Freethinker, you are absolutely correct. Awareness is the key. I am learning so much more about myself now that I am working at being aware of when/why/how much I choose to drink. Learning what tips me over to drink more than I really want to, as well. AND, with that awareness is coming control. And that is what I am looking for.
Lasha, hurray with your job! If you want to become manager, it'll happen, no doubt. I bet tea-totallers wish that not drinking made their jobs easier.... I have a sneaking suspicion that work is work no matter which path we choose.
Today it looks as if we might be getting some spring weather. Monday we started with a couple inches of snow on the ground, and when we were doing our race for One Fund Boston in the evening, I think we must have had a wind-chill of around 15 degrees. But today is supposed to be warmer, the sky looks pretty. A lovely day to be alive.
Happy Hump Day to everyone!