have a nice dinner. Heck, getting to eat together is rare these days!
V good luck with the trip to Reno and son's college drop off. Do yourself a favor and avoid the shots, even in the hotel bar. Be strong for your son and yourself, and present for as much of the experience as possible. This is one of those life moments you want to be really present for, and you'll be happier if you can look back on it and not remember the hangover. Good luck!
I'll check in later.
DaveWell the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.