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Gratitude - please add on!

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    Gratitude - please add on!

    This morning I am grateful for the increased honesty I am able to have in my life, both with myself and with other people. I TRIED to be honest before, but in my heart of hearts, at least some of the time I knew I was presenting a facade, not the real me. FFP
    . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


      Gratitude - please add on!

      Today I'm grateful for my health, family, family's health, job, food, shelter, clothing and love.
      Alcoholic (or Ally)

      "Only a fool knows everything.
      A wise man knows how little he knows."

      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


        Gratitude - please add on!

        I am grateful for safe and sane weather and POWER..... sorry for all of you going thru this awful storm and I hope you all make it thru ok....
        And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


          Gratitude - please add on!

          this morning I am grateful that I live in a country where I am free to vote as I choose...and that I am now free of the compulsion to have a daily drink. I never thought an unwanted CT scan would lead to such a wonderful result! FFp
          . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


            Gratitude - please add on!

            Today I am very grateful to be sober, and fully present to live in whatever the day brings. This is true freedom. I was not truly free when I lived in bondage to AL, despite existing in America.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Gratitude - please add on!

              Today I am grateful for the constant nuggets of gold which MWO members post on this website every day...yesterday Kuya mentioned "...writing this down makes it REAL for your brain and gets it into acceptance..." And today the many kind replies to a post concerning heavy-duty cravings ALL contained bits of true wisdom. thanks, guys! FFP
              . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                Gratitude - please add on!

                I am grateful for the creative gift of writing and how some writers can weave honest and brutal stories about addiction. Please go see the movie "Flight" starring Denzel Washington. It is so painful to watch Denzel's chracacter who is addicted to alcohol and uses cocaine for the high to pull him from the alcohol low that happens, yet beautiful at the same time as we who come here can all relate to that internal struggle...of "should I drink this or should I just say no?" Fabulous'll love his "signature" statement.

                "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                ~Jack Welsh~:h

                God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                  Gratitude - please add on!

                  Last night I took two little boys to a pizza restaurant which is also an indoor mini-carnival, filled with horrible noises, bumper car rides, arcade games, etc etc, and endured the entire three hours while drinking Sprite...the boys had a wonderful time, and I never would have been able to give them that gift if MWO hadn't helped me to quit my daily martinis... I am grateful for this freedom. FFP
                  . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                    Gratitude - please add on!

                    Chuckie's, FF? :H Aptly named after the horror movie, methinks. :H Good job on staying sane and calm. I find the more I've gotten out of the habit of daily drinking, the less I think of it in times of stress.

                    "I like people too much or not at all."
                    Sylvia Plath


                      Gratitude - please add on!

                      grateful today because i took my girls shopping at nite totally sober and could drive last nite
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Gratitude - please add on!

                        Hi, LG and Paulywogg!

                        Actually the place is called Incredible Pizza, and it is similar to Chuckie Cheese's, which is fun for Evan too, he says!
                        And, yes, the total clincher is being able to drive there and back, even after dark...I still prefer NOT to drive after dark, but AF at least I am not terrified! FFP
                        . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery

