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August Mod Squad

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    August Mod Squad

    Hi, All,

    Checking in quickly this morning. I'm really not liking my job lately, and need a kick in the butt to get motivated! LG, I'm not even drinking and more or less going through the motions...

    Having thoughts about making a go at moderation. I'm somewhere past 6 weeks, day 47 AF now that I look and count. I know that there's certain patterns and triggers to avoid: Drinking in my (moved out of my home, currently in a basement apartment) "in-home" office, buying a 12 pack and not worrying about how many I drink, buying tequila at all. Also, drinking with my friends while playing cards. Could be tempted tonight, so I'll just declare: Tonight is NOT THE NIGHT I try moderation. I will not drink today! I'm thinking that a glass of wine with dinner might be nice, shared with my wife, probably Sunday evening as the night nurse comes and we won't have overnight baby duties. Maybe I'll just re-adjust and see if I can't make 60 days...who knows!

    LG, dirty rice is one of my favorites! I worked my way through college in restaurants in New Orleans, so I've been making Cajun food for a long time.

    V-give your son a big hug, and yourself a pat on the back for getting him to this point in his life. I'm sure it's not easy, and I'll be with you a year from now. Hoping one of my friends, actually a college roommate of one of my best friends, can help her get into a great state school in VA. I'm talking to him (he is the VP for Communications at the university, basically their spokesperson) later today about a little help with the admissions. Her first choice is still UConn. She (thankfully b/c of in-state tuition and it's a great school) doesn't want to go too far away to college, she says because of the twins. I think it's a very strong tie to her mother, who she fears will be lonely. See, we do raise good kids!

    Have a great day, all. Will try to check in later. Playing cards tonight and 9 holes early tomorrow morning!
    Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
    When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


      August Mod Squad


      D, I know what you mean about the job and being motivated, and, going through the motions. I went through a phase like that, I wasn't drinking at all, getting to work early, but really, as you said, going through the motions. I'm also in a careet where that is professional suicide, we need to stay motivated and on it. Anyway, it did pass and my old self came back, and has been back for the most part.


        August Mod Squad

        I'm in sales, so going through the motions sets me up to not make many sales! Need to make sales, as the base salary is not enough to get by on! Back to work!
        Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
        When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


          August Mod Squad

          Hi D and Stewarts. It's the same with my job and complacency being the Elephant in the Room, so to speak. It's apparent, or has been, that I was not motivated to advance my career, and although it's disappointing to others (maybe), I was the main one suffering. In academia, no extra works equals no extra pay, nor any recognition, if you crave that (which I don't). In order to advance and get promoted I have to have evidence of what I have done career-wise, in writing, in order to go to the next level. I have stayed at Assistant professor for 3 years past the time I've been eligible for promotion to Associate Professor, all because I just didn't care. Professional suicide. I just hope it isn't too late.

          "I like people too much or not at all."
          Sylvia Plath


            August Mod Squad

            Hi all,

            LG, I am sure it is NOT too late, you are a very bright woman! and you recently had a review published, so things are moving along, I suspect...

            D, have fun AND good luck at cards tonight and golf tomorrow.

            V, my thoughts are with you during this exciting and yet bittersweet time in the life of your son.

            Lila, how is it going with the sups? Drinking Gal and Dancing Girl, hope you ladies are doing well.

            Today my hubby went to the dr. Re some high blood pressure issues, and the nurse gave us info re diet...

            And, this sentence stood out at me: Moderate drinking means up to 1 drink a day for women and up to 2 drinks for men. a drink equals 12 ounces of regular beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1 and 1/2 ounces of 80-proof distiller spirits such as whiskey or vodka.

            doesn't seem like very much, to me!!

            anyway, his ct scan was ok, and now he has to limit salt and caffeine...poor fellow loves French fries and dr. Pepper. It may have been a TIA and he will see a neurologist next week, first we will gird ourselves as Isaac may visit us here in sunny Florida. New grandson is eating up a storm ... Pun intended....and gaining weight just fine. as are his grandparents...oh well.

            hi to Stewarts,too,glad your career is going ok.

            everyone take care. FF
            . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


              August Mod Squad

              I hope so, FF, and thank you for the compliment.

              I hope your hubby gets straight health-wise...Changing eating habits permanently seems almost as difficult if not harder than quitting AL. Of course, I can only speak for myself. I was on a healthy kick for about two months, but that's gone by the wayside. I'm not splurging all the time, or eating unhealthy all the time, but I could not sustain counting calories and being mindful about every meal. I really want to get back on track.

              The guidelines for AL do seem like small amounts. They ARE, lol. I doubt anyone just has one drink a day. If they don't want any more than that, I doubt they drink at all. Well, maybe some do...I could, occasionally, but then sometimes I don't want to. Therein lies the problem.

              "I like people too much or not at all."
              Sylvia Plath


                August Mod Squad

                Good morning my friends. I feel like I'm talking to myself, lol. Where is everyone?!

                TGIF!!! I had one (tall) hard lemonade last night. For once, I slept through the night without waking up to go to the bathroom or anything else. I felt rested this morning. Not saying it was the AL, but it did relax me. I had two in the fridge, but I only drank one, and was satisfied.

                What's your weekend plans? Me, nothing special...R&R.

                "I like people too much or not at all."
                Sylvia Plath


                  August Mod Squad

                  Hello everyone..... Sorry I have not posted been checking in and reading up on your posts but as you know im busy getting my boy settled.....

                  Yesterday was move in day and it actually went real smooth was crazy exhausting because he is on 5th floor of dorms and waiting for the elevator on moving dav was not an option especially since once you park in front to unload you have 20m to unload before you have to move your car.... The campus is beautiful, his room is pretty big and after 2 Walmart trips he is all set up.... We took him to dinner and droped him back off for his first night! They had a huge outdoor movie showing/ meet and greet he was headed to....

                  Hubby and I came back to hotel and had a few beers and went to the driving range they have here...D you would love it.... Its a GIANT resevoir with makeshift islands that have buckets and gongs on them..... A lot of fun.... My hubby is a big golfer and I have only golfed with him once but he was very impressed with the accuracy and consistency of my drives

                  Not sure what today's plan is other than take son for haircut.....

                  LG cracked up reading about you destroying the TW13.... But was quite proud of you! What's the status of that

                  FF I would die if I had to cut back on salt and caffeine but Im sure you can help him do well....

                  D I am enjoying hearing your chats on weather to mod or stay AF.... We all support you no matter what..... Those babies still growing good?
                  And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                    August Mod Squad

                    V, it was a plan, but ultimately not a solid plan. TW13 got replaced with an even "better" Masters edition. It was funny though when I got home, bf was getting ready to take a shower and I said, if there's another TW13 in the living room I'm going to destroy it too. He ran out of the bathroom naked to get it and hide it, lmfao!

                    "I like people too much or not at all."
                    Sylvia Plath


                      August Mod Squad

                      Omg - LG------ this is cracking me up I seriously was laughing out loud reading this on my phone..... THE SAGA CONTINUES..... I love it!

                      Just went and had breakfast with my son his roomate and another kid he met at their dorm cafeteria...... Was better breakfast then we had at the resort yesterday morning..... He seems to be settling in just fine hubby still asleep in room he is not an early bird like me
                      And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                        August Mod Squad

                        Hey V. Sounds like you're enjoying your trip, and that your "boy" is settling in well. That's so nice to hear. We are now in full swing at our university, and besides parking, it's kinda cool to see all the hustle and bustle on campus again.

                        Yeah, the saga continues, lol. Gotta laugh or get angry, so I laugh. HAHAHAHAHA! Well, that was a bit much.

                        By the way, if anyone on this forum (Mods) wants to see how quickly moderation is shot down, just look at the thread some unsuspecting newbie posted: "Has Anyone Had Success at Moderation?" LOL, poor thing has probably run for the hills by now.

                        Well, home from work...working on Friday's again has not been a terrible adjustment. I guess I think of the summers as a temporary vacation-thingy. I always think it's going to be terrible to go back to working on Friday's, but it's really not. So, no plans for me this weekend, other than I hope to go and visit with my mom at some point. Other than that, just chillin'...right now with a glass of Shiraz.

                        "I like people too much or not at all."
                        Sylvia Plath


                          August Mod Squad

                          hi modders
                          i am doing terrible. i didn't pass a test i need for my new job. they are letting me try again monday.
                          sick about it.
                          so sick of worrying, worrying, worrying. here i have something good, and it is now in jeopardy. i wish i could handle stress better.
                          hope everyone is doing well. and i hope i will have good news monday.


                            August Mod Squad

                            I had two glasses of wine, and had to pour out the third. Have not drank red wine in over a year. I drank white zinfandel and it was mild compared to this. So, I guess I actually can just drink two glasses of wine, lol.

                            Hope everyone is having a great Friday night...looking foward to hearing from all of you! Let's don't let this forum go quiet(er).

                            "I like people too much or not at all."
                            Sylvia Plath


                              August Mod Squad

                              Hey Lila. We must have been posting at the same time. I'm so sorry you are having a hard time.:l Did AL have anything to do with you not passing the test? Do you have anything to study for the next try? I will help you if you want me to help. Just PM me, ok?

                              "I like people too much or not at all."
                              Sylvia Plath


                                August Mod Squad


                                good for you for your thoughtful response re our modder

                                group to Raven in the aforementioned discussion. FF
                                . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery

