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The last time I blew it when trying to mod...

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    The last time I blew it when trying to mod...

    OMG FF, I have white coat syndrome big time, my doctor can't get a reliable reading, although by the third time she takes it, it's usually less scary :H I had to buy a machine and start keeping my own records for her. I can't imagine a dentist being able to get a good reading on anyone! I remember hearing on a news report once that it affects about 30-40% of people which makes you wonder how many people in the past were put on medication for no reason doesn't it?


      The last time I blew it when trying to mod...

      Yes, it certainly DOES make you wonder, especially a few years ago when lots of new medications were being developed to lower BP... once I had to wear a 24-hour BP monitor, which was actually great, as you totally forget you have it on (eventually) so the readings ARE really accurate. I think imy BP has also gotten lower since I laid off the gin, but the white coat effect will always be there, I am afraid. A really engrossing novel or article helps, if I remember to take one with me...the ones in the drs. office seldom hold my attention. Ah yes, just another thing to think about...later on I hope to check out the links Zax mentioned in his other post...have a good rest of Tuesday! FF
      . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


        The last time I blew it when trying to mod...

        hi, im not a regular here but i just had to chip in with a strange thing i had with a 24 hr bp monitor. This was when i was drinking regularly to excess (most days). The readings i got in the morning and afternoon were sky high, but the readings i got later in the day and overnight AFTER i started drinking were within the normal range. i found that very disturbing. was my body only behaving normally when i was drunk? now i have cut down my drinking condiderably my bp readings tend to be pretty good..... much better than when i was daily or bi-daily drinking
        Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
        Keep passing the open windows


          The last time I blew it when trying to mod...

          Hi Spuddleduck,

          I am not a doctor, but I theorize that since alcohol is a depressant, which is one of the reasons that we perceive ourselves to be relaxed once it hits our bloodstream, that maybe our circulatory system also slows down its reactions a bit while we are under the influence.

          Whatever the case, I think that most people who lay off the sauce totally experience an overall lowering of their blood pressure. I have not done the 24 hour monitor since I quit my daily martinis but I certainly plan to request another one before going on any blood pressure meds!
          Good for us both for cutting down....FF
          . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


            The last time I blew it when trying to mod...

            DfromCT;1379949 wrote: (Note to AF Nazis that may be lurking: Sorry if don't like that term, but if you have a problem with it, approach me with a private message. Otherwise, hit the bricks and quit spying like a teenie bopper digging dirt for gossip.)
            So you can refer to us abstainers as Nazis in public, but we have to approach you in private? Um....I think not. Yes, I have a problem with that term. It's rude and downright inappropriate. You should be ashamed of the very least, embarrassed. Resorting to name calling is just pathetic. And save your breath, I'll post wherever I feel like posting.
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              The last time I blew it when trying to mod...

              This is an Alcoholic site for Pete's warn new people to stay away from a place that tries to help them quit this addiction?? That's a good one. After I was AF for a year, I wrote a was about which Voices to listen to. Same applies here, we see a person who swears moderation is possible but has never tried it. Nice. Not only that but he slams others who try to help people free themselves of this horrible addiction. I don't know how you got it in your mind that we are the enemy...that people trying to encourage people to be AF are nazi's....that's a battle in your mind. As you well know, no amount of warning can change someone's mind when it's hell bent on keeping AL on the table...we try and use our experience to help others...something you might try yourself. Byrdie (AF and loving it!)
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                The last time I blew it when trying to mod...


                You are acting like a Total Ass and I am embarrassed for you.

                I apologize Zax for his rude and Puerile remarks.

                Please remember this is an Alcoholic forum so people do arrive here with different issues and boundaries (or lack thereof)
                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
       tool box
       newbie nest


                  The last time I blew it when trying to mod...

                  K9Lover;1379993 wrote: So you can refer to us abstainers as Nazis in public, but we have to approach you in private? Um....I think not. Yes, I have a problem with that term. It's rude and downright inappropriate. You should be ashamed of the very least, embarrassed. Resorting to name calling is just pathetic. And save your breath, I'll post wherever I feel like posting.
                  This is an Alcoholic site for Pete's warn new people to stay away from a place that tries to help them quit this addiction?? That's a good one. After I was AF for a year, I wrote a was about which Voices to listen to. Same applies here, we see a person who swears moderation is possible but has never tried it. Nice. Not only that but he slams others who try to help people free themselves of this horrible addiction. I don't know how you got it in your mind that we are the enemy...that people trying to encourage people to be AF are nazi's....that's a battle in your mind. As you well know, no amount of warning can change someone's mind when it's hell bent on keeping AL on the table...we try and use our experience to help others...something you might try yourself. Byrdie (AF and loving it!)
                  First of all, MY WAY OUT is SPECIFICALLY NOT AN AA or an Alcoholics site in the sense that you think it is. You are trying to turn it into exactly that, thus the nickname, which I didn't coin, but find extremely fitting. (More on that in a minute, as you're way off base there, too.) The Book, and the Website, are advertised as an alternative to AA and the notion that alcohol is an all or nothing zero sum game. You're running off and attacking anyone that, in the spirit of the book and the website seek help with moderation, is manipulative and worse; you try to dominate the site leaving no room for discussion of moderation. And yes, the website IS ADVERTISED AS A SITE THATS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE "POWERLESS-NESS" OF TRADITIONAL THINKING OF AA AND OTHER ALCOHOL TREATMENT. It's called search engine optimization, driving folks, like myself and countless others that search for things like "Moderation versus traditional alcohol treatment" to THIS WEBSITE.

                  Secondly, not only are you taking over this website and running off people that were attracted to it, and lead to it by it's promise to be an alternative "MY WAY OUT" to AA and the notion of being powerless over alcohol, but you're both now encroaching on MY RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH. If I want to use any pet name for a group of unidentified individuals, I'll do so. I find it laughable the you need to troll the areas of the forums where you specifically disagree, and need to fight the good fight, despite the fact that not all of us come here with the same beliefs you have, and THAT IS THE FACT THAT BROUGHT US HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

                  Thirdly, If you ever saw the Sienfeld episode "The Soup Nazi" you'd know what I'm referring to, and the fact that it bothers you isn't going force me to change my analogy. If anything your posts, and other viscious attacks I've had via PM make me think the nickname is more and more accurate. I didn't call anyone out by name yet you two seem to think I did. It's your choice to step out and identify yourselves as being the ring leaders of the Evil Empire (hope that's not too offensive for you, but then again, more of the world saw Star Wars than Seinfeld) be my guest. I only asked you do so via private message so as to not monopolize yet another thread. But, then again, that's your pattern, take over threads that you disagree with and make everyone else not want to participate in it anymore. (I wonder if you feel compelled to read each and every thread to be sure you don't have to defend your self proclaimed powerless stance for all?)

                  If you take offense to the term then don't act the part, trying to wipe out anyone that thinks they are not powerless over alcohol. NO SOUP FOR YOU. No Moderation talk for you! Don't like the pet name, tough S*!T. Your vile post here demonstrates exactly why the analogy is so fitting.

                  Next time you don't like a term I use in a post on a moderation board, call or write to someone that values what you think about my posts. Everytime you attack one of my posts, you're only proving my point.

                  Good night NOBODY, good night mush.
                  Good night to the old lady, whispering hush.
                  Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
                  When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


                    The last time I blew it when trying to mod...

                    Kradle123;1380002 wrote: DfromCt:

                    You are acting like a Total Ass and I am embarrassed for you.

                    I apologize Zax for his rude and Puerile remarks.

                    Please remember this is an Alcoholic forum so people do arrive here with different issues and boundaries (or lack thereof)
                    No, this is the MODERATORS FORUM that some Alcoholics feel compelled to troll, just in case someone feels they're not powerless. The website, as we all know (but many forget) was started and is still advertised as an alternative to that all or nothing powerlessness approach of 20th century alcohol treatment.

                    Kradle, you need not apologize for me, nor be emabarrased for me. I'm embarrased for you that you seem to not actually read my posts before being riled up by someone else to attack me. You've done this twice now, the first time you apologized for yourself, this time, it's a pattern. Get a clue and re-read the post that someone else told you was so bad. Your off base, and out of line. Your puppy dog loyalty to someone you feel helped you is blinded to what was actually written in my post. It's also funny when you cut/paste words you find in a thesaurus that you capitalize them! If you were really smart enough to use puerile off the cuff, you'd read what your rallying against before you take up arms.

                    There's nothing in my post that Zax should feel slighted by. I simply pointed out to him that he should keep those thougths HERE IN THE MODERATION BOARDS because when i was new here and posted them in the Nest, I was strung up similarly to how you three are trying to do so now.

                    All three of you are out of bounds. And, as of now on my ignore list!
                    Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
                    When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


                      The last time I blew it when trying to mod...

                      spuddleduck;1379975 wrote: hi, im not a regular here but i just had to chip in with a strange thing i had with a 24 hr bp monitor. This was when i was drinking regularly to excess (most days). The readings i got in the morning and afternoon were sky high, but the readings i got later in the day and overnight AFTER i started drinking were within the normal range. i found that very disturbing. was my body only behaving normally when i was drunk? now i have cut down my drinking condiderably my bp readings tend to be pretty good..... much better than when i was daily or bi-daily drinking
                      spuddleduck, the way I understand is that when you drink your BP goes down and drinking a small amount of al is supposed to help lower BP. But when you drink large amounts, as the alcohol wears off your nervous system rebounds and your BP goes up so it's just one of the effects alcohol has on us, it relaxes your body and it's normal for your BP to go down when you have al in your system, but it's also normal for it to go high afterwards.


                        The last time I blew it when trying to mod...

                        Wow I just logged on..... No way I can wrap my arms around this debate right now...... In the middle of a movie with Hubby but eager to catch up on this tomorrow....

                        Just want to remind everyone we all have the same basic goal of a healthy and happy life for ourselves and the people we most care about.....

                        Good night........
                        And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                          The last time I blew it when trying to mod...

                          Woah woah guys... i think both moderating and AF are both valid approaches. I have no problem (and take no offense) to either. Just like everyone im trying to find my own approach to handling alcohol and enjoy reading the opinions of both sides of hte coin. Lets leave it at that


                          As for BP and after drinking. If you are a long term drinker you will have more more normal blood pressure while drinking because you aren't going through any sort of withdrawl. As you get clean your BP will normalize more or less according to this chart. Obviously this is the average, body chemistry varies.

                          Alcohol and blood pressure

                          The first year i was drinking hard i had no BP problems. It wasnt until my third rinse through i noticed it went skyhigh (and thus why i quit for now). Eitherway, everyone always focuses on their liver, my intent was to shed light on this other nasty aspect of alcohol. Even if your BP only spikes for a day into the stage2+ its NOT good.


                          From clean sober friends with BP problems i've seen them have to be medically supervised when they hit the 170+ range! Thats how serious it is. We all have our demons


                            The last time I blew it when trying to mod...

                            Zac's quote: "Woah woah guys... i think both moderating and AF are both valid approaches. I have no problem (and take no offense) to either. Just like everyone im trying to find my own approach to handling alcohol and enjoy reading the opinions of both sides of hte coin. Lets leave it at that "

                            Funny thing, I've never read the mod. boards but was curious last night and the thread title caught my eye. It would appear some bad blood has spilled between some folks. I'm with you. No need to become insulting to one another. If the energy would be spent in debating the issue with some solid information, studies, or stories, it would be much more beneficial to everyone. The bad blood can chase others away.jmo I'm not pointing fingers at anyone. I just think informed respectful debates would be more helpful.

                            That is all. Just don't like to see people who really have commonalities battle one another when everyone has something useful to offer in one way or another that can be of benefit. One side may find the other side was correct, but force doesn't work so well.

                            Best wishes to all.
                            Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                              The last time I blew it when trying to mod...

                              Zax and slay, modding has been a bit of a hot topic at times here at the forums and caused a fair bit of conflict so there is some history to the posts. Some people at the forums are very against anyone attempting modding, and it has led to some very intense fights.


                                The last time I blew it when trying to mod...

                                Sorry you feel so threatened by us. You can ignore me, that's fine, it only works if I try to send you a PM...which I NEVER have, so please stop implying that we are being nasty "behind the scenes". Anything I have to say I am comfortable saying here, because I am not being mean and rude.

                                When you have successfully moderated, I would love to hear your story. As of yet, you haven't even tried, so right now you're actually an Abstainer. Are you confused about that? You're preaching something you've never achieved. When you actually walk the walk, then you can speak from experience. Right now, you're simply guessing.

                                Take care in whatever you decide, it honestly doesn't matter to me. But in the meantime, NO SOUP FOR YOU!
                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

