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February Mod Squad

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    February Mod Squad

    Firstly, I have never posted here or anywhere else before so forgive me if I am not doing it right! I'd like to put my 2 cents forward - I have been a heavy drinker all my adult life (now 49) I would normally drink at least 8 stubbies of beer and 1/2 a bottle of wine every night. Actually, that would be a quiet night, I used to kid myself that I was I in full control, I just like drinking right?
    Then I had pains in my side last November and after googling the symptoms it finally dawned one that I might have a bit of a problem. I made an Appointment with my Doctor but he was busy and it was 4 days before I could see him. I decided to not drink any booze until I saw him. Wow, I thought I was in control - but it was hard! No booze for 4 days, it was something new for me. However, I am so glad did it because the doctor prescribed Naltrexone - apparently you need to be a few days off the booze to start on the drug. It turned out I had "fatty liver", nothing too serious but a sign that it was time to change my life.
    I just want to say that I think my doctor and Naltrexone have saved my life. The drug helped me be alcohol free for about 8 weeks ( taking one tablet every day.) Now I take it every second day and I enjoy a glass of red wine most nights. It's funny, I really enjoy one glass but I don't even feel like any more. My doc actually recommended that I don't try to completely give up booze, just to drink a glass or 2 and have 2 nights a week without any.
    When i started this journey i could never see my life without heavy drinking, but now I know that it is possible to drink in moderation. I am not saying that in just 3 months I have been cured of a lifetime of alcoholism, but I know that it is me in charge now and not the booze! I was at a party last night with lots of drinking. I had one beer which I really enjoyed then I had a coffee, didn't need anymore booze, had a great night!

    Of course the best thing about all of this: great sleeps, no hangovers, actually talking nicely to my wife, reading more, learning to play the piano and guitar. I can't believe what Booze stole from me!

    So I am proof that you can cut down and drink in moderation. And you can get your life back,

    Again, I apologise if this is the wrong place to tell my story, it just felt right to blurt it all out!

    Best of luck to all!


      February Mod Squad

      Thanks Oldboozer,

      People always need hope that some can be successful and studies show that that is certainly true. The scary part about a moderation site being combined with an abstinence site is that some people who should not even think about moderating may make the wrong choice for themselves because some people can do it. Usually the type of people who are successful have not been physically addicted to alcohol (e.g. can go a week or two without alcohol or tranquilizers) and not have unpleasant physcial withdrawals or symptoms. I think what matters most more than labeling oneself alcoholic or an alcohol abuser is looking at one's life to see what is happening to them because of their drinking and then making plans what to do about it. Thanks for sharing. Glad to hear the Naltrexone has worked for you.

      "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

      ~Jack Welsh~:h

      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


        February Mod Squad

        I had just gone 40 days AF (30 being my goal), and then planned to toast my daughter on her 33rd birthday yesterday. Went as planned .... I had a 1/2 glass champagne with OJ. Everyone else topped up their glasses with more champagne and I topped mine with just OJ. I was fine with that. I do not feel bad about losing the AF day count, as it is my goal to break the habit of daily drinking that I had gotten into. So, I will go back to what worked before and take it one day at a time being AF.
        Nice to read here where others have had success at moderation after being heavy drinkers.


          February Mod Squad

          Hi everyone, thank you for the support. I'm actually feeling much better and things are turning, slowly, but they are. My therapist was concernce this may happend to me during the holidays. It never did in the past after my divorce, but with the whole D scenario, and other things, she was concerned. Up to Xmas was great, I did Xmas Eve, had all my cousins kids over, etc., it was fun. Then the lull in work, the incident on NYE where I did drink responsibly, but picked up some skank the decided to piss in my bed overnight, then my ex love, estranged gf, etc., asking how my NYE was and said interesting, and all her trying to be "my friend" saying wow, it sounds like someone had a good night hooking up...first, something I don't want to be discussing with the woman I love, second, it was an awful night...all I kept thinking was, "Is this what the rest of my life will be, strolling around NYC hooking up with these skanky psychos?" Ironically, most guys love that....anyway...when I told her the real story, she was mortified and my moods got worse, for obvious reasons, she was too good at hiding her jeolousy, which made it worse for me, her trying to be my "friend" was too weird, when I didn't want any of these other women, but her, her still being a confused mess, but actually figurig her own shit out, which I like, I was starting the downward spiral as you all see.

          When I saw my therapist thing past week, she said, I probably need to start a med stint again, which I think she might be right. However, I started taking my own actions. I took this weekend for me to detoxify, think, get on the right track. I decided to start a cleanse today (yes they do work). And, I went back to looking at my diet, things I was eating as well as clean my system out. So, I dusted off the old Atkins book to remind of a few things regarding food, how to kick in kystosis, etc. I'm not going to get into a discussion about Atkins, but if you read the book, there's a lot of good scientific evidence of what certain foods do to you, and guess what, yes, you can eat carbs. I need to kick up my metabolism again, so I did a refrresher on what to do. Of course, alcohol does not help in this process, but I was surprised at how much I forgot what carbs what alcohols have and which do not.

          Yoga class yesterday. I don't do yoga routinely, I probably should. When my muscles feel super tight, out of whack, because of running, hockey, etc., I love the stretches and movements they make you do...however, I always do find mental satisfactions and relaxation from it. Also, its the only physically activity, for me at least, the last thing you desire is drink of alcohol...everything else, running, skiing, hockey, etc., a drink after those workouts sounds real nice...and there's nothing wrong with that. Yoga, however, kills that. Point, if you feel you have a real hard time moderating or stopping your drinking, throw Yoga into your routine, it may work wonders for you.

          Ok, today, I cashed in on a massage therapy session my ex got me. My rotator cuffs are in bad shape, like I said my weight is not where I'd like, my athletic performances haven't been terrible, but I feel a lull in energy I usually don't have. The massage work wonders, there was a lot of crap this massuease needed to move out of my system. Again, I feel really good. I walked around my nieghborhood, to maybe stop into a bar to watch the Red Wings game...not too drink, no one had it on, so I came home, and writing to all you now.

          I know this was all due to the depression, and of course the alcohol does not help in these situations. When depression kicks in all you see is the negative. For example, I was at my therapist and I was all bummed I turned 38 and had nothing to show for it, it my words, she vehemetly disagreed, most guys my age love this...divorced with no kids, dating a lot, my income has been a little off, but that is not bothering me at all...Not to sound like a pig, but what 38 year old guy is depressed during a week after going out on a great date, second date with a 25 year old, breathtaking young woman?? I just keep thinking, or kept thinking, "She'll talk to her friends and they'll all so I'm too old..." That's depression.

          So Eve, thank you for the hug. I'm not saying I'm super chipper, but I think I'm re-visiting the things that will help me get back on track. Rangers are playing, tonight, do I go out? Who knows, I will be concsious of what I drink, if anything at all...yes, I have gone out to bars before watched a game and drank nothing but club soda...

          Have a great week.



            February Mod Squad

            Hi modders and welcome newday, nonamegirl and qldboozer. Newday it sounds like you are doing great and really staying focused. :goodjob:

            I've decided I'm going to go back to not drinking during the week at all. Even just one night of drinking these days just saps my energy during the week and I think I just need to be done with that now.

            How is everyone else doing this week?


              February Mod Squad

              Quick c/i. Had company all week, took them to airport yesterday a.m. only to come home, quickly prepare a dessert and met up with friends to play 18 holes of golf and go to dinner. One lady said you must be exhausted, don't think I'd be here. She was right. Didn't play well, am fatigued.

              Have 2 days then we are hosts for a neighbor dinner. Then flwg day more company. My dd and her dh, sure it will be just a long weekend.

              I did manage to stay on my eating plan for all but 2 days. Wt Sat. a.m. was lowest I've seen it in 2 yrs. That's the good news! Now I feel like DG, would like to get off the booze during the week. Short term goal at least is nothing until Wed nite and even then I may not join in.

              The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                February Mod Squad

                2 Days

                I'm trying to cleanse and induce ketosis in my body...alcohol is not reccommended for's not just the carby alcohols like beer and wine, but even the all has to with the're liver will start breaking down alcohol before it attends to anything's not that one or two drinks will "stop it" (depending on what you ate during the day, actually), but we'll see. I only need to lose ten pounds, but if ketosis kicks in real hard, I won't be surprised if I love 15-20 real quick.

                I actually have no alcohol desire right now. Strange, because I got some disappointing news, the one girl who seemed to be good to actually date for real and I can tell things were going real well, now has ex-bf drama. And to top it off, they're thinking of getting married all of a sudden and she even had the nerve to ask me why I got divorced and to give her pointers ?!?!?! I was pissed, even being young, dumb naive and 25 does not give you an excuse. I was going to ignore her, but I decided for, well, it was real advice, but also a little bit of a back hand slap (figuratively)...I said something along the lines of, "If you're asking me now about avoiding divorce, before you're even officially engaged, then you are alreayd asking for problems.....if you can't talk to your own man about this, I don't know who you can talk to, good luck." (and then I of course later on texted her to see if she had any gfs of interest...that may have been my dick move, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it).

                Point of the story, considering what's been going on with my lately...this easily could've have been a catalyst to rip it up! I know when dates are going well, and its there, and when its not, and it was there, so this unforseen details, was like WTF?!? Then again, what can I expect from 25 yos, I'm sure word got out she might actually move on and this guy flipped, whatever...considering all the psychos that I've been coming through, I was excited about this one and I was doing it right. I wasn't trying to get the deal done right away, etc....altough, unfortunatley, that seems to be the only thing I'm good at it...anyway...

                Went out to watch the game, didn't drink, met some friends, still just club soda. I told myself maybe I'll have a vodka club soda, but really didn't feel like it. This is more normal for me...when I get depressed/pissed off, I tend to not want alcohol. The last month or two, being depressed and drinking, was not my usual norm, and a little scary, for my physical health.

                So, my goal. Is probably stay alcohol free this week. If I slip and have A drink here or there, no big deal. Even a cleanse they say, minminize alcohol intake, not obstain, cigs are the big real no no.

                Anyway, I've been absent, and now I feel I'm blabbing too much, taking up all your time...I need to log back on later and see what's been going on with y'all...



                  February Mod Squad

                  Still here

                  Hi, everyone.
                  Good work, you guys. It sounds as if folks are doing pretty well despite girlfriend and family issues... I am happy to be in such a strong group.

                  Not much to say, just wanted to let you know I'm still here and didn't have a drink last night. Stayed with just two per night over the weekend (which was our Valentines celebration.)

                  Hey, a quick question. Last time I was involved in MWO, like three years ago, people used the DrinkTracker a lot. Now I see only one or two folks using it, and it made me feel a bit exposed, so I pulled myself from it. Did something happen? Honestly, there used to be maybe fifty or more folks using it. Thanks for answering, if anyone knows.


                    February Mod Squad

                    nonamegirl...I'm not sure what happened to that, but I know what you're talking about. Personally, I didn't use it...I did track myself and I know after what amount I start to feel groggy the next day and un-energetic.

                    The ketosis has definitely kicked in...I feel really, really full in my stomach, but pounds are starting to shed and I haven't even done any type of work out since Saturday. Also, and I think this may be the cleanse producst I'm using, but 1.), I find myself falling/getting to sleep a lot quicker, I'm attributing that to the detox pill and 2.) my desire for a beer, etc. is practically nil.

                    Part of could be I want my body in a ketosis state and alcohol is, I don't want to say not allowed, but not's not like you drink a beer, a glass of wine, etc., and wait, it may just slow it down a little bit, which means instead of losing 10 pounds by the end of the week, maybe you lose 5-7.

                    I probably should be posting this stuff in the workout/nutrition section. My mood has been relatively better as well, or getting better. I did flip out one of my idiot associates last night, which is not good, but sorry, I don't feel bad about it, but it could be I just needed a cleanse of the body and re-learning some of nutrition facts....there was certain foods I totally forgot, not that they are bad for you per say, but forgot what's really in whole wheat tortilla has more carbs and calories than a corn, even a white flour one?!?!?

                    I guess I'm re-learning some things I already know...focusing on nutrition, also does help me focus on my alcohol, I'm looking at four days now...if I have a drink later in the week remains to be a question, but it kind of really isn't on my mind per say.




                      February Mod Squad

                      Thanks, Stewarts. Glad I am not the only one who noticed the decline. And congratulations on the cleansing/weight loss! You'll do great, I know. I've gone that route, too, and the weight does drop off. The only thing that has worked for me long term in weight loss, though, is to up my exercise. I walk/run (at least when it's not icy.) Right now I'm carrying some winter weight, but it'll come off once the roads get safer. Good luck, Stewarts. And thanks!


                        February Mod Squad

                        nonamegirl;1462109 wrote: Thanks, Stewarts. Glad I am not the only one who noticed the decline. And congratulations on the cleansing/weight loss! You'll do great, I know. I've gone that route, too, and the weight does drop off. The only thing that has worked for me long term in weight loss, though, is to up my exercise. I walk/run (at least when it's not icy.) Right now I'm carrying some winter weight, but it'll come off once the roads get safer. Good luck, Stewarts. And thanks!
                        nonamegirl, as most people know on this board, I quite active as well. I run a lot, play ice hockey still, ski, I actually played squash last night also.

                        So, I broke my rule, and actually really regret it. A friend of mine, in business, was supposed to meet an associate of mine and he bailed. So, she was right downstairs, we've been pretty good friends for over a decade. Anyway, I order a club soda, she asks if I was detoxing, I tell her yes, but I may have a glass of wine. She's been going through a rough divorce, whom her husband is a good friend of mine, but has got have been in hiding from everyone. Long story short, I have 3 1/2 glasses of wine, I was pushed a little. Now, I forgot since starch is practically eliminated from my diet, it hit me a little hard than usual, not falling down drunk, but very buzzed. Anyway, I end up making out with my friend in this place and in the cab home. I go home, make an ommellette and go to bed.

                        Why regret...I feel off today. I chaulk up ot a re-learning experience. I actually, which is weird, do not like the thought of alcohol. I was talking to a colleague of mine about it. It's weird, I'm usually up for a beer, but I went with wine because its actually 1/2 the carbs believe it or not...anyway, I have some work functions to go to. I really have no desire for alcohol. I don't see me slipping...the "off" feeling is very much still with me.

                        Oh, and yes, I still lost some weight when I woke up this morning (about a pound and half).

                        Anyway, all of you be well. I'm kind of hoping this is a new turning point for me. We shall see...OHHHHHHH.... I am not a religious person, but it is lent now, someone informed me, a better catholic than me. I have not given up anything for lent since I can remember. So, I decided to give up drinking...I think its one of those things if people give you a hard time, you simple say, "Ump, lent..."

                        again, be well...



                          February Mod Squad

                          hi modders, I hope everyone is getting closer to their modding goals. TMH great job on the weight loss! I got my 5 af days in this week, which I'm really chuffed about so it's been a positive week for me, and I just need to work at this a bit and try to keep it on track because it did feel good being sober all week and just being more productive.


                            February Mod Squad

                            Hi Guys. I'm sorry I'm not around often anymore. I've been working on losing weight, finally, and I am happy to report that I am down almost 22 lbs. I am losing much more slowly than I would like, but I'm averaging about a lb to 1.5 lbs a week. I'm still doing the alternate day diet, and I do a very low calorie day every other day (500 or less). As for my AL consumption, I don't drink but once or twice a week. I honestly don't want it much anymore, especially because I know it is the primary reason I gained so much weight over the years. I wish I were one of those people for whom the weight just dropped off after quitting AL, but unfortunately, I'm not.

                            I'm still in the same relationship. We are doing pretty well. Mostly I am working on ME and I feel like things will fall into place as time goes on, and positive results continue. I miss all of you and I hope everyone is doing well.

                            "I like people too much or not at all."
                            Sylvia Plath


                              February Mod Squad

                              Hey everyone

                              LG great job. 22 pounds is great! As you get closer to your goal the weight will come off slower, for obvious reasons, your closer a better weight for your frame. Calories are good to watch, wasted calories are, well, a waste. As for people that stop drinking, losing weight, there's a couple of things you need to watch, as to why they lose the weight and it is not all alcohol related, some times. First, as I said before, yes, it does have to do with your liver a GREATdeal! You're liver will go to break down alcohol before separating the food you eat, and, if it can't get to it.....However, another reason people may put on weight with drinking, si well, bad eating habits as a result...and if youre drinking a lot of beer and wine, they have more carbs and sugar than hard liquor, which has none. You may notice some alcoholics or heavy drinkers with hard liquor are actually skinny (they don't eat)...this is more common with drug addicts, especially with cocaine.

                              Ok, that was a long why of saying your #1 enemy is/......sugar! If you're consuming any sugar, try to eliminate it, unless you have blood sugar problems etc.

                              So, I am on four days. I even had two days where I normally would've drank. Not like a lot, but like a drink. I was on a date, she had a glass of wine, I used the lent line, it worked...then that same night, my ex asked me to meet her (gf), she was obviously drinking, but I did not join her, not even for one, I drank water. Then some drama happened with her estranged husband, thank god I wasn't there for that and she asked me to meet stay with her at a swanky Manhattan hotel, because she was scared to go home, so I did. She ordered a bottle of expensive champagne, etc. Again, I stayed away, even after she poured me a glass. Which was good, also, because I was up much later than I wanted to be, listening to her vent....The next day, I actually felt like I had been drinking all day, because I was, well, exhausted!

                              I actually feel a lot better, lately. My depression is still lingering a little bit. I think I may have to go on some meds again, but its much more manageable. Does this mean I am never going to drink, especially during the summer, let's face it, outside with a drink is nice. But right now, I don't know want to say I'm completely happy, but feel pretty good.

                              My weight loss plans have been going as planned. I am 70% there, I may even shed a couple after that....

                              I am glad to see everyone has good news to report....

