Lila I am really glad it is Friday as well
No announcement yet.
October Mod Squad
October Mod Squad
If it's possible to get to Tulum during that trip, do it! The Mayan ruins are awesome!!!
BTW, Welcome :welcome:
I'm an old time modder who still checks in from time to time.
Eve11"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:
October Mod Squad
:lHello gang,
We are back from our big trip to Turkey. Absolutely fabulous country and experience. At one point we were picking fresh grapes from a huge vine with a couple from Russia and a Muslim family from Saudi Arabia and I remember thinking we are in a true state of being united...Muslim and Christian, Russian and American, all of those so called "enemies" as some people try to drill into our heads who in actuality are people just like us, with families, and religious values (just different beliefs but many similarities - e.g. Allah/God, Koran/Bible, Mohammed/Jesus.)
As I come here today to post, it reminds me of bygone altercations that some modders have had with AFers and vice versa, and I just want to add that we may have different recovery choices (some choose abstinence, others choose moderation) but we are bonded by the same struggle of knowing we are not "normal" drinkers, and having similar struggles in our lives...problems with our jobs, trouble with relationships, the desire to help each other so we all come here. We are eating grapes from the same vine, so let's just get along and be kind and good to each other. This will be my only comment regarding this issue. There are so many quality AF people that I have been in touch with and blessed to call online friends the 5 years I have been here, and so many good modding friends that have come and gone and come and gone and come...
Let's just keep our eyes on the prize... harm reduction and a healthier lifestyle. Let's choose to say no to the negative and not react to it. Let it go...
Hugs to all.
Eve11"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:
October Mod Squad
eve, i agree. i understand people are where they are, and there are all different kinds of personalities. for me, i really like how open and non-judgmental this group is, and that's why i like it in mods. and other people may need a more in-your-face challenge. and it is all okay - just what one wants. Peace to all!!!
btw, i have heard Turkey is a beautiful country, great architecture, etc, so great you are doing some traveling.
October Mod Squad
vlivengood;1388099 wrote: HD - I can relate to a lot of your struggles but I am 100% sure that take away the alcohol and that bitterness is not HALF as strong.... The no talking thing is just stupid, my hubby and I used to play that game and still do at times but for MUCH shorter stints (we once did TWO weeks), I just came to realize that we are absolutely in love with each other and not going anywhere and I know eventually each silent treatment will end so why prolong it? PRIDE?! Get it over with as fast as you can the longer it lasts the longer you stew the worse YOU feel..... it may hurt for that ONE second when you give in but it passes right away, who cares who is the one who succumbs to the silent treatment first, it is MUCH harder to be the one to break the silence then it is to continue it..... You should be proud that is you most of the time....
Good Job on the TaperingHave a good safe weekend
--HDNote to self: Stand and deliver! :bat
October Mod Squad
Eve, welcome back from your travels...Turkey is on my bucket list.
I concur...Tulum is wonderful to behold, although I did find it very hot, until we got to the top where the view was magnificent and the breeze nice too!
Sending you positive vibes, have lots on your plate right now...I guess, one step at a time...
Have a good weekend, fellow Modders! FF. "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery
October Mod Squad
I'm back!! Sorry I didn't check in while I was away. I did log in briefly on Wed. night but never said a word in here. I intended to get back online but never did the rest of the trip. It went well, and was a bit anti-climatic, lol. The presentation only lasted about 50 minutes and there was actually three conferences going on at once, so the attendance was not good. I was just glad to get it over with, though and we did enjoy our time in GA. Yesterday afternoon bf and I played golf (9 holes), and bf got to see how real golf compares to his PS3 game.:H:H I ain't saying nuthin!:H
Really glad to see all of the new faces!! I wish I could respond to each of you individually, but just seems overwhelming right now after driving for over 5 hours today. I just walked in about an hour ago. I will respond properly later. I did read everything and feel that you all seem to have your heads on straight and are anxious to fix your situations (as need be), and that's awesome.:l
Thanks so much everyone for wishing me well and thinking about me while I was gone.:h:h
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
October Mod Squad
Ideas welcome
Wow, why am I feeling so good????
Is it because I'm now down to 7 drinks or 14 units as we call it or
Is it because I'm getting over this depression at long last or
Is it because I've started taking GABA an amino acid, is anyone heard of it? or
Is it all three?
Eve, Glad you found Turkey so good, I loved it so much I wanted to stay there and yes we will be going to the Mayan ruins, "sober". Cant wait.
No more benders for me.It's not what you drink, it's how much!
October Mod Squad
Lasha, let's call it the reduced alcohol for now! It could be all 3 but honestly it's most likely less AL! Either way glad are you are feeling good! I find feeling good to be the best motivator
Had an AF Friday! Four days in a row!!!!!
We have a 2.5 hour drive to get out to Hubby's 4 hour race!
Hope everyone has a good day!And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine
October Mod Squad
Vlivengood, I think you're right!!
It's a true saying "when person takes a drink, drink takes the person"
Now as I say down to 7 drinks a day and depressions going. will go lower after Mexico.
It's not rocket science is it!!
Thank goodness for MWOIt's not what you drink, it's how much!
October Mod Squad
Hello!! Sounds like you're on to something Lash.I'm happy that you're finding your way out! Can I hitch a ride to Mexico?
I went about 20 years ago and had a blast!
V, you're so supportive and such a great addition to this group. I heart you.:l
Eve, the thread you started had the potential to go another way, but you've gently reined it in, and I think it will be a good thread for newbies to discover and mull over as they wet their feet at MWO.
I'm up and starting another day...late a bit, but went to bed very late (3 am). I had one glass of wine and really didn't like the wine (too sweet!), so quit with just one. Stayed up late watching an old movie...going to the flea market now, so I'll check back later.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
October Mod Squad
You and Dave inspired me to start the thread as I wanted newbies to know that there is a site where they will get more nonjudgmental support. I do have to say I was a bit surprised by a comment here or there and I appreciate the modders who happened along and tried to clarify things. I noticed two people commented on why drinking didn't work for them and once again, it wasn't the intention of the thread, to discuss whether people should moderate or drink but to just encourage newbies to come this way as I am noticing that newbies nest, general discussion and that post for brand new people has a lot of people in a fastidious recovery program and some show little tolerance to people who "think" they can still drink. Thus, the gentle nudge to come this way where they hopefully will find the support that they need.
Regarding your one statement pertaining to that thread, "I think it will be a good thread for newbies to discover and mull over as they wet their feet at MWO" I just hope people won't keep posting there discussing why drinking doesn't work for them and just let the thread speak it's intention which is just to say newbies not sure whether to moderate or abstain will find better support at a moderation site when they are not sure what to do.
For those of you who saw it and were able to participate, thanks so much. Think it's best to leave it alone as much as possible and just hope newbies understand the intention as well as everyone else.
Eve11"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs: