Oh, Lash, what a wonderful revelation! Aren't you kind of glad that happened? Sure was an eye opener. You know we talk a lot about our drinking, however, look at our intentions. To get control IF WE CAN. I, for one, think I can. I had not shared with dh my plan for this week, nor does he know now. When he returns, I will and I am going to ask for his support. And I wouldn't be one bit surprised if he joins me, but he does not have to. In this case, it is all about me

Freethinker - oh, I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved cat. I am not a cat lover (allergic), however, my sister is and right after we lost a brother, one of her cats died and she sunk into a depression that had to be treated. Short lived, but nonetheless it was that serious. So, again I understand through her pain, and I am so sorry.
Again, small dose sleeping pill needed last night but then ended up sleeping in. I do not feel quite right, and do not know if it's toxins leaving or a cold or both. I do have a cough which just shows up at night and right when I get up. Good news is and this is what I remember from other AF stints - clearer, smoother skin, brighter eyes. At my age, huge plus! :H
Have a fabulous Friday!