D I don't know if I'm brave, it may turn out to big a big mistake going back to drinking so soon, we'll see

TMH, the first week I felt so tired which really surprised me and I did have a few times where I did crave but it was because I was stressed out etc. By the second week my energy started picking up which felt good. I did do lots of cleaning, sorting, organizing and doing lots of things that just get put off, it's like I started noticing every little thing that needed doing! I also got a painting project finished off which felt really good because I just dawdle with things like that when I'm drinking and not feeling energetic. I did lose almost 3lbs which isn't a lot but it just came off without me even trying so that was an added bonus. Finding ways to fill all the extra time was the hardest, I mean I had plenty to do but I also found it hard to shut off and just relax at times. One night I couldn't sleep so I started planning a bathroom reno even though it's not going to happen anytime soon :H I just filled the time any way I could.
so I had 3 drinks on Wed night and left it at that, Thursday was AF because I don't want to get back into drinking too much during the week. I'm just walking carefully right now and I'm going to come up with some "don'ts", like only allowing myself to drink on certain days etc, I haven't figured it out yet but I don't want to get back to doing a lot of weekday drinking if I can.