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January Mod Squad

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    January Mod Squad

    "I don't attend many social events" says LB. Man, I wish that were the case here. It is flippin' unbelievable how the calendar fills up. After being gone all through Christmas, came back to NYE party. Then dh talks friends into having a Vikings/Packers party Sat. night. So 5 nights later partying & up until midnight. Thankfully, I only had 1 drink and a tiny glass of Malbec (tried it, didn't care for it).

    Yesterday plan was church & golf. Rushed home from church, changed clothes and 2 guys joined us so then the beer bets start. Go to restaurant to pay off our debt (2 beers), ended up staying for dinner and people kept arriving that we knew and needless to say 1 beer and 3 glasses of wine later......NOT GOOD!
    Next week starts with Sunday night. Invited to play golf, then potluck dinner. Monday is a big fundraiser for Children's Hospital and if like last year, free drinks as you walk the course cheering your favorite "star" on, then appetizers and Happy Hour pricing. Tuesday is a business meeting followed by free appetizers and Happy Hour pricing once again. On and on.
    I know I just have to make a decision about which days I allow myself to drink and how many and stick to it no matter what's going on because there is something going on almost everyday.

    Sorry I'm such a downer. Just upset with myself for being so "undisciplined".

    The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


      January Mod Squad

      Hi, All,

      TMH, I've been there w/r/t the events and drinking. I'm not drinking all month, though there's a ton of events that I would typically drink at. Tonight's college football championship game, the NFL playoffs, Thursday night poker, the list goes on and on...Heck, I used to regularly have a roadie Heineken when I finished refereeing hockey games, and even found myself thinking about that on the way home over the weekend.

      For me, it's easier to go stretches without drinking then only drink here and there. Over the holidays, when I was drinking more frequently, it kind of feeds itself. The desire to drink more and more often returns. That's why I'm AF for the month, at least, to maintain my ability to moderate.
      Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
      When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


        January Mod Squad

        Every conquering temptation represents a new fund of moral energy. Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before.
        ~ W B Yeats

        Just too much temptation is what I see. I liked D's response however as he can truly relate to a busy schedule with lots of reasons to drink. I can't say this is much help but I do personally avoid some situations so I am not tempted. For example, very rare for me to do a girl's night out type of thing and I especially try to avoid it with women with drinking problems as I can easily get sucked into overdoing it like them. Problem is, I don't have the tolerance so I look like the lush! Last event I went to was a rare get together at a gf's house. The wine and conversation flowed and it was just too easy to keep drinking as the majority of the women there drink too much. I asked one of the gals to give me a ride home as I didn't want to risk a DUI as I had had probably 4 drinks in a 2 hour span. Luckily hubby wasn't mad at me but I felt a little foolish that I looked like the drunk needing a ride home. I declined the next time I was invited as those types of things are just too tempting for me. I think we either avoid the situation or make a plan for only so many days a week we allow ourselves to drink and try to stick with that. So, it may be an arnold palmer night here or there but when you never get started, it's easier not to crave it and cave in. As D said, it does kind of feed itself and the craving can get overwhelming with more frequent drinking. Good advice!

        We're here for you TMH. Just keep coming back and keep sharing. We all struggle at varying times and can only help each other when we share.

        "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

        ~Jack Welsh~:h

        God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


          January Mod Squad

          Good morning.

          Watched the NCAA National Championship football game last night, and didn't even think about drinking during the game! I have to admit, though, there were times during the day yesterday when I had a fleeting thought of "maybe a couple of beers tonight" or "just one or two drinks during the game will be ok." But I was able to let my stubborn side work to my advantage, and reminded myself that I made a commitment to be AF for 30 days.

          Funny thing, last week my wife and I had a fight in the middle of our move. It was NYE, and she wanted to share a very expensive bottle of wine a friend had given us with her gf that had helped by watching the babies for a couple of hours early evening during the move. I knew I wasn't going to participate (was still too busy, and not at the same place they were going to be) and didn't want to miss the nice wine. I also knew they wouldn't open it and let it breathe properly, so it would really be wasted (it's a '94 Margaux for those that know!) I even offered to run and get them a $20 bottle....but she was pissed off and it was a sticking point. They ended up drinking something else. Then, Friday, and two of wifey's friends came over. They finished a bottle, and the same woman opened a second, had one glass and that was it. Later that evening, when the babies and wifey were sleeping, I was cleaning up and came across the mostly full bottle, but no cork. Couldn't find one. Thought briefly about enjoying a glass, but knew (without a cork) I'd finish it, and also knew that I'd be breaking my commitment to go 30 days (it was all of day 3!) So I just put it on the back of the counter. Wifey poured it down the drain the next morning!

          Anyway, the point of that long winded story is that not all wines are created equal (the Margaux is still hidden away!) and, more importantly, sticking to my commitment was SO much more rewarding than the fleeting moment of pleasure when you take the first sip. Let's face it, it's all downhill from there!
          Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
          When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


            January Mod Squad

            Hey, Dave and Eve, thanks for the support. I do appreciate it, and I know I have to pick and choose. One decision I've made is to not get caught up when dh bets with his friends. If they want to do that, fine, I won't be ticked off or anything, just go home & do something I like to do. Where we go is never far away (1-2 mi) so I can always go & get him when he's done paying off his debt. One set of friends likes to play a putting game and whoever loses buys the drinks right at the club. It's always just 1. And I could alway have an AP or ice tea. Ok, here's my rule. When we lose, I'll drink nonalcohol; when they buy, I'll have a beer or a drink if I want. Ok, got 2 down so far!!!

            Last night we had agreed to take our Christmas tree down and put all decorations away. We were almost done, and dh asked if I wanted a drink. I said, you know we really haven't had any nights off. He smiled and said, hey, we're retired, we don't have to have any. I didn't feel like arguing, and yes, this is our life. We had one good stiff drink finishing our chore then enjoying rest out on the lanai. I slept great, played great golf today, in fact, won & took the most money ($2 game, won $12, or $10 net). Quite the life, huh?

            The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


              January Mod Squad

              ToMyHealth;1440624 wrote: Quite the life, huh?

              Yes, TMH, it sounds's how I picture it.

              "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

              ~Jack Welsh~:h

              God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                January Mod Squad

                We always need a little humor, take a couple of minutes to watch this video clip of a song written by the contestant called "Last night" about drinking too much and definitely not moderating well!

      [/video]]Lucy Spraggan's audition - Last Night - The X Factor UK 2012 - YouTube

                "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                ~Jack Welsh~:h

                God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                  January Mod Squad

                  Loved the YouTube!

                  Eve, wonderful serene pic of golf course. Where I am it would be minus the bldgs, a lot more water (ponds, although they call them lakes here), and fluffy cumulus clouds in a bright blue sky most days! Oh, and spanish moss hanging from huge oak trees.

                  Happy to check in with a non drinking night. Nada! It is such a habit, and doesn't need to be. I'm ready to take a bath, catch up on my Bible Study assignment, maybe watch a little tv or read a book I ordered on my Kindle today.

                  The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                    January Mod Squad

                    Hi modders, I haven't been around in a while, things quietened down at the mod board a while ago and I sort of felt like I needed a break from thinking about alcohol and modding for a bit, so I took a break and decided to let the chips fall where they may with my drinking. It made me realize a few things, and I decided in the new year I was going to try a less regimented approach to it. Things like my tapering and planned af days were what I really needed early on and for a long time, but I think I'm ready to be more relaxed about it now. So far I haven't had a drink since NYE and it hasn't really bothered me. Just over the last 10 days, I seem to find it easier not to drink than to drink. Like last saturday I was going to drink but couldn't be bothered going to the store, it was like a simple obstacle made it too hard. Maybe I'm just getting lazy? I haven't had a chance to catch up on threads yet but I hope everyone is doing well and I'll be back later to find out and do some reading.



                      January Mod Squad

                      hi all -
                      eve, loved the you tube!
                      dg, sounds like you are getting free.
                      tmh, that sounds smart, just let your husband do his bets. your life sounds so fun and content.
                      last night, no drinks, same tonight.
                      i am tired, about to go to sleep!


                        January Mod Squad

                        Hey gang,

                        Just wanted to wish everyone a good week-end and success with whatever your goals are, whether you are abstaining or keeping your drinks to a moderate level. Hoping our regulars can get back to posting a little more frequently now that the busy holidays are over.

                        Yes, Lila and TMH, that youtube song was very funny! Laughter is the best medicine so wanted to share that with my modder/lurker friends.

                        "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                        ~Jack Welsh~:h

                        God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                          January Mod Squad

                          Drinkingal, that is great! I need to get back on a regime. I haven't been doing anything stupid or getting blacked out drunk, but I am definitely self-medicating and feeling sorry for myself. I was great up until Xmas, then starting feeling a little down approaching NYE...a lot has happened, my gf, who is no longer my gf, I told her she needs to get her crap together, informs me she had a miscarriage, yes, of course mine, and whole lots of other drama....she needs to find herself, may leave the country, etc., I was ready to get married again.....

                          I think NYE was the real kicker...First, didn't over drink or anything like that, it was a nice night actually, I personally think NYE is overated, so one of the kids in my office and I stayed local. I met a girl, she seemed nice...I will just ff to the nitty gritty...she apparently was drunker than I thought because she pissed in my bed! Okay, things happen, but then I couldn't get rid of her. She proceeds to want to drink my wine at 6:30am and is pissed because I don't want to join her. We sleep some more, she wakes up at 10am and wants more wine, and she is downing it! And she's a small little Indian girl. At 12:30 she's hitting up more of my wine and acting crazy! I'm like, "Is this is what my life is going to be? Hooking up with this crazy broads all over NYC for the rest of my life??" Which some guys may think is ideal, but not me.

                          Ex-gf, or estranged gf, still wants to hang, we did last night. So, I find myself being out, alone, just drinking to not go I said, I don't get rip roaring wasted or act up, but sit around and feel sorry for myself. Perfectly example, last night, ex-gf wants to have dinner, I don;t even want a drink, but have a few glasses of wine and the depression kicks in...its early, she goes home, all and all we did have a nice time, despite the depression going through my head, but I proceed to go to the next bar and just sit there, have a few beers, play some tunes, then go home....I really should've just went home...anyway, I'm sure I'll be's been a tough funk though.



                            January Mod Squad

                            stewarts, your life is way more exciting than mine, but i really can relate to what i think i am hearing - the stopping and starting. when i am depressed i just don't see why not have a few, and why even bother with supplements.
                            a lot of things in my life are just falling apart, but i don't want to get into them here, feels so public. still, it makes me vulnerable. i think alcohol floods your brain with serotonin, and then things feel alright, for awhile.
                            well, i joined a health club and am going to go there tomorrow. such a new year cliche, but insurance will give me a discount.


                              January Mod Squad

                              Lila;1447085 wrote:
                              a lot of things in my life are just falling apart, but i don't want to get into them here, feels so public.
                              Lila and everyone else,

                              It is TOO public here, that's for sure. Don't forget that there is private mail where we can contact each other and share private concerns with those here we feel closer to. Lila, you know you can p.m. me anytime and I will answer asap and I'm sure most everyone else feels the same way. There are times I have pm'd and reached out to MWO friends with problems or concerns that someone in MWO will understand but I may not want to share with the world. Please don't forget that is a beautiful option we have here.

                              Here for you and anyone else at anytime.

                              "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                              ~Jack Welsh~:h

                              God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                                January Mod Squad

                                Hi, everyone::

                                Stewart, you always have interesting stories to share!,,,, . Gf, ex gf, etc.... Good to be young!

                                I've been just hanging out everywhere lately... Trying to lose some weight... Lost 17 pounds and I would like to be back to my college wait of 120, maybe even lower! I looked best at 110 but no boobs, husband won't like that. But who cares when we haven't been getting along lately anyway?

                                Drinking hasn't really been an issue. Hardly drinking except once in a gray moon and only when one specific friend is over and when I drink I always feel like my liver is not happy.... So even 1-2 drinks make me unhappy these days!

                                My goal went from quitting drinking to adding losing weight to adding physical health (exercise) to adding spiritual health too. So I hope to see a difference in me not getting mad so much, and maybe be ok with working less and enjoying life more, which is hard for a workaholic like me to do.....
                                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                                "Only a fool knows everything.
                                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.

