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August Mod Squad

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    August Mod Squad

    Congratulations Lila!!!! I knew you could do it!!!

    GetReal, I chose moderation because I felt I could change my drinking behavior. I think it is something you have to try for yourself, and also make a plan and be accountable. I have only been modding, on and off for 4 months approximately...That is, I drank moderately after 39 days, then went AF for another 49 days, then starting modding exclusively. I feel like, now that I've become extremely aware of my drinking, that I can continue to moderate relatively successfully. That is, better some weeks than others, but ultimately never going on binges, ever. If I feel out of control at some point in the future, near or far, then I will certainly re-evaluate.

    DT, welcome back!! Seems like you've been away for ages, lol.

    Just checking back to read a bit now. Hope everyone is doing well.

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath


      August Mod Squad

      Why is it that people on this forum (MWO) can make off-hand, sarcastic and down right mean comments and if we so much as utter a word in defense, we're the aggressor??? In "that" thread, at least one person made a comment about how he/she was now "free" from being where I am now. WTF?! All I can honestly chaulk it up to is jealousy. What else could it be? It's certainly not kindness or understanding, or even if they honestly feel that I might still have a drinking problem, that they care. Really scratching my head over this one...the vibe I feel is anger toward me (and modders), but why? Is the feeling, "If I had to quit AL in order to overcome my addiction, YOU should too, damn it!!!" That's how it seems to me. Really sad.

      "I like people too much or not at all."
      Sylvia Plath


        August Mod Squad

        LG I can't figure out the where the anger comes from either. I get a sense it's "I can't drink so no one can drink!" but I think there's a lot of projecting of their own issues going on. The one that I think is so over the top, is the posts or threads about how alcohol should be made illegal. I mean really? When I read stuff like that I think, alcohol is not the problem, it's when you abuse it that it's a problem. It's almost like blaming your problem on other people, or the alcohol itself so some people just seem to want to control these things so they don't get tempted, because they feel like they can't control themselves?

        Cash, Im glad you decided to stay. I think it's terrible that people have said your bipolar is just an excuse (um, do these same people live with bipolar?), and as Lg said, not all depression is caused by al either, a lot of people drink to medicate depression that was already there and I think that's why sometimes life seems so hard when people give it up, because all of those issues are still there and alcohol (if it wasn't so harmful in large amounts) is actually a very effective medication IMO, and that's the rub.

        LG something else that occured to me, is that I'll bet a lot of angry people drink to deal with it, so I wonder if a fair number of people give up al, and then still have their anger they had before they drank?


          August Mod Squad

          LibraryGirl;1369650 wrote: Why is it that people on this forum (MWO) can make off-hand, sarcastic and down right mean comments and if we so much as utter a word in defense, we're the aggressor??? In "that" thread, at least one person made a comment about how he/she was now "free" from being where I am now. WTF?! All I can honestly chaulk it up to is jealousy. What else could it be? It's certainly not kindness or understanding, or even if they honestly feel that I might still have a drinking problem, that they care. Really scratching my head over this one...the vibe I feel is anger toward me (and modders), but why? Is the feeling, "If I had to quit AL in order to overcome my addiction, YOU should too, damn it!!!" That's how it seems to me. Really sad.
          I love the guy that told me that support from here was way better than my doctor or MY FAMILY - get outta here he doesn't know me or my family, WTF!!! Holier than thou without even bothering to get to know someone.
          And I just stepped completely over the line cause told em hubby calls them alcoholic fundamentalists lol there's the end of a not very pretty friendship
          Bipolar is a clinical chronic disorder of the brain,mosly genetic,not curable and I get told the same thing LG - that it's caused by drinking - oh I wish!!!! Bloody ignorant arseholes....
          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


            August Mod Squad

            Getting real123;1369591 wrote: Hi Modders, I am trying to figure out if moderation is a good option for me. Can any of you share your stories of what brought you to choose moderation and how you have stuck with it long term?
            Tell us a little more about yourself, we wouldn't want to judge you by one post- where are you at with your drinking etc and why do you think moderation might be an option? it's best to give an informed opinion and advice than to just say yeah go for it, or stop, or whatever. Thn we cn respond from an educated perspective rather than jumping to conclusions.
            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


              August Mod Squad

              I know a lot of people with clinical depression through hospital visits over many years for treatment for bipolar depression and mania and I can tell you tht it is not caused by alcohol. Tell that to people trying everything including ECT to stop a vicious disease. Alcoholics can also be depressed, and alcohol is a depressant but good grief if your self- medicating for depression that's a complicated issue in itself deserving of more respect than "drinking makes you depressed so not drinking will cure you". It will help but so do a whole range of other treatments.
              Glad you didn't leave too LG but they do make me so very angry...must stop looking but hell it gets so personal. I'm not telling them their path is wrong...why can't they have the same courtesy? Jealous, maybe...obsessed with AL definitely.
              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                August Mod Squad

                The bipolar thing happened years ago - hence the long break from here. But I see ithe same ideology creeping around with the depression comments - its actually bloody dangerous to make assertions like that about serious illnesses. Right that's my ranting over sorry all.
                "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                  August Mod Squad

                  Thanks DG for your insightful post on that horrible thread - made me feel better and so well put. Let's hope someone understands what you said.
                  "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                    August Mod Squad

                    I want to second Cashy's commendation of DG's insightful remarks re the heated discussion on the other thread.

                    Does anybody besides me find it odd that there are no comments on the post I made, which referenced concrete medical facts re an AL induced illness (my fatty liver) and the concrete medical proof (not one, but two) all-clear ultrasounds, WHILE adhering to medically approved moderation guidelines?

                    It seems to me that this very silence indicates that the entire discussion revolves around in a world of emotion and opinion, with little reference to fact. and those sorts of discussions often tend to be a waste of time, IMO.

                    I am glad we are here for each other and will try to remember Kradle's instructions on how to post links.

                    happy Tuesday, everybody!
                    . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                      August Mod Squad

                      FF, I do find it interesting that no one commented on your medical tests. Some of the people who were taking such a strong stance against modding on that thread claimed it was because of the "potential" harm of leading someone down a destructive path. If that has nothing to do with health, I'm not sure what does. You're right, it's mostly an emotional argument and no "side" ever wins.

                      By the way, I posted the link to this (Long Term Moderators) forum on the first page of that thread. In many ways, I'm glad the discussion continued because I believe some of us (especially you, dg) made excellent, logical points that *should* be seen. Another thing that annoys me, even though I say I am baffled by the anger in these types of threads, is someone coming in to say basically, "Can't we all get along?" Lol, I wanted to make a few points and I did. Thankfully, others made it clearer than I was able to do.

                      "I like people too much or not at all."
                      Sylvia Plath


                        August Mod Squad

                        Hi everybody. Reporting in as you probably all know that TS Isaac wasn't too damaging. Let's hope it doesn't gain intensity for LA. Golf course is even open today without it being cart path only. Well, 5 holes are cart path only. After playing last Tue, Thur, Fri & Sat I bowed out today as I wanted to get a lengthy workout in. Sat we (dh & I) won our match so we are now champions of the Once Beaten Category and get to continue playing the Couples Survivor Match (those of us who stay in FL over the summer).

                        I agree with Dave, time to move on. Besides that issue, it seems everyone is working their program.
                        Glad to hear that! One thing I need to pay more attention to is staying within the weekly moderation guidelines. In moderation I find myself leaning toward the AF or oh, it's a drinking day and have whatever I want mode. So back to being here and using the Drink Tracker.

                        Someone mentioned living vicariously through my workouts ~ today I went to the main Fitness Center and ran/walked 5 miles, used the Elliptical Trainer for 15 min, then hopped on the bike for 1/2 hour. I'm feeling a little "thick" lately and am traveling back to my home state next month, want to look good and be sure that my jeans/cords fit as haven't worn them since January (when I was back last time).

                        Lila - let us know about the test, ok? Will be checking weather reports your way soon.

                        Rec'd an email on Friday that someone had picked all their lemons in their yard, got about 100 of them. We were advised to feel free to stop by and take some for our 'hurricane parties'. I kid you not.

                        The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                          August Mod Squad

                          Hello again everyone. Just finished lunch and cruising through the lots to do, but thought I'd check in first.

                          Hi Cashy, D, dg, TMH, V....Hope you are all enjoying your day...D, sorry you are going through a stressful time. I do understand the money crunch very well. Let's make a pact on here: whomever wins the lottery splits it among the modders!! Haha, that would be great wouldn't it?

                          TMH, great job on the workout! I envy you your motivation. We have a new workout room here on campus, and I think I need to check it out, lol.

                          See ya later on.

                          "I like people too much or not at all."
                          Sylvia Plath


                            August Mod Squad

                            thanks, TMH, I PASSED!!!!!! Good that the storm seems to be passing you by.
                            Dave, can you try calling and talking to them? Say your paycheck is late, something. I know, that is an awful feeling.
                            LG, will do! TRouble is, I never buy lottery tickets, but i have big plans on what to do if/when I win!
                            FF, yes, people did go with their emotions in that thread. DG, good point about emotions, and how abstaining might bring emotions out that were "bottled up." Cashy, again, don't go anywhere!


                              August Mod Squad

                              Last check in for the evening. Lila, I'm so glad that you passed, and does that mean that you automtically get the job? I hope so!

                              TMH, forgot to add, I'm very glad that Isaac missed you as well. We were wondering if it was coming our way in S.C., and relieved that it didn't. I do hope it continues lessen and not cause any serious damage or harm.

                              D, I didn't mean to speak lightly about your situation. I looked back over my reply and it seemed flippant. I do understand about the money worries, and I have them myself. I imagine it is doubly so, with a family to care for. I don't know what advice to offer without sounding trite, and also hypocritical, lol, because I am in no shape to give financial advice. However, I am thinking of you and hoping for the best.

                              V, where did ya go? Still missing your son, I bet. I hope you've been able to get settled into being home again, and that everything is going well.

                              I will be on vacation next week. Yayyyy!!! No real plans yet, but hopefully a day trip here and there. Mostly, I just want to relax and maybe do a little cleaning up around here.

                              Hope everyone is having a great AF or moderate night/day.:h

                              "I like people too much or not at all."
                              Sylvia Plath


                                August Mod Squad

                                Sorry guys been crazy busy at work... Luvin it! and for some reason I am experiencing this crazy nesting syndrome since I got back home and cleaning like crazy.... Very happy about how productive I have been... I have enjoyed a few cold beers but no excess... Behind on reading all your posts but all seems well.... Hope everyone is good.... I promise I'll get back into the swing soon

                                Have a great night!!!!!!!
                                And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine

