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LG and DfromCT

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    LG and DfromCT

    Hi, ALL, and thanks for the concern, K9.

    I've been through a lot which is the main reason for my lack of posts.
    My job fell apart in late January, though I did start a new one this week.
    My best friend and college roommate had emergency surgery two weeks ago where they removed a 7" tumor along with a kidney, part of his liver, gaul bladder and Adrenal gland. He has Adrenal Cancer, which is VERY rare (something like 200 cases/yr in the US).
    My daughter is going through the ups and downs of hearing from colleges she's applied to and breaking up with her boyfriend.
    Settling into our new house has been another rollercoaster, with the homeowners (North American, through GEICO) giving us so much grief I'm going to write to the Commissioner of Insurance for CT. We now need to rip out an above ground pool because the gated and locked platform, which has the only ladder in/out of the pool (it's about 4 ft above ground, 30' across) doesn't meet their underwriting, despite meeting local code. They already threatened to cancel b/c we have a wood stove, which they made us replace the tile flooring around before telling us we had to get rid of it or cancel. We fought that one and finally won.
    And, finally (though not a small issue!) my twin boys have both been sick. One had the classic ear infection, the other had Croup, which was very scary when he couldn't catch his breath. Of course that lead to sleepless nights all over again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that last night marked the turning point as they slept well and may be on the road to getting back to normal.

    If all this weren't enough to make me drink, hopefully nothing will. Moderation is working for me, though I have had self imposed periods of abstinence to keep myself in check. I have about two months worth of Naltrexone saved up, and admit that I've taken it a few times when I felt like I might slip back and just drink to forget about all of the above. It works.

    I agree with the posters, like Eve and Stewarts, that say we Mods don't have the support levels that the AFers do. I also sometimes feel like coming here and focussing on my resolve to moderate makes me focus more on drinking (or not drinking) than I like to, making it harder to moderate. Not sure if that makes sense, but I really am just living my life and trying to move forward.

    I hope EVERYONE is doing well, and that each of you has found or is finding what works for YOU. I remind myself regularly that the support I found here allowed me to experience the birth of my children sober, and probably saved my life. For that I'll be forever thankful.

    Best to all.
    Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
    When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


      LG and DfromCT

      you've been so sweet and supportive. You watch out for those who haven't posted for awhile.


      Your life is just getting better and better! New job, new house! Except the bit about your kids getting sick.... That's just a nightmare dealing w sick kids....

      I agree w you all that moderators don't think about alcohol everyday now. Even when I was stressed w my dad, It was like, ok, there's wine at home my husband bought. I'm stressed, I'll drink a glass. And I put it down afterwards. On daily basis, I don't obsess over if there's AL at home or not. I so obsess over if I have l glut....

      But I still would prefer that I never turn to alcohol for stress. There's always going to be stress in my life an I just don't want the slippery slope.... "More stress lately, drinking more and more..."

      And it's nice to know when I notice I'm drinking, that I can come here to vent and get back on the wagon!
      Alcoholic (or Ally)

      "Only a fool knows everything.
      A wise man knows how little he knows."

      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


        LG and DfromCT

        Wow Dan, you got a lot going well, it does sound like this is a dip, now turning into a valley...

