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August Mod Squad

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    August Mod Squad

    It's Tiger Woods 13, Dave. It's really a great game, but not good enough to play around the clock, like bf does, lmao!!! I am ok with it right now, but trust me, I will lose it again soon if this continues. I never got very good at the game, but was improving. Now, out of spite I won't play because I feel like I'm sanctioning something that I have been so against lately.

    Downloaded a novel on my kindle, so I'm going to read myself to sleep. Good night Moon, and all my favorite Moddies!!!

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath


      August Mod Squad

      Good morning Tuesday Modders...... Just checking in as I finish getting ready for work.... Had a successful AF Monday.... No beer no liquor.... Hubby n I are ok, not back to great but ok...... Sis won't respond to me at all, it has me a little worried wait make that a lot worried.... Maybe today..... I'll write more later.... Hope everyone gets off to a good start!
      And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


        August Mod Squad

        Tuesday morning with Moddies... Good morning peeps. Having a good day so work and getting settled in good.

        Had a pretty good night last night. Had 2 glasses of wine, went to bed at a decent time and felt great this morning. My goal is to get into the habit of getting up in time to walk in the mornings before I leave for work. The weather is slowly cooling down a little, and much more pleasant (at 88 rather than 100, lol).

        V, I hope you get in contact with your sister soon. Do you have any relatives or friends near her that can check on her for you?

        Hope everyone is having a great day so far!

        "I like people too much or not at all."
        Sylvia Plath


          August Mod Squad

          LG - How did the dessert situation end up? Is it 88 there in the morning? It sure is here.............

          D- So glad the nanny has brought some relief for you and the wife and really happy to hear you had such a nice evening and a good round of golf (at least the back nine) - Sounds like you have a taste for really spicy foods, I do too.

          My partner at work (we run the company and crews together) he is also like my best friend, I probably spend more time with him than I do my family, is about to have his first child, his wife gets induced tonight but they think she will wind up with a c-section at noon tomorrow... So he will be out for a few days which is crazy to me because HE NEVER MISSES EVEN half a day of work.

          Ok well better get some work done.

          Hope everyone is doing well look forward to hearing how everyone is doing.... Lila, Eve, Cash, Stew, FF, Jenniech howdy if your lurkin
          And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


            August Mod Squad

            I am shaking right now, I'm so upset. My brother forwarded some emails to me that my brothers and sisters had been sending among each other, thinking that I wouldn't see them. I absolutely cannot believe how they "see" me, and I am in shock and cannot quit crying, and I'm at work.:upset: All of this is because I asked my brother if I could possibly get Daddy's lawnmower, which is sitting unused at my mom's empty house (he passed away in 2010), and we have a yard service that takes care of the lawn there. Apparently, some of the family think I wanted it to be given to me, and one of my sisters said, "I don't think there will ever be an end to Librarygirl's wants". I have never asked for ANYTHING, so this just blows my mind, and I just want to scream.:upset::upset::upset::upset:

            "I like people too much or not at all."
            Sylvia Plath


              August Mod Squad

              Ouch Ouch Ouch - Sooooooooooo sorry LG - you were having such a nice morning I can feel your pain.......

              I had that happen to me once, was forwarded to me by a cousin and was written by my brother n law (husbands brother who they WERE very close) It was during their parents divorce and siblings started taking sides and I was accused of some things that were not only false but completely opposite of how I live my life and what I pride myself on, that was a few years ago and our families are still not talking.

              Sorry that was probably not the best thing to say.... Why did your brother forward it to you, was it by mistake, not realizing all that was said in the entire chain? Do you ever engage with some siblings in regards to talking about other siblings?

              What helped me is trying to figure out where my brother in law was coming from and what was going on his life to make him say such things and what it boiled down to was 1st off he was taking his mothers side in the divorce and felt we were taking the fathers (his step father/ my husbands real father) but we were not and to this day we remain very close with both of them (mom n dad) and he was/is in a very unhappy marriage and fighting with his teen daughter, having money issues and was in a failing rock band...... I am confident his statements were from some own frustrations in his life and were not true and I just continued to live my life opposite of what he shared with family and prove to them it was not true.

              Not sure if that might apply in your situation. Families can be sooo stressful, you love them, you need them, yet when they hurt you it really hurts........

              Wish there was more we could do.... go to the bathroom get the good cry out, share it with a close coworker on a break and try and make it thru your day......
              And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                August Mod Squad

                He forwarded the emails to me out of spite. He was angry because I was angry at him. He said, I don't mind if you buy the lawnmower but I just told everyone I wouldn't want you to resell it at the fleamarket for profit. I said, why on earth would you say that to me, and who else in the family would you EVER talk to like that? He said, I don't know anyone else in the family who works at the flea market...what a fucking lame excuse, and a cute way of saying LG's poor and has to live like a DOG. Not cute. So, his preface to the emails he forwarded to me was, "LG's accusing me of talking differently to her than I do the rest of the family, so I'm forwarding your emails to her." Now I guess that's the way they ALL think of me. I swear to god, I feel like shit right now. I just want to get drunk as hell and never see anyone of them again.

                "I like people too much or not at all."
                Sylvia Plath


                  August Mod Squad

                  just wrote a reply, and it got deleted or something!
                  LG, i feel so bad for you! you sound like you have a big family - and sometimes lots of drama goes with that..? still, horrible.
                  v - glad he is taking time off! hope everything goes well!
                  modders, all this talk about food is making me hungry! I have to run, I am getting printers ink for more applications! I will hear from the job interview in about a week, they say.
                  still waiting for my sups.
                  have a great tuesday all!


                    August Mod Squad

                    LG, omg. i can't believe it. at least everyone knows that you know. and hopefully will be ashamed.
                    can you wait on the drinking? just try waiting a few hours? take a walk? watch a movie?


                      August Mod Squad

                      LG - How awful, I am sorry I know they are your family but they are sounding like so awful people right now... Just curious, are they all "well off", have you ever sold family heirlooms at the flea market? Have you always had issues with them or were you all very close at once?

                      Doubt I need to say it but you know WAY better than to get obliterated to forget this.....
                      And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                        August Mod Squad

                        LG...I feel your pain, and understand how you must feel right now.

                        I think V gave some good advise. Try to look at where they are coming from, what they get out of saying such things about you. Usually when others attack someone it's from their own insecurities, or their own feelings of inadequacy. I would bet that each and every one that participated in LG bashing has something going on in their lives, whether it's something missing, something they don't want to look at, something they're ashamed of or whatever, that is behind them lashing out directly or indirectly at you. It's making them feel better at your expense.

                        I know that doesn't sooth your pain, but when you figure it out you'll probably realize that it really isn't about you, its their inadequacies that they're hiding from.

                        For 6 years I worked for a bitch of a sister that screwed me royally out of serious commission dollars. Each time I set a new record for largest sale in company history, I got screwed. The last time it was somewhere between $50 and 75k. We fought about it and she (rightly) thought that I'd never get over it. I went on vacation a month and a half later, and after a not so big fight right before I left, she fired me upon coming back from vacation. She told everyone else in the family that I couldn't sell a thing and was risking her company! She also told them other lies and got them believing I took advantage of her when it was truly the other way around. Right before she fired me, my closest sibling, also a sister, asked me if she should take a job in the company and I told her only if she has no reporting or interaction with our sister, whom I felt was the worst boss I've ever worked for. That was probably a reason she fired me, but it was the truth. It hurt like hell that the whole family seemed to take her side. :durn: :upset:

                        What I realized after the fact was that she was probably telling those lies to the rest of the family to cover her own feelings of knowing she screwed me. I found out that I was being underpaid in addition to getting screwed out of commissions, and also that she hired TWO people, both at 60% higher base salaries, to fill my position. (Both left within 6 months b/c they couldn't work with her!)

                        So be strong in the knowledge that you can take the high ground and ignore the BS your siblings have created. I know that's not easy and it will take time. In the mean time know that I'm sending you a big hug, :l and also hoping that you don't go get drunk as hell, because as we all know that doesn't help anything and makes you feel worse when the booze wears off. So feel the support from me and your friends here and know we all think very highly of you.
                        Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
                        When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


                          August Mod Squad

                          No, V, I have never sold anything belonging to anyone but me at the fleamarket (or anywhere else). My bf and I just started occasionally selling some of our ebay items that weren't selling online at our local fleamarket this past winter. I haven't made it a life-long hobby or anything. We get all of our items from individuals advertising, garage sales, pawn shops, second-hand stores, etc. I have sold some of my own stuff that I no longer needed, but not much, and nothing I "inherited" from family. And, yes, they are all much more well-off than I am, but I make a decent salary. Just because I have an online business and sometimes sell at the fleamarket, you would think I'm some kind of gypsy or low-life vagabond.

                          Thanks Lila and D for your support. I know, intellectually, that nothing is solved by drinking. However, I just FEEL like it right now. I really, really do.

                          "I like people too much or not at all."
                          Sylvia Plath


                            August Mod Squad

                            LG - i did not mean to be accusatory with my questions, in the short time I've know you I could not imagine you doing anything like that and I was so confident of it that I really just asked those questions so you could kinda get it out..............

                            Really Really mad can easily equal a really really bad craving - not sure what you currently have in the house but my suggestion would be to do what EVER it takes to not stop for anything on your way home......
                            And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                              August Mod Squad

                              I know that you weren't being accusatory, V. I didn't mean for it to come across like I thought that you had. I was just answering your question, and I didn't take offense. Just reading more and more hateful, hurtful things that were said about me behind my back...I am just at a loss for words.

                              Anyway, the world doesn't revolve around me and my troubles. I hope everyone is having a good afternoon. I'm looking forward to getting out of here for the day!

                              "I like people too much or not at all."
                              Sylvia Plath


                                August Mod Squad

                                I bet you are.............. how was potluck..... I am waiting for my girl to come back with SUBWAY Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!1
                                And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine

