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August Mod Squad

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    August Mod Squad

    Hello all.............. not off to a good start here, my hubby had buddy stay with him all weekend while I was gone and apparently they were drinking quite a bit, when I got home there was a bottle of whiskey in the freezer and I had 3 shots and beers, feel like total crap.... while I seem to have no problem no longer stopping and buying it myself apparently I have no will power when it is in front of me.

    Wound up fighting with hubby and my sister - they are both not talking to me. Can think straight at work and have total anxiety feeling over me - Ugh just need to get thru today and get home and stay AF today............

    Hope everyone else is off to a much better Monday
    And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


      August Mod Squad

      Hi, All,

      A quick note as I'm kinda busy today, and playing hooky later to get a little golf in (take advantage of the beautiful day!)

      V, I think the only thing you can do is (even if you're right) apologize and/or get straight with Sis and Hubby. I know I had a lot of alcohol fueled arguements where I said things I shouldn't have.

      Lila, I do use the clearing portion of the Hypnotherapy, usually once every week or two weeks. Thanks for reminding me, I haven't done the Hypotherapy in a while, probably should get back to that soon! Also, thanks for the praise of my blog. I'm still going to post some of the other emails I've sent to that support group, just an issue of finding the time to do so, as I edit for some privacy reasons (mostly of recipients and others I talk about.)

      LG, good luck with the longer work week.
      Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
      When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


        August Mod Squad

        Thanks D - I already have kinda (via text) Hubby still upset..... I was upset with him and he knew he was in the wrong but then he tried to apologize last night and I kinda shot it down, I did apologize to him for doing that though, but he is still grumpy.. it will pass, sent sis a text too, but have not heard back, doesn't mean much though she is probably sleeping...........

        Have fun at golf............... No such thing as a beautiful day in Vegas during June July and September, it is sooooooooooooooooooo hot!

        Did nanny start?
        And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


          August Mod Squad

          Lila, good luck with your interview tomorrow. I have not tried the hypnotherapy CD's.

          D, have fun playing golf. Sounds fun and relaxing.

          V, sorry you got into an argument with your husband and sis. I know it must hurt. I hope you're feeling better this afternoon. My sister used to always say, "They'll get over it.":H That's not always true though, but I hope in your case everything gets worked out.:l

          I'm sailing through the afternoon. Coming in later just seems to make the day go faster somehow. This will probably be the only day this week it seems like that, lol. Went to the grocery store on my lunch hour and got all of my shopping done. So glad I don't have to worry about stopping on the way home.

          "I like people too much or not at all."
          Sylvia Plath


            August Mod Squad

            hi all -
            i think my interview went good. early this morning i did the hypnotherapy and i didn't mind his voice at all.


              August Mod Squad

              Good Afternoon all,

              Definitely feeling much better by now but Hubby and sis still not talking to me and hubby in such a crappy mood he called in sick to work.... So needless to say I am not eager to get home this evening, he is supposed to have band practice, I hope he go's... And my sons friend that lives with us apparently got into fight last night and is in the hospital about to have surgery for a dislocated wrist and elbow.

              Lila - Glad your interview went well, did they tell you when you would hear something back?

              LG - Glad your day is coasting by, I love that feeling of getting something done that I would have had to do AFTER work.... And going back to yesterday I would loose my flippen mind if my hubby played a game all day, is there anyway you two can agree on some limits to it?
              And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                August Mod Squad

                I sure hope so, V. I don't know how open he will be to it, but I'm going to try. It's either that, or ...the highway.:H I can't keep being this angry, I know that. Was having murderous thoughts last night. That ain't good.

                Home now, and bf is still playing virtual golf.:cupajoe: Did not go to bed last night and has been home all day, in front of the tv. He thinks I am being unreasonable.uch:

                Getting ready to do a shrimp salad and serve on tortillas with avocado, tomatoes and red onion. It seems like it will be good, so I hope it will.

                "I like people too much or not at all."
                Sylvia Plath


                  August Mod Squad

                  Lg - does he have a job? Mind if I ask how old he is? Has he always played this much or has it recently gotten worse? Dinner sounds yum except I don't eat any firm of fish.... Would make with chicken though lemme know how it turns out...
                  And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                    August Mod Squad

                    He works from home. He has a business on ebay and Amazon. He does manage to take care of that, but only just, lately. He is 32 yo. He will go long periods between being "addicted" to a certain game, but usually gets hooked on one. It's been a good six months or more since he found one that he plays non-stop like this one.

                    Got the shrimp chopped up and mixed with mayo, lemon pepper, curry, salt and pepper...also minced onion. Got some bacon in the microwave I'm going to crumble up in it, and also add some shredded cheese. Yummo

                    "I like people too much or not at all."
                    Sylvia Plath


                      August Mod Squad

                      Good evening all.......

                      Hubby had texted me that he had picked up a six pack of my beer for me... Knowing I planned on being AF today I found myself in a delima thinking he bought me the beer as a peace offering and I didn't wanna not have any.... I grabbed one out when I got home an hour and a half ago and set it down unopened and have yet to touch it, it appears he is still in a bad mood and I doubt drinking or not drinking the beer would make a difference..... He leaves in 45m anyway for band practice....

                      Just hope I can stay away from the last two shots of that liquor in the freezer!!!

                      LG how did the dinner turn out?
                      And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                        August Mod Squad

                        It turned out really good, V. Nice cool meal for a summer nite. However, after I made dinner and ate, I was also in the process of making a dessert to carry to work for a pot luck thing we're having on Wed. Unfortunately I didn't understand the directions...It's pineapple layer salad, with a pretzel crust, cream cheese, whipped topping and sugar mixed together and spread over crust, then two cans of crushed pineapple mixed with vanilla pudding on top. I thought I did it exactly right, but it didn't look like the picture, lol. The pudding was supposed to be mixed dry with the pineapple and I made it according to the box with milk...then mixed in the pineapple. I haven't tasted it. I hope I don't have to throw the whole mess away.

                        "I like people too much or not at all."
                        Sylvia Plath


                          August Mod Squad

                          Hi Everybody,

                          LG, your food sounds DELICIOUS. I fear I am absorbing calories just reading about your preparations!

                          V, sounds as if you are in a delicate situation at the moment...I must admit, my resolve often dwindles away when liquor/wine are right in front of me, or when they are presented as a gift or a treat. Good luck with whichever choices you decide to make.

                          D, glad you got in some golf.

                          Lila, I have not used the cds in quite a while, although I make sure I always have them close at hand in case I need a "booster" session. When I do feel that way, I have used the clearing cd one day, or in the am, then the shorter hypno the next day, or in the pm...alternating, basically.

                          Have a good week, modders! FF
                          . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                            August Mod Squad

                            I had decided not to drink tonight, but am now drinking a glass of wine. Hate that I bought all those ingredients for the dessert and didn't make it correctly. Waste of money and time. I will taste it though, and if I like it ok, then I'm going to take it and force feed it to my co-workers.:H Eat this, damn it, I MADE IT FOR YOU!:H:H

                            Hi FF! I actually am attempting to watch my calories, lol. Not including the dessert, I think the shrimp salad was pretty healthy. I only ate one tortilla. Plus, I'm imposing my dessert on my work mates, so hopefully they will eat most of it. haha

                            "I like people too much or not at all."
                            Sylvia Plath


                              August Mod Squad

                              FF- thanks for chiming in. How are things with you?

                              LG- laughing out loud to your dessert dibocle!!! All the ingredients still sound good so hopefully it's not a waste....

                              D- hope u had a nice golf..... How'd u do?
                              And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                                August Mod Squad

                                Hi, All. Had a very long afternoon on the golf course, I guess since they run specials on Mondays, all sorts come out! I was paired up with three kids that just graduated HS. They weren't bad, had a lot of fun, but didn't get golf etiquette very well (mostly standing in the wrong spots, stepping on putting lines). I didn't bother trying to explain, just tried to deal with it. Figured I could use it as excuse for some really bad shots. Played better on the back nine (like 8 strokes better!) and despite slow play had a good afternoon away from work, babies, wifey etc. Best part is I did it AF, though I did bring two O'Doul's Amber along with 3 waters and a Mt. Dew.

                                Really had a great night once I got home. Night nurse started last night, wife was in good mood, and after fixing dinner (pork chops in spicey BBQ sauce on grill, mac/cheese, tomatoe, basil and mozzarella salad) was able to feed one of the boys with her. Will feed the other later if I stay up until 11:30...we'll see. I needed my bonding time of the day, couldn't sleep tonight without at least one feeding, might be hard without doing the same with the other.

                                LG, your recipe reminded me of one of our staples, particularly in summer: Tacos made from shrimp and chicken marinated in Siracha sauce. MMMMM Love it! I'm curious, what's the name of the online golf game? Is it "Shot Online"? I play that but don't like to play too many games at a time, maybe 18 holes (about an hour, depending upon which game) then I'm burnt! Then again, I'm too old to be a "gamer" so I wouldn't get that into any game to the extent of playing hours at a time.

                                V, good effort with hubby and sis. You can only take the steps you want to mend the relationship, hubby and sis have to meet you there. Good job not taking the indignant route (that I tend to like) and at least reaching out to them.

                                Farfalla, I'm glad you're also into the Hypno CD's. It's been a little over a week, I might have to do them really soon! I also have an online course I'm already behind with, though and time is at a premium (especially when I sneak out and play golf!)

                                Lila, hope they work for you as well I get totally into them, giving myself permission to NOT intellectualize how silly others might think they are, or any of that. I just try to let my mind truly go deep into the subconscious areas that bring those messages back to me at certain times when needed. I really do need to listen again, as I've been thinking about drinking lately, and still am not comfortable that I'm ready.

                                V, good luck. If you really don't want to drink those last two shots, pour them down the drain! I know that's drastic, but that's how I started (and poured a GOOD glass of wine down the drain!) and it felt really powerful. If I'm too late, well maybe some other time!

                                Good night, room. Good night Moon. Good night to the cows jumping over the moon! :H
                                Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
                                When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.

