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October Mod Squad

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    October Mod Squad

    Hey all weekend FLEW and was packed..... I will read up on eveything tomorrow..... Headed to bed for now..... Just wanted to check in
    And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


      October Mod Squad

      jenniech;1400726 wrote: A special occasion has not yet presented itself where I felt like I really wanted to drink, but I am thinking of giving myself permission if that occasion should present itself. I am wondering if i am crazy thinking this way? Or do I need to just do it and if I fall back into the same patterns as last summer, I will just start over again being completely AF.....
      You raise an interesting point regarding the question whether you can drink occasionally. You and I actually have very similar backgrounds. My dad was a chronic alcoholic who had health complications because of drinking and died denying the fact he was alcoholic. So there has always been that concern for me as well with drinking.

      Unlike a chronic alcoholic, I have a low tolerance for alcohol so I can get drunk on three drinks and really feel two. I also discovered I had what I call a faulty shut off valve. Sometimes I could drink like a normal person and sometimes I really craved the 3rd or 4th or drink which was too many for me and stupid things would happen like stumbling, slurring, etc. I got tired of embarrassing my poor husband so I found MWO.

      In my 20’s I had gone to a counselor for co-dependency issues and she gave me a C.A.G.E. test which is so basic that anyone who has ever gone through the alcohol abuse stage of college drinking will fail it. Well, I failed it and she told me before she could help me for my co-dependency, I would have to go to AA. So, I said “Really…? You think I’m an alcoholic?” So, I agreed I must be as I had those episodes of one too many for me in my past. I quit cold turkey, had absolutely no cravings or withdrawals or any problems. I made great friends in AA and actually really, really enjoyed my life without alcohol. Then I married my husband and noticed his family to be people without drinking problems unlike in my family. A family get together would be folks having a glass of wine, two at the most. I also started to look around (had been for years) at other people who drank way too much and started to say to myself, “I never drank like that, I was never THAT bad, etc.” So, after 7 years of being totally abstinent, I returned to drinking. Things were fine at first but then slowly but surely the old pattern of one too many would happen because the shut off valve didn’t work right and I never knew when it would work and when it wouldn’t.

      What I have learned about myself is I am a person that a psychologist from the New York Research Institute on Addictions would call a restrained drinker. A restrained drinker is someone who has to put a fair amount of effort into controlling their drinking and/or fighting the urge to drink (for me only sometimes) once they start. In contrast, a social drinker (like my husband) is someone where alcohol presents little or no issues. He can truly take it or leave it. If I told him I was going to go AF, he would easily say “I’ll quit drinking too to support you”. He has no problem with it.

      For me now, to be a controlled drinker or “moderate” drinker by NIAAA’s standards (1-7 drinks per week for women, 1-14 for men) I have to put time and emotional energy into my life to manage my drinking. For most anyone who comes here, they know they have some type of problem with it. For many, they end up finding that it’s too much work putting all of that energy into it and they find life is just plain easier with abstaining. Sometimes the problem with the all or nothing concept like AA is they guilt people to quit when they’re really not emotionally ready. When people are given choices, surprisingly people tend to elect goals that are right for themselves. For many it is eventually coming to see that abstinence is best for them.

      We are here to listen to you as you debate this issue with yourself and there will be no judgment from us. There are plenty of good posts here that share good information and lots of advice. Most importantly wonderful stories about our adventures and ups and downs with continuing to have alcohol in our lives.

      Good luck to you – we’re here on the journey with you.

      "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

      ~Jack Welsh~:h

      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


        October Mod Squad

        V, it was so quiet here at the mod board over the weekend that I don't think you missed much! :H


          October Mod Squad

          But not on the rest of the board!! Haha, well V doesn't care about all that.

          Feels like the weekend flew by for me also. Now I'm buckling down and ready to blast this week out, lol. Will be off work next Tuesday for the election (state employees get that day off) and thinking about making it a long weekend by also taking annual leave on Monday. Not sure yet.

          Hope everyone is having a great Monday!!

          "I like people too much or not at all."
          Sylvia Plath


            October Mod Squad

            Hello! Happy Monday to all!
            Alcoholic (or Ally)

            "Only a fool knows everything.
            A wise man knows how little he knows."

            Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


              October Mod Squad

              Hi, All,

              Just a quick note to let my buddies know that I'm doing ok, the storm is still howling, and i have, thus far made it through without drinking.

              Never realized how great of an excuse storms gave me to drink, or how big of a craving I'd have during this one.

              BTW: What is the ODAT thread, and where is it?

              I'll check back tomorrow.
              Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
              When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


                October Mod Squad

                D, glad to know you're ok, sorry that the howling wind is making thoughts of a "hurricane party" come to mind...iit's just a nerve-wracking time. Fortunately the little guys aren't aware of it! We are all thinking of you & yours...FFP
                . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                  October Mod Squad

                  D from ct
                  Odat thread is in the just starting out section.
                  Alcoholic (or Ally)

                  "Only a fool knows everything.
                  A wise man knows how little he knows."

                  Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                    October Mod Squad

                    D, it's good to hear sandy is passing by and hopefully over with soon. storms kind of make me really uneasy these days and just put me on edge but they make me too nervous to drink in case something happens and I need my wits about me to get to safety or something

                    Hi alc, what day are you on now with your af stint?


                      October Mod Squad

                      Drinking al:
                      Today is day 10! Wow. It really flew by. One thing I hated when i was drinking was a need to always make sure there was alcohol in the house or available to me, now there is the joy of freedom from that needless worry!
                      Alcoholic (or Ally)

                      "Only a fool knows everything.
                      A wise man knows how little he knows."

                      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                        October Mod Squad

                        D- you make it thru the night ok......?

                        AL- CONGRATS ON DAY 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:goodjob:

                        I am feeling a ton better than yesterday... did not do a bike ride last night but got a lot of chores done and DID get my butt to the gym this morning....

                        The best news was when I woke up at 3:30 there was an e-mail in my inbox from the shelter with and 8month old German Shorthaired Pointer named Ginger that is just WAITING for me to take her home..... Fingers crossed everyone that she is still there this evening when we get off work....

                        OMG the day is going to drag in anticipation.

                        Well I hope everyone else is off to a nice Tuesday...
                        And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                          October Mod Squad

                          Oh how wonderful V!!! I am so excited for you!! Maybe you can post some pictures of Ginger after you bring her home.

                          Has been a pretty good morning so far...getting ready to spend my paycheck. On bills!! Always nice.

                          Check back later.


                          "I like people too much or not at all."
                          Sylvia Plath


                            October Mod Squad

                            V: hope you do get the puppy and let us know her name!
                            Alcoholic (or Ally)

                            "Only a fool knows everything.
                            A wise man knows how little he knows."

                            Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                              October Mod Squad

                              AL: I am sure the name will be something quite ridiculous as my Hubby tends to come up with crazy names... Our last pointer girl was name Schmoppo....

                              LG- I will be sure to send pictures....... I mentioned on a another thread how I spoil hubby and I do but he is in charge of all the BILLS, I use to be and I hated it, I dreaded it, I was always late (not because of lack of funds, just lack of responsibility) -So I feel your pain, I do remember it feeling good when it was all taken care of though
                              And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                                October Mod Squad

                                Hi, ALL,

                                Quick post as I promised wifey I'd come home and take care of the boys during lunch so she can get out of the house.

                                I'm fine, the condo is fine, and the family is fine. My town is regrouping, lots of damage, lots of trees and utility poles snapped, etc. But life goes on. It really wasn't nearly as bad as the gloom and doom predicted, at least not here. THANK GOD!

                                V--I grew up first with Boxers then with German Shorthairs. I love them! Maybe you can name her Sandy!

                                LG, I love the new pic with your posts...

                                Eve, way to go starting the 30 day thread. We all need to go there and support it and don't forget to rate it as well.

                                Check back later.
                                Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
                                When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.

