Thank you LG and Chaaku - the welcomes are very much appreciated

A little bit more about the gently, gently approach, I’m currently training in the Bach Flower Remedies and a paragraph from Dr Bach’s little book, Heal Thyself comes to mind….
Be it remembered that when the fault is found the remedy lies not in a battle against this and not in a use of will power and energy to suppress a wrong, but in a steady development of the opposite virtue, thus automatically washing from our natures all trace of the offender. This is the true and natural method of advancement and of the conquest of wrong, vastly easier and more effective than fighting a particular defect. To struggle against a fault increases its power, keeps our attention riveted on its presence, and brings us a battle indeed, and the most success we can then expect is conquest by suppression, which is far from satisfactory, as the enemy is still with us and may in a weak moment show itself afresh. To forget the failing and consciously to strive to develop the virtue which would make the former impossible, this is true victory.
As you say, LG, I'm seeking MY way out

Enjoy your Indian Tapas Chaaku. Funnily enough I'm going to an Indian buffet tomorrow evening. We can swap notes!