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modders Sun - Fri AF

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    modders Sun - Fri AF

    Tuesday was not AF for me. Ok, though. Did workout yesterday and this a.m. and have signed myself up for some fitness classes. First one is tomorrow night at 5:00p - perfect time! Second one is Sat. a.m. yoga, again even though have plans to go out with friends on Friday night I will want to go to that class feeling good, so plan is to start off with nonalcholic drink, and then limit myself to 2.

    Good luck, LG with your prez. Know you will do great!

    I'm loving it being October. Anyone else?

    The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


      modders Sun - Fri AF

      TMH good job on the fitness, I need to get a lil more stable with my moderation and get back on that track myself or maybe just give it a go and have it help me firm up my moderation.....

      I LOVE OCTOBER it is the first sign of relief from the dreadful summer heat... Although I am not a big fan of Halloween?
      And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


        modders Sun - Fri AF

        Well looks like I might FINALLY have 2 AF days in a row!!!! Wahoo.....
        And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


          modders Sun - Fri AF

          It's official I did it 2 AF days in a row!!!! Chalk me up for an AF Wednesday please DG !

          Going for 3 in a row today!!!!

          Hope everyone has a great day!
          And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


            modders Sun - Fri AF

            wow V that's fantastic! hang on, I think I have some pom poms somewhere, let me check because I've been waiting for just the right moment to bring them out....

            looking looking.....

            :yougo: :yougo: YAY V!


              modders Sun - Fri AF

              Thanks for the cheers DG! And thank you so much for keeping up this thread. You are a fabulous squad leader
              And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                modders Sun - Fri AF

                V, Congratulations, two days in a row really feels great for me too! and, DG, you have also been doing an awesome job! Wednesday was AF for me, too...FF
                . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                  modders Sun - Fri AF

                  Yeah, I really hate to blame my husband for my nightly drinking and I am not, I know I control what goes in my body but this week since he is preparing for his torture race this Saturday he has not been drinking and it makes it much easier for me to pass....

                  I would in no way classify him as an alcoholic but he loves his few beers after work EVERY night and always has. I can maybe think of 2 instances in the last 10 years where he has gone 24 hours without beer (he was deathly ill with flu or something).

                  I asked him how he was feeling without his nightly beers and he said he is sleeping much better but is kinda messed up in the head, that could be from the healthy diet, the training and the fear of this race as well though.... his body has to be in total shock without beer and junk food then throw exercise on top that

                  OK, well kinda went off there for a bit, not sure this was the right thread for that

                  Thanks for letting me babble.... have a good day
                  And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                    modders Sun - Fri AF

                    aww! thanks v! you know what I love about moments like this, is that we prove to ourselves that we are capable of things that maybe we weren't sure we could do, and I love that. This is a real moment for you, because now you know you can do something that maybe seemed out of reach. These little moments do build up to something bigger, and that's what's so freaking awesome IMO.

                    thanks FF for the encouragement too, I feel so proud of each of us with every af day or moderate day where we give our bodies a break and treat them right. It's something we all have wished for, that we could do right by our bodies, and we need to celebrate it

                    Hi TMH, how are you settling in since being back? It sounds like you have a few new things on the go, both your fitness classes and your bible group, and they sound like great new interests to keep your drinking down and do other things. :thumbs:


                      modders Sun - Fri AF

                      DG, I do SO agree with you, that these little moments add up to something bigger...

                      And V, good for you for soldiering on. As I have mentioned elsewhere, and I do not want to bore everybody with my spin on things, but when my hubby drinks, I become determined that I DESERVE a treat, IS my problem, and NOT his! Don't know how successful couples manage it...better than I, I guess! Lol. .. FF
                      . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                        modders Sun - Fri AF

                        Have a new wrinkle or bump in life. Don't know if I mentioned but dh has been quite ill since last Sat. He was out in Yosemite, and the bad cold he claims to have just didn't seem quite like the common cold. Remember the Yosemite summer hantavirus? Finally, got him to a dr yesterday. He has pneumonia! However, they have also done 3 separate blood tests to see if he has contracted the virus. Good news is they don't think so.

                        Last night sat him down with some homemade chicken soup and bread (he has lost 4#, very little appetite) and asked him what he wanted to drink. He said wine. Now he hasn't had any in days. I said, oh because you start the antibiotics tomorrow, you probably can't drink while on those. He said "the ..... you say". Anyway, I had planned on being AF but chose to join him. It was a very trying day, spent 3 hrs in teeny little dr office while they kept running in & out to tell us each new discovery. (won't go into detail). Then, of course, when we got to pharmacy that was another big runaround. Like you want them now? No, next week, you idiot, that's why I've been standing in this line!

                        Can you tell it's been a bit stressful? I do feel better now we know what's wrong and he can be treated. Still a bit of waiting game til blood test results come back.

                        Thanks for listening.

                        The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                          modders Sun - Fri AF

                          TMH, so sorry your hubby is ill, really glad to hear it is not the virus. My hubby is total baby grouch when sick, but the mother in me loves to baby him.

                          No need to explain why you decided to have a glass of wine with him, at least not to any of us, we are moderating and choosing when are good times to drink and when are not and how much is enough and not to exceed that....

                          I have to admit I am dying for a nice cold one and not in I want to escape or I need AL just the good old taste and relaxation of it....
                          And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                            modders Sun - Fri AF

                            Oh, TMH, I am so sad to hear your hubby is under the weather. Bummer that the day was so stressful, too, first the dr.s office, then the pharmacy.
                            Hopefully the antibiotic will fix him up fast...that happened to my husband once, years ago, and the meds DID work fast.
                            I thought of you today as I organized my linen closet...a real MESS...and afterwards, oh boy did I want a drink to reward myself. My 4 pm apple & iced tea helped a bit & then the urge, Thursday is AF for me. FF
                            . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                              modders Sun - Fri AF

                              8:45 here 3 days in a row looking good.... I'll confirm in the morning.... Still have rum and beer in house u never know . Headed to bed soon though.... Hope everyone has a nice evening!

                              Dying to hear from LG!
                              And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                                modders Sun - Fri AF

                                Hello hello.... Just bowled a turkey! 3 in a row... Put me down for an AF Thursday please DG.

                                Happy Friday Everyone!
                                And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine

