just pm'd you, LG. thanks
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August Mod Squad
August Mod Squad
Hi Lila,
what rotten luck!!! I will hope and pray that the test will go better on Monday ... Perhaps if they have arranged for you to take it again, it means they would really like to have you. maybe you could try hard to concentrate on other things over the weekend so that your brain can rest, and give you the right answers on Monday, if it is meant to be. are all your teenagers keeping you busy ???
sending you calm thoughts... FF. "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery
August Mod Squad
FF, I have questioned myself about that reply. I feel like we are the laughing stock of this site, and if we weren't meant to be here, there would be no modding threads, right? I did get a bit angry at one reply to Raven, and responded without thinking. I hope I wasn't too hasty.
P.S. Actually, it saddens me that other moderators will not stand up for themselves. Eve has been modding successfully for years, but always keeps a low profile and gives the "right-of-way" to the AF'ers. You can count on me to be your "voice" because I am outspoken, and that will not change.
Well, I have one more thing to add, lol. I believe that some people put too much emphasis on AL. They are so consumed with whether they drink, how much they drink, how ashamed they are, etc., etc., that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. I KNOW I drank to excess. I KNOW I needed to stop drinking daily. I did. I am mindful of what I am doing, and I will not get back to buying a liter of liquor every three days again.
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
August Mod Squad
Good luck Lila, and I truly hope that you pass that test.
Eve, no offense meant to you, in advance. I admire your long-term success. I only used you as an example because it seems that most of us are afraid to say that we moderate. Everyone knows, and they won't come here and berate us, but let one of us get out of our "pen". All bets are off!
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
August Mod Squad
Lila, will do.
LG, my thoughts are a bit chaotic about the AF vs. moderation divide on this forum, and I cannot condense those thoughts into coherent English at the moment!
I DO know that both parts are invaluable to me, and I am grateful for both! The antagonism to the moderation side is, I think, motivated by personal FEAR, and that is what makes it so intense.
I find that FEAR easy to understand, and easy to overlook.
However, as Lav pointed out not too long ago, most newbies who sign on ARE still drinking, and many choose MWO in part BECAUSE it purports to offer moderation as an option. I know I did.
So, your underlying point, that modders should NOT be totally silent, is well made. I appreciate your proactive stance in this regard, and will try to do more myself. People deserve to know that MWO continues to offer moderation as a choice.
I DO believe that it is important that we modders be careful to NOT dwell on what we might feel to be positive effects of alcohol use on the ABstinence sections of the forum, as that might make someone else's path more difficult.
So much for brevity! Happy weekend, everyone! FF. "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery
August Mod Squad
I agree that we should not discuss modding or AL in any positive way, except to say "Yes, I moderate" if asked directly. I think I have been careful to avoid discussing the particulars. I rarely post in any other forums besides this one, for that reason. I am not against abstinence and I admire those who are AF. One day I might choose to go completely AF, but I hope I can maintain an open mind where others are concerned.
Sat. morning and I'm a bit tired. I didn't go to sleep till quite late (1:30ish). I was up reading, "The Wild," by Cheryl Strayed. Techie recommended it a few times a while back. It is fascinating in many ways, and I'm enjoying reading it. I am interested in reading her novel, "Torch" as well.
Hope everyone is doing well.
P.S. I want to add this thought: I don't believe modding should be the route to take when someone wants to QUIT AL, but refuses to do the work, or simply cannot stop drinking. Coming here and "pretending" to be a modder because you still drink is not doing yourself or any of us any good.
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
August Mod Squad
Hi modders, I haven't checked in for a while but I am doing good. Recently I came to a decision that if I was going to learn to deal with stress, boredom, tiredness etc in a more positive way then I have to go af for a bit and relearn some of these things. Actually it was a few of LGs posts that got me thinking about this. So I'm now on day 10 afand I don't even know how many years it's been since I could say that. I almost feel nervous even writing this, in case I jinx myself :H
ps. Its sad to read that there has been yet another modding bashing at the forums *sigh*
August Mod Squad
Wow, dg!!!! I am so happy for you.:goodjob: You should be so proud of yourself. I am humbled and thankful if I had anything to do with you trying to take a bit of control back in your life. We all struggle with that, but it is a process and something we must strive to do, IMHO. I don't think you will regret trying a little AF time, regardless.
I hope you have a marvelous Saturday! It's beautiful and feels a little like Fall is on it's way here.
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
August Mod Squad
congratulations, DrinkingGal!!! I am impressed! Must go now as there is a Huge eagle on the roof across the way and I want to see if I can take a pix of him with this new toy. FF. "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery
August Mod Squad
Thanks LG! :l I'm so grateful for your posts, they got me really thinking about where my next step in this journey needed to be and that's what I'm focusing on. It feels pretty good to be giving myself this break for a bit. It's funny that's it's only been 10 days though 'cause it feels a lot longer :H
Thanks FF! ooh, i hope you get a good pic. We have a chicken hawk that hangs around our yard sometimes and that thing looks scary, and it wouldn't even be close to the size of an eagle!
August Mod Squad
He sure is a big bird but the picture does not do him or her justice. anyway, back to your PS about modding, LG... I feel that it is precisely the ambivalence which many of us have in regards to our use of alcohol which leaves open the question: Am I. (or, is Mr. X) a "successful" moderate drinker, (according to whose/which criteria??? Medical science? Community standards? One's own guidelines?)..... Or, am I (is Mr. X) deluding myself?
I suspect that many of the people on the ABstainer part of the forum felt that they deluded themselves for a long time, and it grieves them to think that others may be kidding themselves too.
As the journey is such an individual one, in the end it is still up to each person to make the choices which are correct for him or her, as we are all doing right this minute, as best we can.
meanwhile, I am trying to wade through the Hunger Games, as one of my children wants to discuss it with me, and it scares me...I presume Katniss must survive, as it is the first in the Trilogy, so will forge ahead! FF. "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery
August Mod Squad
FarfallaP;1368075 wrote: Drinking Gal and Dancing Girl, hope you ladies are doing well.
Library Girl! I've just started a thread on General Discussions wondering who else there is around in academia. just wondering....
Love to all,
August Mod Squad
LG, I am reading the book, I got the paperback for a very good price, as I figure it will be easy to reference since child wants to discuss. Scary books are usually less bad for me than movies...I just cannot read them right before bedtime. I like to read two or three books at a time, mostly nonfiction, usually. Now that I am part of the Incrowd with my new toy, I am planning to download and read Zoobiquity next, also maybe Staying Sober. have you read either one?
oh, yes, about personal guidelines for modding, I followed what I thought were my mothers guidelines, "Drink alcohol in a ladylike fashion.". So, I drank discreetly, at home, before going out, never TOO much, etc.
Those medical guidelines? Just for fuddyduddies, I thought.
Turns out my liver likes the medical guidelines better. my budget likes the no gin part better too. Ff. "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery