Welcome back Chaak - sounds like a wonderful time and what a glorious picture - food must have been great if it forced you to eat 3 meals a day.... I am really feeling bummed about missing vacation as we had planned for Cabo again at thanksgiving but due to college expenses and not wanting to miss my sons visit we are not going this year
LG- I cant even go out to dinner on a work night any more

Anyone heard from Stew?
TMH - I understand the allergies, I have 2 cats I am allergic to but manage to deal with.... and you don't have to be a "Dog" person to appreciate the relationship between a family and a pet, so thank you for the well wishes
DG, I will definitely jog with my new dog, she is the same breed as my last dog and I really missed our runs together..
Ally (yes Eve it is sticking with me)- I did not even realize it is the last day of October - I am not a big fan of Halloween... Not sure why just not
Hello to everyone else, hope all is well

I can not concentrate just excited to go pick up puppy girl, the shelter wont release her until she gets spayed.... so she has that surgery today then I can pick her up at 4pm....
We fell in love instantly, she is much smaller than we thought and a little shy and VERY calm for an 8 month old puppy, instantly my husband felt like she was a reincarnate of our dog that passed a few months ago, as I said they are the same breed so they have a lot of the same physical and behavioral traits we picked up on instantly. We have yet to pick a name we will as we get to know her more.... Added picture below but was hard to get a good shot of her while at shelter...
I can not believe how much cleaning I managed to get done yesterday in anticipation of her coming home..... It will be nice not to worry about a lot of it over the weekend and just enjoy her...
Attached files [img]/converted_files/1971696=7099-attachment.jpg[/img]