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September Mod Squad

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    September Mod Squad

    Good (late) Morning to all of you................

    Love hearing about everyone's morning activities, having to be to office by 6am limits me from enjoying any beautiful morning weather.

    Vegas is drying very quickly as it will be 91 for a high today. As to it helping lake mead we would need a few years of that kinda rain to get that back up

    Having a difficult time creating meals for two for hubby and I... I was so used to feeding us and my son and his friends that the scaling down is hard. Sunday night I made a turkey loin, stuffing and sauteed asparagus with mushrooms. We ate it again for dinner Monday and I ate for lunch yesterday and will again today. I still have fresh aspargus and mushrooms left over - I can not stand wasting food, Also we are pretty frugal when it comes to food shopping...... Any suggestions or tips are appreciated, I know there is a recipe thread I may post there as well...

    Hope everyone has a marvelous HUMP DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


      September Mod Squad

      V - it is hard making meals for 2. Hard to think of what to prepare, I think. I finally told dh he needed to take 2 meals/week. He did for a bit & understood. Joked when we would have pizza that that was one of his nights. Sounds like you're a good cook. Me? Not so much. I had sliced apples & a banana with pb when I got home today and think I'll let that be my dinner.

      Hey, Dave, thanks for input re: going AF. I have tried the Kadzu. Sorry to say it made me dizzy. Big time. Have seen on other threads that others have had same complaint. Don't think it's common but happens. Just don't think my mind is in right place presently. It will come back, I know it will.

      The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


        September Mod Squad

        V, I have the opposite problem...well, not problem because I don't have to do it, but I can't imagine cooking for a crowd. Two people works perfect for me. When I go to the grocery store, almost all of the meat packages are no more than 3-4 servings. I imagine you used to buy family packs? I usually only have 1-2 servings left after I cook a meal, and then bf will usually eat that later, or I'll take it to work for lunch. For example, packs of 1 lb hamburger/ground turkey/pork or whatever you like are perfect for two...4 chicken breasts, or 3 in a pack...2 steaks in a pack, etc. Then you only need a veggie to go with it, and maybe bread if you are accustomed to that. I *only* cook for two people, so if you need any more pointers, let me know.

        Exhausted tonight...came home and fell asleep for over an hour. I had wine last night and more than I needed, which is probably why I am so tired. AF tonight, definitely. Hope you all are doing well.

        "I like people too much or not at all."
        Sylvia Plath


          September Mod Squad

          I guess I do know how to cook for two just need to get some recipes and go to's under my belt......

          Tonight my go to was a frozen lasagna and homemade garlic bread..... Feeling kinda lazy tonight......

          Hope all is well with everyone... I'll post more tomorrow just not feeling to chatty at the moment....
          And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


            September Mod Squad

            I am on the LC bandwagon, and had no energy to cook tonight. Put three pieces of bacon in the microwave, crumbled that over a salad with cheese and full-fat Ranch dressing. Pretty satisfying. I joined a site called Low Carb Friends...some interesting and helpful people there.

            Going to bed drinking at all tonight, and has been easy to refrain.

            "I like people too much or not at all."
            Sylvia Plath


              September Mod Squad

              DT, I am finding that since I have been modding it is more difficult to go for a long length of time AF...more than a few days, that is. I thought others were just misguided when they said that would happen, but it is true. It takes a LOT of willpower to abstain through the weekend, or a whole week even once you've given yourself the go ahead to mod. That's my experience only, however. I am glad that I don't feel tempted to drink every night though, and that I can go days without it...something I could not do in the past.

              I am reading DeMille right now. That is why TMH and I were discussing him a few days ago. I am reading his newest John Corey installment, to be published in was sent to me from Library Journal to review.

              P.S. It's entitled, "The Panther" if you want to look for it after 10-16-12. I'll try and post my review in "What We're Reading" on this site, after I finish it.

              "I like people too much or not at all."
              Sylvia Plath


                September Mod Squad

                This is a late night quickey post... (completely sober).....

                Just wanted to share how nice it is to tell hubby "wake me when you come to bed" and not only mean it, but ACTUALLY BE WAKEABLE!!!!!

                When drinking liquor every night I woke in the A.M. soooo many times to see the subtle hints of his defeated attempts to wake me, followed by the inevidble text, call or email during the day stating how hard he tried .......

                Sorry this is a little personal but I am sure some of you can relate to this in one way or another and it is just a feeling of happiness about that no longer being a part of my life that I just had to get it out.......

                Yes this post is being written during an "after healthy romp smoke on my porch".... Again I am completely sober
                And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                  September Mod Squad

                  I just want to chime in here that accepting where I'm at for now & giving up the struggle helped. I nursed 2 glasses of wine last night, started later (7p rather than 5p, went to bed at 10p rather than 9p)and had the best night's sleep I've had in awhile. I feel fine this a.m.

                  Funny dream: talked about The Zone and throwing half the bun away. Dreamed that a bunch of us had takeout order for hamburgers and 3 turned up in the bag with just buns, meat thrown away.

                  Expect something good to happen today!

                  The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                    September Mod Squad

                    LOL TMH. My talk of LC has given you nightmares.

                    V, glad you enjoyed your evening, sober. It does make "things" more satisfying, I find.

                    Well, good morning to everyone who I didn't mention personally. It feels GOOD in South Carolina these days! Chilly this morning even. I love the beginning of Autumn, and our winters aren't too bad either. Slept pretty good last night, although I woke up too early (hour+ before alarm), then kept hitting snooze later. Ugh. Feel fine now but expect the afternoon slump. Will fight against it!

                    Check back in later...

                    "I like people too much or not at all."
                    Sylvia Plath


                      September Mod Squad

                      Hello my mod friends!

                      I hit return (enter) and it posted my one line!

                      Anyway, I just caught up with the recent posts, and want to check in.

                      V--a couple of suggestions for your dinners for two: One thing that my wife and I have done and are getting back to now that we're trying to get into a routine once again is to plan meals well ahead of time. Shop once for the week or two and plan meals for that week and into the next. We have a bunch of recipes/meals that are part of what we call our "rotation" and recently added a few. One of our new staples is a very easy stove top stroganoff dish from Annie's Organic Gourmet. You can find it (yes it comes in a box, just add ground beef, or if you want to lower fat/red meat you can sub ground turkey, pork or chicken. We prefer it with ground turkey)at Whole Foods or most good grocery stores. Stop & Shop has it but I don't think S&S is in Vegas! We also do a lot of cooking from scratch (I love to cook and remember I worked my way through college in New Orleans restaurants) and often freeze meals in two serving portions. I do a lot of that in the crock pot (lasagna, Shepard's Pie, etc) on Sundays during football season. But again, planning and doing the weekly shopping with meals from "the rotation" in mind is the key.

                      TMH, good job on the modifying. Behavior modification, aka changing your pattern, is a step towards taking control IMHO

                      LG, you lucky woman! I love reading things before they come out. Not sure if I mentioned it or not, but I'm reading a book by a NY Mets pitcher, R. A. Dickey. It's an interesting insight to a life that suffered abuse in many forms through childhood. You never think of boys as being abused sexually (at least I didn't) but he was as a 9 year old and it continued for years. He also suffered from an alcoholic mom. Very interesting, not just another jock writing his "I was so great at sports growing up" story.

                      Hope everyone else is doing well!
                      Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
                      When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


                        September Mod Squad

                        DC - good advice, and a box doesn't scare me.... I two like to plan ahead because I hate to stop at store on way home - sounds like you enjoy a lot of the same comfort foods as I do as well - I do have a food save so I think I will dust that of and give it a try......

                        Getting a ton done at work today and gunna get back to it, I'll check in later

                        Hope everyone is having a great day
                        And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                          September Mod Squad

                          Hi All. Home now and just made hotel reservations for my two night stay in Georgia in Oct. Still wrapping up my presentation and have to get it to our graphics person, then she has to get it back to me in less than two weeks time! I've heard she waits until the last minute...yikes!

                          Nice to see everyone posting and seemingly in good moods. I did ok today with my energy levels, despite waking so early this morning. Plan on getting to bed a little earlier than last to make a little dinner now.

                          Check back lataaaaaaa

                          "I like people too much or not at all."
                          Sylvia Plath


                            September Mod Squad

                            Hi All...time for confession. I am growing concerned about my slow slide back into AL addiction. I had a little bit of a bottle left and drank it tonight, and got very agitated that I couldn't have more. I hate that feeling. I think it might be time to re-evaluate.

                            On the plus side, I would have made sure I had enough AL in the house in the past. I knew there wasn't but two glasses left, and I really didn't think about it. However, after drinking it all, I did. Not good. I don't want to get back into the belly of the BEAST.

                            "I like people too much or not at all."
                            Sylvia Plath


                              September Mod Squad

                              hi all -
                              omg, wish life would slow down. I had FIVE beers tonight. Started at 3 when I got home. oh, Lord.
                              TMH, laughing about your dream, and LG, want to get into that low carb mode, just dont want the bad breath. Must be fun to be married and have a husband to share that with.
                              I forgot to pack my Vitamins today. So I was tired, and got home just craving. I am cutting down on my Zoloft. I know ADs make you crave carbs, of course, including alcohol.
                              Life is really hard right now, it is like the best of times, and the worst of times. Good things, and very sad things.
                              I want so much to get my act together, but am so busy, always being needed, etc, how do I get time for ME?
                              thanks for listening, all. I hope so much my kids can go to their dad's this weekend. He never takes them. I so need "me" time.
                              Well, tomorrow is Friday!! Not all bad.


                                September Mod Squad

                                Hi all,
                                Just wanted to say hi. Haven't had a chance to read your posts so not caught up on the latest. Hope everyone is doing fine.

                                LG, did notice your post and Lila's as they are the most current. I know only too well that concern about sliding back into too much and also the dread when the 2nd glass is empty. There's a song about that - the glass is empty and she says how it sucks. Hate that word, but totally understand the feeling. When modding works well, it's a nice feeling to finish the 2nd and feel satisfied. And when it doesn't work well, like at a party where everyone is drinking a lot and 2 glasses seem like the appetizer...well, it's not easy. For all of my years of pretty successful modding, I still have to admit that I drink more than my desired two at least once a month. It is a struggle and I also continue to be a work in progress.

                                Good week this week. Big vaca coming up but do find I do pretty well with not going overboard but do drink more than my usual "just Friday and/or Saturday". Will stay tuned for support.
                                "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                                ~Jack Welsh~:h

                                God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

