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August Mod Squad

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    August Mod Squad

    Hi, All,

    Writing you from the lovely outskirts of Boston, on the road for a demo in about half hour. Sitting in the car with windows and sunroof open, it's a beautiful day here, high 60's heading to 80....with a breeze. Maybe I can talk the prospect into an outdoor demo? Only kidding!

    No worries, LG, I didn't take your response as flippant. Somehow the problems don't seem as bad today having voiced them rather than just letting it all build inside. Friday is pay day, and all or at least most bills will be paid, but, lol, I'll be strapped again until the 15th! At least I don't have the $20/day (average) I was spending on booze to worry about. Close a few sales and things will really be looking up....

    Then again, I do have lotto tickets!

    Have a great day, all. Wish me luck with this prospect and the demo!
    Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
    When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


      August Mod Squad

      Hi guys am sorry to have been so confrontational on that thread but to have that rubbish said to me - well not into sweet apologies with no meaning behind them. My dad is dying in hospital, my mum is in hospital with pneumonia and I am not even drinking at the moment cause I have enough self knowledge to know that I should not...well hard to take. I guess the best thing is to bow out and come back another time...
      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


        August Mod Squad

        No, Cashy, this is not a good time to bow out. You and I can sit on our hands and not respond to the taunts on THAT thread, but we still need to be here. It is extremely tempting to me to go back and write something else, but I won't give them the satisfaction. I looked back over the thread too, and saw where I responded to the first negative post about moderation (if you have to come to a forum to see if moderation is possible, then u are a problem drinker, de dum de dum...)...then to a post that was directed at me as a (veiled) apology...then to a post that clearly stated "moderating agendas" lmao...If the majority of the posts I responded to and most of those I didn't were not passive aggressive, then I'm sure I don't know the meaning of the word. I suspect the person who had to look it up and post about it, doesn't.

        "I like people too much or not at all."
        Sylvia Plath


          August Mod Squad

          It hurts a lot to have that kind of thing thrown at anyone...I find that offensive in the extreme - do you ever go on chat btw?
          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


            August Mod Squad

            It makes me want to sob right now that people can be so incredibly ignorant about what they say and how hurtful it can is too short to put up with that bullshit...I dont have the energy to keep fighting but I know that's what my dad would want! You know the strangest thing about the whole debate is a REAL ALCOHOLIC like my mum would never seek help here at all. A real alcoholic will defend their drinking to the very end.
            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


              August Mod Squad

              I go on chat sometimes cashy. Usually there's no one to chat with, lol. I'm at work now, and about to go to lunch, but I can chat after work...we are on different time zones, so might be difficult...would love to talk tho.

              "I like people too much or not at all."
              Sylvia Plath


                August Mod Squad

                Home, aahh. Seems that people are enjoying reading through our thread. Dave, you've been asked to clean up your act, so get to it, lol.

                Hope everyone is having a great evening....I've got nothing. Just wanted to say hi.

                "I like people too much or not at all."
                Sylvia Plath


                  August Mod Squad

                  Hi to All!

                  TMH, I feel so virtuous reading about all your exercising...thanks! Some hurricane parties can be lots of fun, especially if the hostess has cooked lots of delicious food in advance, plus if the storm is not too bad...thank goodness Isaac spared Florida. And, congrats on the golf game!

                  D, sorry to hear about the money least, now that the twins are thriving and things are calmer on the home front, you'll have more energy to devote to your work. I'm sending good thoughts your way re the demo you mentioned & your sales in general. Congrats on not letting the stress of it all affect your AL-related decisions.

                  Lila, congrats again on passing the test...DG, the eagle came back again this afternoon, but did not stay long. I must look up chicken hawk on the Net to see what one looks like....

                  And, V, good to see you are home safe & sound, & probably tidying up is therapeutic in some way.

                  I am STILL working through the Hunger Games...arghh...but also enjoying Zoobiquity, looking forward to the info re addiction which was featured in the NYTimes a while ago... FF
                  . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                    August Mod Squad

                    Hello Hello Modders,

                    I still have not had a chance to catch up on all the reading..... Work is really busy and I am really feeling like I am back into things 100% instead of just trying to make it thru a hang over, I NEVER even consider the store any more..... but I have been drinking a few beers every night probably more than I should even if I am not waking with hang over or anything, also failed to have Monday AF as I was doing..... So need to work on that.

                    My son is having a blast at school and I have been crazy cleaning and feeling great about it. Had a power outtage for like an hour yesterday and still managed to get a ton done

                    Hope everyone is doing well......
                    LG way to go racking up those AF days....

                    D - how are things with twins and wife and staying AF - sorry if you have posted about this like I said I have not caught up.......

                    Hopefully I can find some time to catch up on the posts because it seems some really interesting discussions are going on.............
                    And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                      August Mod Squad

                      Hi, All,

                      Demo and meeting with prospect went well yesterday. It was a very good day, as my oldest brother and his wife visited and a good portion of the family got together for dinner.

                      Waiting on the boss to return my call, then have a webinar at 11, so I'll keep this short.

                      LG--not sure if you were referring to me, if so where was I asked to clean up my act? Did I miss something?

                      V--the twins are doing well, we're taking them to the Pediatrician this afternoon for their 6 week checkup. I'm still AF (day 50 something?) but thinking Sunday night might be a night to share a bottle of wine with the wife. No work Monday, the night nurse will be there....we'll see.

                      Farfall, thanks for the vibes. I think they're working!

                      Hope all is well. I'll check back in later.

                      Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
                      When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


                        August Mod Squad

                        Good morning Moddies! Still raining in S.C. We've been getting rain every day for over 2 weeks, minus last Sat. I think. Must be remnants of Isaac.

                        Well, I am in print. Yesterday I finally saw my book review in the August issue of Library Journal magazine. Next, I'm going to write a book.

                        Still working on my project for the conference...Got a few things to wrap up, since I'm on vacation next week.

                        Hope everyone's day is going well. Dave I'm going to send you a pm to explain what I meant.


                        "I like people too much or not at all."
                        Sylvia Plath


                          August Mod Squad

                          FarfallaP;1370730 wrote: Hi to All!

                          TMH, I feel so virtuous reading about all your exercising...thanks! Some hurricane parties can be lots of fun...

                          D, sorry to hear about the money least, now that the twins are thriving and things are calmer on the home front...
                          Congrats on not letting the stress of it all affect your AL-related decisions.

                          Lila, congrats again on passing the test...DG, the eagle came back again this afternoon, but did not stay long. I must look up chicken hawk on the Net to see what one looks like....

                          And, V, good to see you are home safe & sound, & probably tidying up is therapeutic in some way.

                          I am STILL working through the Hunger Games...arghh...but also enjoying Zoobiquity, looking forward to the info re addiction which was featured in the NYTimes a while ago... FF
                          Hey FF,
                          You captured how everyone is doing so well so ditto to the above. Lila, I am SO happy you passed your test. Test taking can be so stressful so glad that is over for you. Dave, life is so busy with those little twins I know. Keep up your good work with your plan. So many good people in our group, TMH, LG, newbies that have posted a bit. We are blessed to have a strong group posting to support each other.

                          Hubby and I are currently on vaca and daily drinking usually happens but I work hard to keep it to no more than 2. Then when we return home we go back to the plan of week-ends only, once again, usually no more than 2. Have a blessed day everyone~
                          "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                          ~Jack Welsh~:h

                          God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                            August Mod Squad

                            "DG, the eagle came back again this afternoon, but did not stay long."

                            nice! sounds he/she may have found some good pickings with food or something. I don't know the proper name for chicken hawks but that's just what I know them as. I think they eats rats and mice but they also pick off little birds and pluck them and eat them :upset: but that just nature, they have to eat too. I've seen the one in my yard with feathers hanging out of its mouth so I know its been doing that here. They have such piercing eyes though and just fierce looking faces, it creeps me out when it's seen me and looked right at me :H


                              August Mod Squad

                              dg, I looked it up and what you're describing is probably one of three hawks: Coopers Hawk, Sharp Shinned Hawk and Red-Tailed Hawk. "Chicken Hawk" is a term, according to this source, that was used by some rural people in order to "justify their slaughter". Supposedly, that term is obsolete. Chickens are not really part of their diet, but may be "opportunistically" attacked.

                              "I like people too much or not at all."
                              Sylvia Plath


                                August Mod Squad

                                Hi LG, I think these things would easily pick off a young chicken which may be where the name comes from. I've seen this one from my yard flying off with a dove in its claws in the past so it definitely targets birds too and when I've seen it with feathers hanging out of it's mouth it did look it had just eaten a bird. The other birds around here hate it so they definitely see it as a threat and the smaller birds just freak out when it's around and go nuts and hide in the shrubs but the larger birds will swoop it like they're trying to chase it off. I suspect they probably eat a lot of other things too, we get lots of rodents around this area so I've always suspected that's may be why it's here.

