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August Mod Squad

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    August Mod Squad

    Cash, time zones are a crazy thing it's only 5pm friday night here niece has been here an hour we are headed out to KFC to pick up dinner she has settled on watching Tim Burtons Corpse bride while we enjoy dinner.....

    Congrats on SEVEN days you sound great!! Very jealous of your weather we are burning
    Up in this desert very miserable weather makes you very lethargic and unmotivated!!!!
    And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


      August Mod Squad

      Great movie the child has taste!!! Yep cold and crisp here with blue sky just marvelous hope the rest of the visit goes well have fun!!
      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


        August Mod Squad

        Lg- just wanted to make you jealous..... I work in construction so I have all the connects....... Noticed my AC IS DRIPPING in house a few minutes ago so I Texted my HVAC guy he is on his way
        And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


          August Mod Squad

          Lg I take anti emetics when I take antibiotics so I don't puke - oh the joy and then of course there's the inevitable yeast imbalance so am OD'ing on yoghurt - but my sinuses hurt soooo much there's no option
          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


            August Mod Squad

            HVAC man on call. That's awesome V. But, do you only have to pay him 10.00?:H I've got the major hook up!

            Cashy, anitbiotics killed all the bacteria in my stomach last time I was on them, and nearly sent me to the emergency room. I actually would have gone, but I could still breathe.:H I didn't want to pay for the next year for an emergency visit. I felt like I was dying. The cramping had me literally on my hands and knees and it took almost a month to sort out. I won't take antibiotics again, unless there's something that can be guaranteed not to do that. Oh, and I ate yogurt by the bucketfulls, still took forever to get right again.

            No AL tonight. Been invited to my sister's house tomorrow for a pool party. I don't really have any swimwear I would want to wear. I am still working on this bod, and it will be a while before I want to show it off to mixed company. Still, considering going...I know there will be AL flowing.

            "I like people too much or not at all."
            Sylvia Plath


              August Mod Squad

              Whoa no then don't take - sounds like an allergy to the active ingredient - go well tonight and have fun at your sisters tomorrow if you decide to go xxx
              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                August Mod Squad

                Sorry LG I only wanted to gloat so much but you've forced my hand..... I don't just work in construction I am part owner in a general contracting firm that holds all its own trade licenses and self performs everything.... My HVAC guy is actually an employee on my payroll so it's free!

                Movie and dinner are over - niece and I just flagged down ice cream
                Truck she never had before!!!!!

                Enjoy your AF night and even more your hangover free morning
                And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                  August Mod Squad

                  What a coincidence

                  The ice cream truck just pulled up here and Soph has run out after it . She may be 14 but she's still a kid at heart!!
                  Did you enjoy the movie.
                  Have a lovely time, Cashy xx
                  "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                    August Mod Squad

                    Good morning my August Modders:

                    Up pretty early here despite getting to bed after midnight.....
                    Got niece to bed around 11 and then managed to get 3 beers down while hubby and I watched some of Dave Chappell on an episode of inside the actors studio (AWESOME)

                    Feeling a bit groggy from it and staying up so late.... Entire house dead asleep still.....

                    Niece had a fantastic time out at the First Friday event.... She loved spending the $20 I have her at the art vendor tents and got some really nice things.....

                    Not sure I will be able to get her up for an early bike ride though...... Delivering her back home by 8:30 this morning then I have to take care of some stuff at the DMV- dreadful!

                    Thinking I am pretty excited...... Weekends before I quit liquor and found all of you would have already included drinking (yes I would drink all weekend from the moment I woke)

                    Honestly makes me sick to my stomach right now to even think about that!

                    Feeling greatful hope everyone enjoys their Saturday/Sunday
                    And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                      August Mod Squad

                      Good morning All. Not having the best of mornings, but I intend to turn it around. Bf and I arguing about money...hate that. I didn't drink a drop last night and it was easy. No desire whatsoever.

                      V, rub it in. You got the hookup, girl. I ain't saying a damn thing. I ain't mad at ya.:H:H Must be many perks to owning a construction business. I would want them to build me a little cabin by the lake, hee hee.

                      Haven't completely decided whether I'm going to my sister's or not. Either way, I plan to relax and enjoy the rest of the weekend.


                      "I like people too much or not at all."
                      Sylvia Plath


                        August Mod Squad

                        LG- starting a day off with arguing sux.... I'm sorry glad your resolved to turn it around.

                        I think you should go to your sisters swimsuit or not- wear some capris and dangle feet in the pool - maybe wear your suit under your clothes and when people say hey why don't you have a swim say you wore your suit and all but just aren't feeling like a swim. You can use this oppertunity to show your sis yet again that you are no longer the family drunk.

                        Did anyone get mom some new blouses and bras yet, maybe you could take care of that before you go......

                        Well keep me posted!
                        And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                          August Mod Squad

                          Thanks V. I wasn't ever the family drunk, lol. My sister and her partner drink as much or more than I do/did. My drinking occured mostly at home for the past 10ish years. I never drank around the rest of the family, except maybe a glass of wine. My sisters and brothers are so spread out in age...the sister I am going to see today is only 22 months older than I am, but after that my brother is 8 years older...with my oldest sister being 22 years older than I am. There are seven of us. My parents were having babies for 22 years, lol.

                          Bf's left to go to the flea market. Hoping he'll find that exclusive item. Not sure if he's going with me to my sister's or not. He said not when we were arguing, but that's ok, either way.

                          "I like people too much or not at all."
                          Sylvia Plath


                            August Mod Squad

                            Stewarts, I found your post a bit hard to follow but probably just too many people involved, but as far as your gf being hit in the past, there really is nothing you can do about it, hopefully she realized it was a bad situation that she needs to be out of. You can't come to the rescue and make things right, because it happened and as long as she doesn't stay and allow it to continue then that situation is dealt with and you have to let it go. I know it's hard but it was between them and that is how it needs to be dealt with.


                              August Mod Squad

                              Whoooooops! LG I feel like such a tard I tangled your sister drama up in my with another members sister drama that I read about earlier this week asking how to deal with her sister always referring to her as the family drunk...... Sorry about that...... And I'm
                              Not even drinking......

                              I have 5 sisters (6 of us total) my parents were making babies for twenty plus years as well!

                              Niece hated bike ride complained she was hot and tired. Gotta get her home now and head to DMV

                              Sorry again LG
                              And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                                August Mod Squad

                                LOL, it's easy to get things mixed up on here. Hard to keep everyone straight. No problem, V. I do worry about drinking too much and maybe getting into an argument with my sister, because we have always squabbled, since todlers. Hopefully, we can just get along good today...Not like we argue every time we are together, but she has a tendency to pull the big sis act, and I instantly feel like a kid again and get resentful. Not sure if you can relate to that or not.

                                Hi dg. Good advice there for Stewarts. Hope you're having a great Saturday.

                                "I like people too much or not at all."
                                Sylvia Plath

