Thanks FF. I think I'm not so much worried about getting lost as I am about just travelling the interstate and the high speeds for such a long time. It didn't used to bother me, but lots of things bother me more than they once did. I guess now I should worry about missing my exit(s), lol. No, there's no tolls. Well, I have over a week to get ready for the trip, so maybe by then I'll be more relaxed about the whole thing.
No announcement yet.
September Mod Squad
September Mod Squad
Thanks FF. I think I'm not so much worried about getting lost as I am about just travelling the interstate and the high speeds for such a long time. It didn't used to bother me, but lots of things bother me more than they once did. I guess now I should worry about missing my exit(s), lol. No, there's no tolls. Well, I have over a week to get ready for the trip, so maybe by then I'll be more relaxed about the whole thing.
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
September Mod Squad
Next Wed., Oct. 3. Bf may go with me.That would help a lot! We would also have to either board our dogs/cats or make arrangements...there's no charge at my hotel for pets, so maybe we will take the dogs...willing to do about anything to not have to go alone, lol.
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
September Mod Squad
LG - so identify with what you're saying. Traffic is a nightmare here compared to where I live now, and it is intimidating.
FF - do you have a cold? Sorry if you do. Temp is slowly climbing here, up to 50 deg now. Waiting for stores to open & for it to get a bit warmer as I plan on exercise being walking to do errands.
Having a good time seeing gkds. It has reinforced our decision to move to FL in retirement, however. Once kids reach school age they are busy with their activiites & friends. I wanted to go over early Sat; kids were selling wreaths & popcorn for Cub Scouts until 1:00p. Grateful to spend the afternoon with them. Might see them again at Christmas if we come back, otherwise Feb in FL.
1st time back spent 9 days. Too long. 2nd time back spent 5 days. Perfect. Am on 7 days now and going a little stir crazy. FL is definitely home now - for both of us.
Let's have a good week, everybody!
TMHThe pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.
September Mod Squad
Good Morning Modders - Happy Monday to everyone - Hope everyone is off to a hangover free start!
I am feeling great and plan for today to be AF - Should be easy for me again since hubby has his band practice.
LG- I'm the biggest nervous Nelly driver, especially out of town. I am the last person who could give you advice I would just ramble on and scare you even more - I so hope BF goes with you. I was so glad my husband did the entire Reno and back trip.
FF - Good advice
Ok back to work, hope we all sail thru the work day!And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine
September Mod Squad
Hi, All.
Hope everyone had a good weekend. I did, but again am tired as it's a weekend without the night nurse, and the boys were not cooperative Sat night. We have to be better at honoring their routines, so they sleep like they do during the week....we'll all learn!
LG, I dirve regularly for work, often times 2 to 3 hours each way in a day, sometimes even longer. I find that having good music ready to go is a big help, along with the cell phone charged and/or the GPS handy. For the most part I know the route, until I get to the local streets, so I don't use the GPS until I'm close. I also leave plenty of time in case of traffic/construction, etc. Plan on getting out of the car about every 1.5 to 2 hours, stretch and grab coffee, water,'ll be fine.
V, that's great that your son got such a start on college while still in HS. Did all the credits transfer in a way that might let him get done in 3 years?
TMH, it must be nice to spend time with them but be able to get back to own lifes, too. I know you said FL is home, but where were you for the (chilli) weekend? It got a bit nippy here, down to the 50 degree mark, but I love this weather.
I'll check back later. Happy Monday y'all!
Tuesday I'm taking half day, so this is a short week for me.
DWell the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.
September Mod Squad
Hello, Everyone!
LG, if your bf goes too, your little trip will become partly a pleasure outing, and that will be much more fun...hope it all works out, what with the pets & all.
TMH, all I have is seasonal allergies, eventually whatever it is will stop blooming/pollinating and I will be fine...annoying in the meantime.
D, I empathize with the twins being a bit off schedule when the night nurse is away...hope all is back to normal by tonight, and congrats on being able to take half of Tuesday off...good luck with the golf game, if that's what you'll be up to!
Here's to a good week for us all! FF. "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery
September Mod Squad
Hi everyone. Last day in MN. Meeting colleagues from company I retired from for lunch (one is retired; one still plugging away). Saw tears in my son's eyes when we said goodbye on Sunday, and he/I never had any one on one time so we're meeting late this afternoon for an AF beer. How's that!
This body is not liking not getting the workouts in. Besides getting thicker each day it is more achey. You've got to move to feel good. I have been walking but not enough and then I don't take the time to stretch. Ugh!
I participate in a fitness website and a cyber friend and I are starting a weight loss challenge this Friday. We both have that nasty last 5# to lose - might be more for me after this vaca!
Have a great day, Modders!
TMHThe pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.
September Mod Squad
Good Morning Everyone,
Hope everyone enjoyed an AF or moderate evening, I was AF and pretty much loafed on couch and watched crappy TV. But got to bed at a decent time and feeling great this morning.
I think I have mentioned this before but I notice mornings after an AF evening when I first wake up I am extra groggy I think it is because I actually fully sleep good.... I snap out of it fairly quickly and wind up feeling great.
TMH - Sorry about not getting more time with your son, hope overall you had a wonderful trip and I am sure you are glad to be getting home.
D- yeah it was a really good program and most of his credits all transferred, to be honest I am not sure of how much he needs for his degree, it is something we will talk more about when he comes home for the holidays for right now he seems sooooooo busy and a little stressed so I try not to hound him with questions and just let him know I am here.
LG, FF & DG - Good morning to you ladies
Not sure of my AL plans today.... I know now I would like to shoot for an AF day but as day wears on and I get home with hubby and he cracks a beer and we start cooking (hot dogs and french fries tonight) I may change my mind and have a beer.......
Hope everyone has a Fabulous Tuesday. I got a ton to do and a ton of morning energy so better take advantage of it!!!!And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine
September Mod Squad
Hello to Everyone,
Gosh TMH sounds as if you crammed a lot into your MN visit...good for you! and more power to you on those last few lbs....I ate most of a package of Halloween Oreos, and now have more than a few lbs. to work on...and the candy corn is still calling me ...
LG, hope your plans for next week are progressing smoothly...
V, those hot dog and French fries sounded good...we had fish tacos...
D, hope you got a good score at golf, as well as making lots of money at your job! and that twins are doing ok, with night nurse back on duty...
I am presently whining about bills, as I usually do at bill-paying time...surely I didn't REALLY spend that much on clothes ???? and if I don't quit eating Halloween stuff, I'll have to take them all back...
and, last but not least, good for us all for continuing to focus on our moderation goals. Happy middle of the week to all.....FF. "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery
September Mod Squad
Hi, all!
Had a great afternoon playing golf with my brother, one of his colleagues, and one of his AA friends. Even though AA is anonymous, on the third or fourth hole we discovered that the friend was one of my friends' sponsors! Small world...
Anyway, had a good time, shot 94 on a course that's one of the toughest around (greens lightning fast, set up for a tournament, slope rating 137 for those that understand what that means!)
Wifey and I are considering selling the condo. It's a stressful thing to do, but we might be able to do it quickly, as there's a few for sale in our complex that have interested buyers, but complaints about the view (both overlook a parking lot, vs. ours overlooks pool and river) have kept them from buying. Wifey hates dealing with the three flights of stairs with the twins, which I can appreciate, and we both want to get into a house to raise the boys...
Work stinks, but what's new there. Just not quite as motivated when it's not going well, and I really need to double my efforts rather than be down about how lousy it's going right now.
Gonna grab a frozen yogurt and get back at it. Have a great day all!
DWell the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.
September Mod Squad
Hello everyone. Sounds like you had a great golf game D.One day we will graduate to the real thing, lol. Hope work gets better too.
TMH, I know you are glad to be heading home, but sounds like you had a nice time too. Hope you have a safe trip.
FF, tomorrow is my bill-paying time. It's always a bummer to spend so much just to live, isn't it? Such is the nature of the game.Glad I don't have any Halloween candy around to tempt me...I had some sugar-free candy today at lunch. Let's just say that sugar alcohols (in the sugar-free stuff) really upset the digestive system...eek
Home and relaxing project is almost complete for me to take with me to the conference next week. Graphics person sent me the first proof and it looks great.Bf has decided to accompany me, so I am looking forward to it now.
V, dg, Eve...Hello!! Hope everyone is having a great evening.
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath